Phenomenon could be caused by lack of oxygen too
Why blondes make men act dumb | the Daily Mail — Cripes. I neber act stoopid when i is talkin’to a purty blonde gurl.
Now the stereotype of the “dumb blonde” is so firmly ingrained in the male psyche that men subconsciously become more stupid than they really are when they see one, according to scientists.
Without realising it, they mimic what they believe – often incorrectly – to be the lesser intelligence of a blonde woman in order to get along with her, a study suggests.
She’s Canadian.
and blond too…
Is it that guys actually get stoopider around blondes? Or is it that blondes simply suck the brainpower out of the room, like a black hole of intelligence?
I will admit to this! It’s getting better as I get older (I’m almost 50) but I still have a hard time being myself around a very beautiful woman.
I’m sure it is a hardwired male experience thang.
Beers Beats Battlestar Galactica
Greg Allen
“It’s getting better as I get older (I’m almost 50) but I still have a hard time being myself around a very beautiful woman.”
Visit a nursing home. That’ll help.
Let’s see, I married a blond (although she turned brunette after the first set of twins) and I have four blond kids.
If blonds are so smart, then why do so many of them color their roots dark?
#* – to blend in
I don’t know why but the first thing that came to mind seeing this was “The Mabinogian.” When I read “The stereotype of the “dumb blonde” emerged with the development of films, television and glossy magazines.” I had to wonder if the English remember one of their oldest stories? The English have always been fascinated by the French exploration into sexuality. OK, the Mabinogian is Welsh which… well I’ll let someone who is English explain but it is kinda like Italians and Sicilians, (since we are on the topic of stereotypes.)
So the Mabinogian chronicled in a mythic way the conflict of the indigenous cultural practices of human partnership, mating and the “New” Christian imported practice of monogamy. Paralleling that was a story of pig reproduction, and the “Industrial Trade Secret” of the discovery that through intercourse between a male and a female of the species, the “Miracle” of birth could be manipulated and controlled. I guess folks had to figure that out somewhere along the way. There were obvious points of intrigue along the way of the story including the creation of a woman made of flowers called “Blodeuedd.” A blond bombshell by all accounts, fit for God, not a man, and enough of a woman to counter a mother’s curse upon her bastard son!
OK, OK, maybe my summation is is the bastardized version of a story – but Blodeuedd was introduced long before Movies. How dumb do you have to be to believe your mothers curse that you won’t be with a woman? Or, that you need some other worldly beauty to make you forget how dumb you have been for believing in the curse? How dumb do any of us have to be? And by dumb, I mean speechless. Why try and talk? Shut Up and Dance!
#8 — LOL
#19 Cripes!
My girlfriend is a natural blonde with blue eyes, something very rare here in Spain. Better, she owns a bar! She has to put up with a lot of bullsh*t from some customers but, being far from dumb, she soon lets them know who’s the boss. They don’t try it on twice.
Pedantic grammatical note: fair-haired men are blonds, women are blondes, this being one of the few English words that changes according to gender.
Number Six is anything but stoopid.
Blondes liberate men.
Sorry, I was thinking with my dick.
#12 If she was 3′ tall and had a flat head she’d be perfect.
@12 that may be the whole point of the piece – ty – score another one for the dry Brit wit – as repressed and self effacing as ever –
John is laughing so hard he typoed himself –
I married a blonde. She’s anything but “dumb.”
#3, 4: Yeah, I think men get stupider around pretty women, especially blondes. It’s all testosterone…
best post evar..
is her aboriginal name “Piinkhuunt”?
Any good looking woman makes a man stupid. Our penis brain is higher up on the hierarchy than the regular brain.