Wackos, fascists or just concerned citizens?

Gerbils i-gnaw bad endings – thesun.co.uk: Rodents Gertrude and Lionel were chosen from 100 gerbils by publishers Egmont Press, to gnaw through several copies of Lemony Snicket’s A Series Of Unfortunate Events books a week.
The stunt is being organised by The Happy Endings Foundation (THEF) which believes children’s books should only have happy endings.
It urges parents to buy positive books for their kids.
THEF was founded in 2000 by mum Adrienne Small after she read the first book in A Series of Unfortunate Events to her daughter.

Maybe I should do the same thing after having read the last book from the Dark Tower series from Stephen King. Damn, I will not read one more of his books again… or at least until I forget that ####ing ending.
Nah, just kidding. Any Stephen King fans knows that he rarely writes happy endings.

  1. danno says:

    This was a hoax created by the publicist of the Lemony Snicket series.

  2. Uncle Ben says:

    Lemony Snicket would never do such a thing! Although did say some really tings like:

    “The sad truth is that the truth is sad.”

    “It is always cruel to laugh at people, of course, although sometimes if they are wearing an ugly hat it is hard to control yourself.”

    See more at: http://tinyurl.com/387cgb

  3. tcc3 says:

    I must be the only dark Tower fan who though the ending suited perfectly. Ive got other problems with the last book, but thought the ending was just fine.

  4. TVAddict says:

    I have one thing to say to these people. Life does not have a happy ending.

  5. Angel H. Wong says:

    Let me translate to everyone the structure of a Stephen King book:

    Guy smooches girl and then the scene changes to the next day and they already left the bedroom.
    Monster appears.

  6. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    The Bible has a pretty miserable downer of an ending.

    Burn it!

  7. Rabble Rouser says:

    Funny, I want to burn all the books with happy endings. Either that, or substitute them for some sickenly sweet stuff somewhere.

  8. Balbas says:

    Until JK Rowling rewrites #7 with Snape still alive and helping our heroic trio in a more realistic finish, I refuse to believe the book is really a part of the entire series!

  9. steelcobra says:

    #3: No, you’re not. The entire series had a great sense of the surreal, and the way it ended as it did made it all the more interesting.

    But, back on topic, banning books just because they don’t end happily is pointless and insane.

  10. MG says:

    Lets all protect our children from anything “bad” so that when they grow up they are totally unprepared for dealing with the real world. You cannot eliminate something bad without also effecting something good, then we end up with a beige world of bland, and even though we are perfectly safe we long for the release of sweet, sweet death.

    Wow, my hyperbole gland is on overdrive today 🙂

  11. Eric says:

    How about stopping the read when Stephen tells you to stop? It’s not like he didn’t warn you.


  12. brandon says:

    this mother has obviously never read “Struwwelpeter” to her children. Damned shame, that.

  13. Gasparrini says:

    #11, Like I’m going to do that after having been a fan of the series for more than 15 years.

  14. Glenn E says:

    Why they’d pick on Lemony’s books, and ignore the Harry Potter books. Book the 13th, actually does have a happyish ending. None of the three children end up dying. And nobody turns out being gay. Can’t say that about Rowling’s stories. Also, it could be argued that the “Series of Unfortunate Events” books are more educational. They don’t involve a lot of made up mystical nonsense and proper names. Harry Potter is just so much spooky soap opera. Little about it, applies to the real world.

  15. Gasparrini says:

    #14. I guess Honour, courage and friendship are passe concepts for you… 😉

  16. steelcobra says:

    12: obviously, none of them have read Rotkäppchen either. Quite a different story than Little Red Riding Hood.


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