This is some guy who wrote in to the The Guardian’s online message board and I can’t figure out if he’s full of crap (all the conspiracy stuff) or dead on that we’re dead as a viable economic entity. Read the entire thing which lists a remarkable number of what sound like plausible factors causing the dollar’s meltdown and tell me if he’s nuts or if I should be working on moving to a different country before it’s too late.

Game over, Yanks

I said some time ago, the west collapse is numbered in months, not years. I was of course wrong. The end is numbered in weeks, not months. So a bit of a correction is in order. It’s basically no xmas for the yanks.

Like all systems, once thrown off balance, it proceeds exponentially, not linearly. Once the balance exceeds the damping factors, which are typically all controllable by the state economy dictators, it’s no longer just oscillation, or in econ terms “recession”, “depression” or any other cyclical phenomena caused by the nature of masturbating with the typical gov’t inputs like the price of money, bond issues, yields, capitalisation, inflation, employment, market tax and laws.

Once it goes, it goes, just like any chain reaction. And from there on, the system either converges to some steady state point, which could easily be the re-assessment of the west’s collective worth and devaluation of its money accordingly or it diverges going completely off the scale.


Found by Don

  1. Al Cox says:

    Ok. Under any circumstance, the US can feed itself, and sufficient oil and gas for survival is nearby (Sorry, Mexico and Canada). And we have a big nuclear stick to back it all up. The only nations that could challenge us are Russia and MAYBE China, but they risk obliteration if they do. It would be tough, and ugly for a while, but I would bet on the US coming together and getting it done.

    Besides, without the US market, where is China gonna peddle all that crap they make? And what, the Ruskies take this opportunity to run all over Western Europe? Good luck with that – you guys can try to run France.

  2. ECA says:

    ALL I see is that the US giv is dumping money into the corps…

  3. Mister Mustard says:

    >>“Tallwookie”, the so called surplus under Clinton was actually
    >>going into debt slower, not a reduction of debt.

    WTF are you talking about, Greenspan? Clinton’s $200+ billion budgets surpluses were reducing the debt by that amount each year he was in office

    Contrast that with Dumbya’s financial “leadership”, where he’s flushing the entire economy down the crapper along with everything else American.


  4. Uncle Ben says:

    30. Ron Larson Please. If the US goes down, the rest of the world is going with it. It ain’t gonna happen. We’ve been in worse places before and we are still here.

    You are correct that the if the US falls the rest of the western economies going down with it, but I am so sure about the “it ain’t gonna happen” bit. Just because a country is top now, doesn’t mean it will always be. It was that long ago that the British had an empire “where the sun never set”, colonies the world over, huge amounts of wealth, hyper-productive and innovative citizenry and the rest of it, then in about 30 years it all crumbled.

    The problem with being on top is that you have to contend with everyone always trying to knock you down while at the same time always trying to be your friend….

    I am not saying that the US is in immediate threat of collapse, just don’t think that it can never happen, because that is the type of thinking that causes it to happen….

  5. Uncle Patso says:

    Oh, the US economy has been in the dumper for the last two to three years at least. Have you tried to buy a steak lately? Or a bottle of milk? “Inflation is under control” the government says; I say HAH!

    I really used to enjoy teasing Canadians over their politicians’ weaknesses leading to their weak dollar. Now the Canadian dollar is worth more than the US dollar. Instant karma got me!

  6. tallwookie says:

    #23 – Social security is just stupid.

    The idea was great when it was originally voiced, but has since become an outmoded form welfare (something else we need to get rid of & then kick all those lazy project-living bums out of the country – perhaps mexico, to balance the mexican influx).

    Some will complain that if we get rid of social security, then millions of people will be defrauded – but keep in mind that the people that will bitch the most are old people who should have been shuffled off the mortal coil ages ago – and if memory serves, the majority of the people that actually vote in elections are old people (becasue they know they’re worthless and want to draw more attention to themselves – trying & failing miserably to obtain that last 15 minutes of fame).

    Welfare, Social Security, the Farm Bill, massive govt spending… how long will the intelligent take it? well, just look at emigration rates – the smart have decided to leave the morons wallowing in their own filth until the axe falls…

    And the time is nigh…

    * This rant brought to you by the letters P and Q, and the number 3.

  7. Angel H. Wong says:

    The only thing that will fail this Christmas is Mattel and it’s led coated toys.

  8. OvenMaster says:

    #36: Let’s hear you say these things about older people when it’s your parents who are involved. Or better still, yourself, when you’re in your 70’s and 80’s. I assure you that you will be singing a different tune then.

    #34: Excellent observation.
    The 19th century belonged to Great Britain.
    The 20th century belonged to the United States.
    The 21st century belongs to China.

    How will we fight a war, much less win it, when our manufacturing capability has already been moved to… China?

  9. OmarTheAlien says:

    #36: Would you like to have your ass kicked by a sixty-three year old badass? From my perspective (sixty-three year old much mellowed badass), we’ve been paying into this slush fund since the get-go, as employees, employers and self employed. When I hear this fuzzy logic of how the old people are going to break social security my thoughts naturally return to the before mentioned money that I, and the rest of the old farts, have paid into the coffers, and like the song says, “It might sound funny but I want my money back.”
    Yes, the USA is in decline, but is it just a stupid cycle or a suicidal nose dive? This society will not last forever, as history proves otherwise, but I think we’ll make it past Christmas, and then some.

  10. Teyecoon says:

    #22 – Being more optimistic, I’m putting my money into canned foods and shotgun shells. Comment by OhForTheLoveOf

    How come that is both hilarious and has a sense of being a prudent move?

    The irony here seems to be that the Terrorists have won by scaring the pathetic U.S. voters into reelecting Bush and his cronies and I guess we have to blame gays who wanted to get married for electing him the first time. 😉 …which ultimately comes down to an ignorant voting population who also thought that having their taxes lowered by maybe a few hundred dollars was worth putting a religious extremist fool into the White House who only hates religious extremists of other religions.

  11. Frank IBC says:

    we have to blame gays who wanted to get married for electing him the first time

    Actually, in the states which had anti-same-sex marriage referenda in 2004, the referenda typically won by a far greater margin than that by which Bush defeated Kerry – indicating that opposition to same-sex marriage isn’t just limited to Bush voters.

    And Kerry’s sole comment on gay rights during the entire campaign was “Mary Cheney is a lesbian!

  12. FRAGaLOT says:

    I’m not too worried unless the USD falls below the value of a Peso.


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