Moved back to top since there is a raging debate that needs to be resolved — J.C.D.

The Wedge Strategy – Center for the Renewal of Science and Culture — Nova just ran an excellent special on the attempt in Pennsylvania a couple of years ago to introduce Creationism as Science in the public schools. Of course they cloaked it under the moniker “Intelligent Design.”

What cropped up in the piece was the “Wedge Document” which was a blueprint to roll back scientific advances in the USA to the tenth century and essentially push for a USA theocracy. I tracked this thing down on the net. The link is above. Below is an excerpt.

This game plan was developed by the shadowy Discovery Institute up near Seattle. This is that group that George Gilder is associated with.

Phase III. Once our research and writing have had time to mature, and the public prepared for the reception of design theory, we will move toward direct confrontation with the advocates of materialist science through challenge conferences in significant academic settings. We will also pursue possible legal assistance in response to resistance to the integration of design theory into public school science curricula. The attention, publicity, and influence of design theory should draw scientific materialists into open debate with design theorists, and we will be ready. With an added emphasis to the social sciences and humanities, we will begin to address the specific social consequences of materialism and the Darwinist theory that supports it in the sciences.

Governing Goals

* To defeat scientific materialism and its destructive moral, cultural and political legacies.
* To replace materialistic explanations with the theistic understanding that nature and hurnan beings are created by God.

related links
Discovery Institute’s response to the appearance of the secret Wedge Document in 2006

Link to NOVA show on ID

  1. RBG says:

    On the other hand… other than your right… show me even one small complete stretch of fossilized evidence from just one evolving line from the billions-upon-billions of individuals that produced the 50,000 current species of vertebrates or 10-100 million other species that might be capable of providing fossils.



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