They’re being thrown out of Iraq, they carry a reputation of being brutal and undisciplined killers, but the DoD may have something sweet lined up for Blackwater.

A Defense Department contract involving antidrug training missions may test the durability of the political controversy over Blackwater Worldwide’s security work in Iraq.

The Moyock, N.C., company, which was involved in a September shooting in Baghdad that left 17 Iraqis dead, is one of five military contractors competing for as much as $15 billion over five years to help fight a narcotics trade that the government says finances terrorist groups.

Also competing for contracts from the Pentagon’s Counter Narcoterrorism Technology Program Office are military-industry giants Raytheon Co., Lockheed Martin Corp. and Northrop Grumman Corp., as well as Arinc Inc., a smaller aerospace and technology contractor.

The company, formerly known as Blackwater USA, maintains that its ability to win additional government business hasn’t been affected by scrutiny from Congress, the State Department and the Justice Department. Blackwater spokeswoman Anne Tyrrell said customers have “confidence in our ability to perform in a capable and professional manner.”

Companies competing for the work might be called on to develop detection or surveillance technology; train U.S. and foreign forces; or provide logistics, communications and information-technology systems, among other areas.


Billions more for another war that will never end.

  1. moss says:

    Billions more for a war premised on so-called morality, lies and safe political claims. Crap!

  2. James Hill says:

    And another hack editor.

    Just because you’re not in power is no reason to get pissy.

  3. Angel H. Wong says:

    “Billions more for another war that will never end.”

    Yeah, but unlike the Iraq war, this time the US populace in the Bible belt can masturbate when they hear that someone from Latin America was killed by a mercenary.

  4. JimR says:

    Angel, what’s your alternative?
    “Just say no” ?

  5. DaveW says:

    Just say NO to the war on SOME drugs.

  6. Eaze says:

    If Blackwater gets the contract then every drug dealer is gonna be armed to the teeth. Profits to be made out of an unwinnable war. The war on drugs would be a suitable candidate.

  7. Sying Flaucer says:

    My question is; what side of this “war” are they gonna be on?

  8. Rabble Rouser says:


    Now the trigger-happy mercenaries of Blackwater can kill anyone in the streets of the *US,* as long as they suspect them of possessing drugs.

    WTF, Bush has to pay back the people who are keeping him in office, as well as those who selected him.

  9. Angel H. Wong says:


    Legalize it.

  10. JimR says:

    #9 Legalize the narcotics trade? If you think the USA has hit the skids now, you ain’t seen nothing yet.

  11. Li says:

    Yeah, because all of the countries that tried legalization instantly became hives of scum and villainy.

  12. natefrog says:

    #10, JimR;

    It’s worked in other countries, do some research.

    Besides, we have plenty of evidence right here that our draconian measures aren’t working.

  13. GetSmart says:

    If you think the CIA was ass deep in the middle of the illegal drug trade, just wait ’till these bastards dig in. Looks like it’s gonna be a lot easier to score an eightball on Friday night now fellas! Nothing like making billions selling it while getting billions to stop it. Your tax dollars at work. Just goes to show there ain’t NOTHIN’ like good ol’ American business acumen.

  14. moe29 says:

    i’ve always been amused that their name just sounds so dirty and corrupt.

    self fulfilling prophecy

  15. Beowulf says:

    Legalize it!

    Im not condoning drug use. People make poor choices every day. Its not the governments job to protect you from yourself. Does anyone really believe smoking is healthy.

  16. Glenn E says:

    Now we see the true nature of these Aerospace Defense Contractors, when they’re bidding for their own private mercenary army. WHAT THE HELL DO THEY NEED ONE FOR?!!! They were probably behind the formation of Blackwater and DynCorp Int., in the first place. Via the Defense Dept., using taxpayers’ money of course. Now these blackhearted corporations are essentially offering the mercenaries a cushy “civilian” security job, as some post-Iraq reward. The same way they hand out VP jobs to ex-military Generals, who got them lucritive defense contracts, and covered up for their financial misdeeds. Now that Blackwater and such are established. They apparently hate to see them go to waste, after Iraq. So they’ll get some “semi-retirement” security job, if they don’t accept the Pentagon’s offer. And they’ll still be around for some future, off the books, missions. And whenever Condi Rice, or Dick Cheney needs protection after their retired from “public service”. Blackwater will already be on the payroll, to frag anyone who dares to come near them. Cheney, and many of these barons of Aerospace Corps, want to be sure that they’re defended against anyone who takes exception to the wars that they involved us in. I can’t see any other explanation for defense contractor to be snaping up post-war mercenaries. They never gave a rat’s ass about employing the regular vets, before. Unless it was a tax writeoff for them.

  17. Glenn E says:

    BTW, I wonder if Blackwater got their name from that Doobie Brothers song? Now they’re dumping the name for something else, as yet unknown. How about an old movie title? “Murder, Inc.”

  18. Floyd says:

    “Send lawyers guns and money,
    Dad get me out of this!”

    Warren Zevon was so ahead of his time…

  19. McCullough says:

    17. Moyock NC is in northeastern North Carolina, where Blackwater HQ is located is in the Great Dismal Swamp, just south of the Virginia line. The dark marshy areas of brackish water appear almost black.

  20. JimD says:

    “War” isn’t about winning or losing, it’s all about THE PROFITS !!! Remember Republicans are BUSINESS MEN and they want to give the Taxpayers the “BUSINESS” !!! So they will make up and sustain ANY NUMBER OF WARS TO KEEP THOSE “PROFITS” ROLLING IN !!!


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