Change to har-de-har-har

The Denver Post – Santas warned “ho-ho-ho” offensive to women — Welcome to the new Australia.

Santas-in-training in Australia have been warned by a recruitment firm that “ho-ho-ho” is no longer politically correct.

The Daily Telegraph reports that Westaff – which supplies hundreds of Santas across Australia – is telling trainees that the signature catchphrase could frighten children and be derogatory to women.

They suggest “ha-ha-ha,” instead. Some Santa hopefuls have dropped out of the course in protest.

One would-be Father Christmas said he was told that the traditional expression was too close to the American slang for prostitute.

Name to be changed to thingamajig

found by Al Cole

(Maybe we should rename the state of Idaho for the same reason?)

  1. natefrog says:

    Just wait, the “this is the libruhls’ fault!” posts are coming.

  2. Angus says:

    I was so skeptical that I actually had to snopes this.

  3. McCullough says:

    Perhaps Mr. Hanky should become our new Christmas Icon. Hidey-Ho!……………Hidey-Har-Har just doesnt get it.

    Mr Hanky

  4. TatooYou says:

    Years ago I worked in a factory and since it was close to Christmas I made some water ballons that were Christmas “themed” (using a sharpie) anyhow I threw one marked “ho-ho-ho” at a female co-worker that did not burst, she didn’t seem to care that I threw a water balloon at her, but was genuinley offended that the balloon said “ho-ho-ho”! …guess I shoulda’ used the “grinch” balloon on her…

  5. RBG says:

    Sheesh, ya, now people might be offended.

    Oh come all ye faithful & don your gay apparel.


  6. hhopper says:

    Merry Xmas, whore-whore-whore.

  7. BillBC says:

    I think the implements pictured are mattocks or adzes, not hoes…


  8. mperkel says:

    I think in the same vein that it’s time to rename the state of Idaho to keep from offending the politically correct.

  9. MikeR says:

    Simple solution – use “Merry Christmas, Hoe-Hoe-Hoe” instead

  10. ECA says:

    I Da Ho…
    Im da what??

    OK, I live there…SO WHAT…

  11. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    Merry Christmas Nappy Headded Ho!

    With Love, Imus

  12. Billabong says:

    Hey those are mattocks not hoes.They are also called adzes.

  13. Greyhound says:

    The race to the bottom continues. It is amazing to me that ignorance is so wide spread that ho, hoe and whore can be confused. I still marvel at the mental twists and turns required to rationalize that it is OK to call someone you love, a wife, mother, daughter, a whore in everyday speech.

    The best ever was when two radio jockeys in Los Angeles were giving away black plastic garden hoes and were sued for making racist comments.

  14. says:

    Don’t forget that Santa’s too fat also:

  15. I don’t understand why people would want to change the name of the tools you’ve got pictured at the end of the post:

    Those are Adzes, not hoes.

    oops, someone beat me to it.

  16. Phillep says:

    Where did you get that photo from? I’ve been trying to find either an adze or a good mattock, at slightly less than an arm and leg.

    (Probably mattocks, adzes have a counter wt on the back to balance them.)

  17. AdmFubar says:

    So how come the jolly green giant isnt in trouble about this??

    I wonder what he has that santa doenst?
    wink wink, nudge nudge, say no more….

  18. XPMaster says:

    Wow… we’re getting closer and closer to censorship. They’re calling sayings you hear every day “offensive.” What bull.

  19. Nowadays everyone wants to be a hip hop artist.

  20. Mr. Fusion says:

    #16, there is a big difference between mattocks and adzes. A mattock is similar to a hoe but heavier and used to till or break heavy soil. An Adze is used to trim or shape wood logs. Adzes have a more pronounced curve than does a mattock. The picture appears to be mattocks.

  21. tallwookie says:

    Looks like the “Ho Ho Ho, Green Giant” Advertising gimmick might be in trouble too lol

  22. Strange says:

    Idaha sounds like a good replacement for Idaho 😀

  23. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    What I’m waiting to hear is more of this “there is no such thing as Political Correctness” idiocy… the usual suspects are conspicuously absent, as always, when a concrete example of PC is brought forth.

    The “right” to control what others choose to say, and / or how they choose to say it, is at the shriveled, blackened totalitarian Marxist heart of PC. The “right” to force others to not do or say anything that might offend a group – oops, I mean a designated minority group of “vicitms”; shitting on the sensibilities of the majority – or of unapproved-of minorities – is just fine.

    Anti-freedom, anti-free thought, anti-fundamental individual rights – yep, it’s pure Marxism, like it or don’t.

  24. TIHZ_HO says:

    Gotta remove the “Cock crowed three times from the bible as well.

    Stop all Italians saying Ciao – thats the F word in Chinese.

    No more pussy cats either…

    What we all need is a good ol’ world war 2 war to occupy all these obviously idle minds with something useful.



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