Who could imagine that this could be pr0n for some people?

What I would like to know is if it was a girly looking bicycle or a manly looking bicycle ;)

Bike sex man placed on probation – news.bbc.co.uk: A man caught trying to have sex with his bicycle has been sentenced to three years on probation.
Mr Stewart was caught in the act with his bicycle by cleaners in his bedroom at the Aberley House Hostel in Ayr.
Gail Davidson, prosecuting, told Ayr Sheriff Court: “They knocked on the door several times and there was no reply.
“They used a master key to unlock the door and they then observed the accused wearing only a white t-shirt, naked from the waist down.
“The accused was holding the bike and moving his hips back and forth as if to simulate sex.”

Sheriff Colin Miller told Stewart: “In almost four decades in the law I thought I had come across every perversion known to mankind, but this is a new one on me. I have never heard of a ‘cycle-sexualist’.”

  1. steelcobra says:

    “I have never heard of a ‘cycle-sexualist’.””

    Obviously he’s never seen episode 5 of Golden Boy, which features an extremely hot chick who only gets off to the vibration of her motorcycle.

  2. Sinn Fein says:

    I think that instead of calling the cops, the room cleaners should have just said, “Oops! Sorry!” and closed the door. Just so long as it wasn’t a kid’s bike, now that would definitely be crossing the line…on a wheelie. 🙂

  3. Calin says:

    The question to me is…..why is it a crime in your bedroom?

    I mean, sick and twisted….sure. But they came into his room and found him doing something nasty. If he had been jerking off to the Victoria’s Secret catalog, would he have been arrested?

  4. jlm says:

    3 years probation for dry humping a bike in his own locked room? I agree thats freakin weird, but illegal?

  5. The answer says:

    “Ahh yeah baby, I love it when you go into third gear”

  6. Mr. Fusion says:

    I agree. It was his own room. The guy might be a little weird, but that doesn’t amount to criminality.

  7. Chris says:

    Is it because he was in a hostel and it counts as a public place?

  8. chuck says:

    If I buy a kid’s bike, is that kiddie pr0n?
    If I sell a bike to a kid, am I contributing to the delinquency of a minor?
    If I click on this link: http://www.bicycling.com/ does that make me a pervert?
    When Al Gore suggests riding a bike to work instead of driving, what kind of filthy thoughts are in his mind?
    Won’t somebody please think of the children!!!

  9. Gasparrini says:

    #8, think of all the poor, innocent bicycles that will be subjected to your perversions.

  10. Uncle Ben says:

    That’s bloody Victorian putting someone on the sex register for fucking their bike. I mean really, what someone does in the privacy of their own bedroom, with their own belongings. As someone else has already said: weird, yes, but illegal?

  11. billabong says:

    Where is the crime here. The poor bastard was jacking off for gods sake.

  12. hhopper says:

    At least I hope it was a girl’s bike.

  13. DaveW says:

    Was the bicycle’s seat removed?

    Oh, and the article says he was caught in the act by cleaners. Okay to have your preferred perversion, but have some discretion for Pete’s sake.

    One more…..if he gets the bike pregnant do they get a tricycle ?

  14. Uncle Ben says:

    So does this make him a bi-sexual….

    …. get it… bi as in bicycle…. get it, get it….

    I’ll get my coat.

  15. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    He must have quite a reaction when he goes to a bike shop. Schwinn!

    I once got a Huffy from the girl that lived next door.

    Come to think of it, I guess you could say we had a three-way with her tandum.

  16. Usagi says:

    What exactly was the crime, officially? Stationary rape? And if the bike was dressed provactively (ie, fender was showing) wasn’t it asking for it?

  17. AdmFubar says:

    Wonder what happens there when you are caught getting it on with a sit and spin………..

  18. Sid says:

    He did it to his own bike! In his own room! Yes, it was fooked up! However, who is it to judge what he did in the privacy of his own room!! Ridiculous!!

  19. That’s probably a Mac user, they have a tendency to “think” different 🙂

  20. steelcobra says:

    13: It was locked and the cleaning crew opened it on him. There’s not much more that can be described as discretion than being in your own room with the door locked.

  21. Mr. Fusion says:

    Of course the cleaners called the cops. How many of you would like to clean up the place after he finished?

  22. Aleksandr says:

    Probably been reading too much Least I Could Do.

  23. cheese says:

    Looks like his action got “derailed”. He should have “spoke” up when they knocked.

  24. OvenMaster says:

    So when women do it, it’s okay. Probably more fun to watch, too.


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