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Oregon researchers revealed Wednesday that they have successfully cloned embryos of rhesus monkeys and made stem cells from them that could be transformed into heart and nerve tissue – a laboratory milestone that could pave the way for similar work in human beings.

Until now, however, the research had not produced a cloned monkey embryo that did more than divide a few cycles before dying. This year, for the first time, the Oregon team created monkey embryos rugged enough to produce stem cells – the mark of a successful clone.

Having cleared the hurdle of cloning a functioning primate embryo, the path is now open once again for cloning of human embryos. People are primates, too.

These researchers aren’t wasting time worrying over being struck down by lightning or locusts. We can leave that up to the superstitious gits who whine full-time about any science newer than Galileo.

Come to think of it – they whined about him, too.

  1. god says:

    Love that “larger image”.

  2. MikeN says:

    So soon we can look forward to cloned humans than can be killed for their organs. The benefits are huge.

  3. erik says:

    Yup, yup. We should stick with the good ol’ Amurican policy of killing foreigners for their natural resources.

    Endorsed by the RNC.

  4. Steve says:

    And limp dicked by the DNC.

  5. says:

    #1 – Nothing like a subtle dig is there?

  6. Mr. Magoo says:

    Is it just me, or is Eideard getting more and more hateful lately?

  7. Phillep says:

    Get enough pictures and you can “prove” anything you like.

    Eric, as opposed to the Rape of Nanking? As opposed to the British East India Company? As opposed to the Belgian Congo?

  8. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    Monkey clowns are scarey.

  9. Jeff says:

    The last time I checked the money was pretty low on the primate scale. A gibbon is actually closer. They are not great apes. I am sure that humans will eventually be cloned but it might be father off than we suspect.


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