
And on a vaguely related note

Quarter of all men ‘too ashamed’ to strip off in front of partners

A quarter of men are so embarrassed by their bodies that they are reluctant to be naked in front of their partner, a survey claimed yesterday.

Researchers found that it is no longer just women who are overawed by the images of physical perfection they see in adverts and fashion magazines.

Half of the 3,000 British men surveyed by the scales manufacturer Tanita described themselves as fat, and one in ten said he would consider having cosmetic surgery to remove his love-handles.

Some 72 per cent said the gym-honed slender bodies on show in the media made them feel insecure about their own less-than-perfect physiques.

Brenda Mortimore, president of the Association of Fitness Instructors, said: “For a while now women have been under the impression that the ‘perfect’ look involves having a figure like a stick insect.

“It seems that notion is now spreading to men too. I would suggest lots of guys aren’t happy with how they look – when in fact they probably look fine.

“There is too much pressure on men to look perfect now.”

The survey also revealed that many men have come up with an easy solution to their body image worries – lying. One in five admitted fibbing about weight or waist size.

  1. OhForTheLoveOf says:


    Wanna make a rash generalization about fat Americans?

    How about how we are all stupid and lazy?

    C’mon kids… This is your thread!

  2. jlm says:

    I cry while I eat spoonfuls of lard

  3. Awake says:

    Best diet tip…
    Right before you start your meal, and while you are eating, imagine two really fat people trying to have sweaty sex.
    Guaranteed to make you lose weight.

  4. The Answer says:

    But does the study take into consideration hairy backs?

  5. Uncle Dave says:

    #3: Unless you’re Angel and it’s two fat, sweaty, hairy guys. That horny bastard…

  6. doug says:

    #1. sorry, this story is about fat Brits.

    my guess is that the key difference is that American men are unashamed. Jabba the Yank looks in that mirror and sees perfection.

  7. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #6 – When has that ever stopped anyone from making judgmental comments on the Internet about people they don’t know? 🙂

  8. doug says:

    #7. never done it myself, so I don’t know 😉

  9. http://tinysig.com/GlobalWarmer says:

    If someone is so fat their belly hang downs and covers their dick, what’s the point of getting naked in front of a woman in the first place?

  10. michael says:

    My love of gettin’ it on has always outweighed (har har) any embarrassment over my large hairy gut.

  11. hhopper says:

    #2 – I’d cry too if I had to <gag> eat a spoonful of lard.

  12. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    “Get in my belly!” – Fat Bastard

  13. NappyHeadedHo says:

    Check out the FUPA’s. http://fupahunter.blogspot.com/

  14. GetSmart says:

    Dangit! All this talk about lard has made me hungry!

  15. Angel H. Wong says:


    Don’t make me post more links of Grandma Libby and make everyone lose their appetite.

  16. Angel H. Wong says:

    IMO they should move to the US where American women have a thing for FOREIGN white men with crooked teeth and a nasty speech impediment, for some reason they don’t like the locals.

  17. McCullough says:

    14. Have you seen the new lard flavored beer?

  18. ChrisMac says:

    or the new “Boneless Wings” from KFC

  19. Pickle Monster says:

    First it was God and the Devil to be scared of. Eventually they went away. People still needed something to fear, though, so Communism conveniently came along…but then, alas, that faded out too. Now we’ve got the big mother of them all: FATNESS!! Oh lookout! Boom-boom-de-boom!

    Not surprising that sex would become a bummer amongst all the rampant expansion… but hey, perhaps here we have a possible solution to overpopulation. Look on the brawt side, Brits.

    (Unfortunately, though, a lot of Mid-Easterners still think that a big guy is the ’embodiment’ of a successful person)

  20. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    If you think fat people do not have or do not enjoy sex, you are being foolish.

  21. Pickle Monster says:

    Foolish? At least you didn’t say I was a fool (thanks for that, at least).

    Surely you must admit, though, that cultural standards and habits have a powerful influence on what people enjoy (and if you yourself can buck those things, well, good for you).

    My own wife (a chronically skinny person) told me that when she was a teenager in Israel she had an Arab boyfriend, who gave her an ultimatum that if she didn’t put on some weight, he would never marry her. It works both ways, I guess.

  22. hhopper says:

    OMFG, the fat is coming… run for your lives

  23. http://tinysig.com/GlobalWarmer says:

    #17 – Hell with that – I like the new beer flavored lard myself. Slides right down the gullet.

  24. Sharon Needles says:

    As a yank who has lived the past 2 years in London and traveled all over the world – you have as many fat assed lazy bastards right there on that shitty little island called England.

    Get real.

    One down side is not only are the brits fat – they are also ugly with bad teeth.

    Now the French! those are pretty skinny people!


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