Hey! Where is all my stuff???

BBC NEWS | Technology | ‘Virtual theft’ leads to arrest — Can’t this sort of thing be resolved by virtual police?

A Dutch teenager has been arrested for allegedly stealing virtual furniture from “rooms” in Habbo Hotel, a 3D social networking website.

The 17-year-old is accused of stealing 4,000 euros (£2,840) worth of virtual furniture, bought with real money.

Five 15-year-olds have also been questioned by police, who were contacted by the website’s owners.

The six teenagers are suspected of moving the stolen furniture into their own Habbo rooms.

found by Rick Salsman

  1. TatooYou says:

    Put ’em in a virtual jail so they can get virtually raped!

  2. jlm says:

    I was about to ask who the hell pays that kind of money for virtual furniture, but then I read:
    “Six million people in more than 30 countries play Habbo Hotel each month.”

  3. Matthew says:

    Pools Closed.

  4. Gary Marks says:

    It’s a sign of the times. All of our virtual values have gone out the virtual window, and we desperately need to know why these teens turn to crime.

    Our nominations for scapegoat are:
    1) rampant internet pornography
    2) epidemic levels of virtual drug use
    3) evolution taught in public schools

    Help us pick a scapegoat for the uptick in virtual furniture theft. Remember, virtual crime is no laughing matter, and YOU could be the next victim.

  5. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    I’m a virtual virgin.

  6. Sying Flaucer says:

    10 years ago these sort of crimes were “virtually” unheard of!

  7. paddler says:

    I think robbery should be part of the game. I wonder if I can get my character to look like OJ

  8. Dr. Dominant Primoridial Beast says:

    Someone actually paid real money for “virtual furniture” in a “virtual hotel”? Does it come with those plastic covers to save on wear and tear? Does your virtual ass still stick to the plastic? lol.

  9. James Hill says:

    This story is “virtually” a sign of things to come.

  10. jdm says:

    Virtually valid in a virulent sort of vogue.

  11. Don says:


    I mean how can the cops take valuable time away from chasing down movie and music pirates. The RIAA and MPAA are probably throwing great big hissy fits over this one.

    Maybe those rotten kids will go back to kicking dogs and mugging old folks like normal hooligans.


  12. Chad Humpwell says:

    4k EU on virtual furniture? WTF! Thats so FABULOUS!

    As a card-carrying hooligan I am offended at the suggestion that I would mug old folks and kick dogs. I make it a personal goal to kick old people, small children and kittens. My mugging efforts are limited to the handicapped/corrupt-greedy-morally-bankrupt white people aka ‘congressmen’.


  13. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    I’m done.

    Can one of you nutball right wing guys let me borrow a gun for just a minute?

  14. JimR says:

    John C., LOL on your graphics and one liner. It says it all, on all levels. 🙂

  15. Angel H. Wong says:

    *yawn* that’s what teenagers do all the time.

    This is one of the reasons why I stay away from real time online games, these places are teeming with teenagers and most of the times they’re whining emos.

  16. SJP says:

    Remember, they are only alleged to have committed these crimes. They are virtually innocent until proven virtually guilty. I would be willing to offer my virtual legal services for a reasonable virtual fee.

  17. V says:

    So if you can buy virtual things with real money then can I buy real things with virtual money?

  18. richardbt71 says:

    #17 – The funny thing is, you already do.

  19. SJP says:


    Funniest, most thought provoking comment I’ve ever read!!!

  20. John Paradox says:

    I seem to keep buying virtual things with real money!


  21. beowulf says:

    These sheeple have no life!

  22. Steve Jibs says:

    Whoever made Habbo Hotel must be rolling in the dough along with the Second Life guy. Now I am sad. This is my sad face -> 🙁

  23. liam says:

    “virtual insanity”


  24. Steve says:

    #13 OFTLO – Right wing nutballs?

    Pullleease. Why is it you always associate the right with gun ownership when the Democratic left are the ones who are realizing that their rights are being taken away by idiots in the gun control groups. The Democratic party panders to all those downtrodden minorities that are exactly the ones who need to own guns for protection.

    I collect guns and I yes I do carry one almost every day. Sometimes it is a virtual BFG-9000.

    BTW I learned to use a gun in the Boy Scouts (Troop 127 outside of Dayton)

  25. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #24 – OFTLO – Right wing nutballs?

    Pullleease. Why is it you always associate the right with gun ownership

    I don’t associate gun ownership with the right. I associate being a nutball with the right. (and, they tend to always have a spare gun around when cops arrest kids for stealing imaginary furniture and you wish you were dead)

    Depending on your age, if Troop 127 spend summers at Camp Birch near Yellow Springs, there is a fair chance I was one of your counselors.

    I’m not just a liberal…

    I’m also an Eagle Scout.

  26. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    Oh geeze…

    Would one of the potent and handsome editorial staff please close the italics in the previous post?

    Thanks 🙂

  27. Steve says:

    #25 OFTLO – For that you have my respect. (Eagle Scout, not the being a liberal)

    If you still live in the area then you know there are days when one gun is just not enough around Dayton. The last 7 of them come to mind.


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