
This was sent by a man in Rhinelander, Wisconsin… one of those anonymous e-mails that circulates on the net.

A very eventful day around here… A once in many lifetimes experience. I saw this lil’ feller run out in front of a car– thought it was a lost baby goat. Stopped to get it, and WOW!! A real Albino Whitetail Deer? Just hours old, but doing fine. No Momma deer around. Another car nearly hit it in front of me …

Well, he is THE neatest thing any of us ever saw. And such a ‘freak of nature’, that only 1 in more than a million are even born. He took his bottle of food, followed us around the house, doing great. So, we called the Zoo & Fossil Rim, who were both interested, but we’re going to send him to a Rehab farm. Maybe he will make it in captivity somewhere and be appreciated. So rare…

Update: According to, these photos were taken in Conroe, TX, July, 2005.

  1. Fred says:

    Santa is not goiiinnnggg to be happy!

  2. Billabong says:

    More weirdness from Wisconsin I love my State.

  3. Jeanne says:

    Cute little bugger. But I guess we (mammals?) are programmed to think that babies are cute.

    Off topic — but when will the RSS feed feature of this blog be fixed? I saw that it went down late September then was back up til late October. I keep getting a “Live Bookmark feed failed to load” in Firefox and Newsfox doesn’t know what to do with it either.

  4. Anonymous says:

    It’s cute, but from at least 2005:

    [Good find. – ed.]

  5. Sounds The Alarm says:

    Goooooood eatin’

  6. RBG says:

    Check out the albino running shoe behind Rudolph.


  7. ECA says:

    After being 2 years old, we need an update..

  8. Homer Simpson says:

    Hmmmm deer

  9. Angel H. Wong says:

    It makes me wonder if PeTA has gotten their hands on it just to kill it.

  10. Crashoverride says:

    Check out the stories about Snowball the crippled deer confiscated by the government in Oregon the owners had rehabilitated him and he was in great condition living several years in a pen at a farm. The government has spent over $40,000.00 trying to defend the confiscation because they didn’t have the proper permits to rehabilitate the deer. It’s now living on someone else’s farm while the legal maneuvering goes on. Weird because every expert says the deer would have died in the wild.

  11. Patriot says:

    I’m with ya, Crash – one thing I always remember when I hear/read things like, “…the crippled deer confiinscated by the government in Oregon…” :

    Isn’t the ‘government’ actually ‘We The People’ ?

  12. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    There’s a deer farm/petting zoo along I-94 in Michigan that has several albino whitetail deer. I drive by it all the time, wish I could remember the nearest town…but the point is that these albinos aren’t so uncommon.

  13. Ed Edd Eddy says:

    Does Ted Nugent have one or killed one?

  14. ECA says:

    They arent uncommon, IF you can breed them…
    The problem is in NATURE, White color SHINES in the dark….And you are a GREAT target.

  15. Terry says:

    I didn’t think Whte Deer were all that rare. Growing up in the Texas Panhandle, there are plenty of deer around and white ones, though uncommon, have been reported. There is even a town up here named White Deer, Texas that has a statue of one right at the town limits on Route 66.

    Yeah, they’re real cute, but also make very easy targets during hunting season.


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