Judith Regan, the former book publisher, says in a lawsuit…protesting her dismissal by the News Corporation, the media conglomerate, that a senior executive there encouraged her to lie to federal investigators about her past affair with Bernard B. Kerik after he had been nominated to become homeland security secretary in late 2004.

Ms. Regan says in the suit, though, that when she realized the company had been assembling material with which to justify firing her she called a company lawyer. She says she wanted to confirm that accusations she had made about executives’ creating a hostile workplace had been included in her personnel file. One of those accusations was that an executive had advised her to lie about Mr. Kerik to protect Mr. Giuliani.

“This smear campaign was necessary to advance News Corp.’s political agenda, which has long centered on protecting Rudy Giuliani’s presidential ambitions,” the court papers say.

Don’t you just love it when soap opera politics go public?

  1. JimR says:

    Soap opera = real life.
    Sad, but true.

  2. god says:

    It’s beginning to look like half the pols in NYC were in bed with each other. Literally – not just figuratively.

  3. Jonas says:

    This probably isn’t the place for this comment, it doesn’t even need to be posted but I can’t figure out any other way to contact the Site Admins. Did you guys know the feeds are broken using the Live Feeds XML links?

  4. MikeN says:

    Except Rupert Murdoch contributed to Hillary’s campaign.

  5. Eideard says:

    #3 – Thanks, Jonas – we know about it. One of the delights of “upgrades”.

  6. http://tinysig.com/GlobalWarmer says:

    Isn’t this the same chick that was going to publish OJ the murderer? Lot of morals and credibility there.

  7. Pmitchell says:

    Also hasnt she been the one writing “tell all” books about republicans for years

  8. Phillep says:

    And Rudi Giuliani was still messing with her, knowing she was a muck wallower? Talk about dumb.

  9. Mister Mustard says:

    Aw jeez. She was BANGING the little troll? Pathetic.

  10. Frank IBC says:

    So she’s the one who had an affair with Kerik, and somehow she’s the victim?

  11. James Hill says:

    Agreed: The whore is at fault.

    Which one’s the whore, again?

  12. Li says:

    So, all of the people who are promoting fascism in our country are all working together on a concerted propaganda front?

    You don’t say.

  13. Frank IBC says:

    Yes, at this very moment I am goose-stepping to Springtime For Hitler, Li.


  14. Mr. Fusion says:


    Ya, so what of it? Murdoch is covering all the bases.


    Yes. A perfectly legal business deal.




    Kerik was married, Regan wasn’t. Kerik was the Police Commissioner. He was screwing her in the apartment rented so 9/11 workers could rest. NewsCorp then asked her to lie about it.


    Glad you like the tune.

  15. Frank IBC says:

    Kerik was married, Regan wasn’t. Kerik was the Police Commissioner. He was screwing her in the apartment rented so 9/11 workers could rest.

    Yes, and she went along with all of that willingly, if not gleefully.

    So how is she the victim?

  16. Mr. Fusion says:

    #15, Frank,

    Apparently you seem very intent on ruining a good brand of root beer. Next time try reading the article before posting such moranic questions.

    She is the victim because they fired her !!!

  17. gregallen says:

    MikeN, Except Rupert Murdoch contributed to Hillary’s campaign.

    That’s some real smoking gun you got there! I Googled it.

    It was a pittance of $20,000. That’s the equivalent of you or I throwing a buck in the Salvation Army bucket. (or maybe less! Seriously, it’s probably less to Murdock)

    It means nothing and may have been done so guys like you could use it as a talking point.


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