Man, what a workout this thing will get on DU!


The concept behind the StupidFilter Project originated during a conversation between Gabriel Ortiz and Paul Starr. StupidFilter was conceived out of necessity. Too long have we suffered in silence under the tyranny of idiocy. In the beginning, the internet was a place where one could communicate intelligently with similarly erudite people. Then, Eternal September hit and we were lost in the noise. The advent of user-driven web content has compounded the matter yet further, straining our tolerance to the breaking point.

It’s time to fight back.

The solution we’re creating is simple: an open-source filter software that can detect rampant stupidity in written English. This will be accomplished with weighted Bayesian analysis and some rules-based processing, similar to spam detection engines. The primary challenge inherent in our task is that stupidity is not a binary distinction, but rather a matter of degree. To this end, we’re collecting a ranked corpus of stupid text, gleaned from user comments on public websites and ranked on a five-point scale.

Eventually, once the research is completed, we plan to release core engine source code for incorporation into content management systems, blogs, wikis and the like. Additionally, we plan to develop a fully implemented Firefox plugin and a Wordpress plugin.

Now that the stupid problem is being worked on, who’s constructing the ECA spelling, grammar and capitalization filter (a Manhattan Project-sized undertaking) and a Horny Bastard plugin for Angel?

  1. tallwookie says:

    lols u has that installed here @ DU? wooters!

  2. moss says:

    Can you imagine version of this for political speeches? Although there would have to be a sub-version for lies and deceit.

  3. tallwookie says:

    you mean how words like “Iraq” and “9/11” and “patriotism” would be stupided-out because they’re repeated a gazillion times?

  4. MikeN says:

    How will you guys be able to post anything?

  5. Jim Smith says:

    The StupidFilter guys can start with themselves.

  6. RTaylor says:

    As long as it stops any post that includes a sentence that has the word ever hung on the end.

  7. Plateinhead says:

    This is great sense everyones comments are stupid except mine. I’ll soon rule the world!

  8. JimR says:

    Filter on.

    I think Bush is doing the bestest job ever. Lets invade Iran before they invent pea shooters. Schools should ban talking. I’m a victim of identity theft. I left my wallet on a UFO. What does UFO stand for? -4 is bigger than -1 because it has more lines. God invented malaria to control the population of poor people. The sky is blue because oxygen is blue. I already knew about the lead paint, because toys from china are heavier. Duh!. My new Prius keeps unplugging when I drive away. “Hello, 911?. i’d like to order a pizza.”

    Filter off.

  9. natefrog says:

    …Meanwhile, a team of researchers are feverishly designing a better idiot to combat this threat…

  10. Cinaedh says:


    Isn’t that a synonym for ‘editor’?

  11. Peter Rodwell says:

    This means the death of blogging as we know it.

  12. bill says:

    When you open your mouth your mind is on parade!!!!!

    or type for that matter…

  13. hhopper says:

    The “stupid geeks” will hack that thing in a New York second.

  14. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #7 – This is great sense everyones comments are stupid except mine. I’ll soon rule the world!



    And I’m not even parsing the rest of that rubbish, you sub-literate moron.

  15. Uncle Dave says:

    #15: No problems. Just Marc is applying some updates.

  16. says:

    Yeah sure, take all the fun out of everything. Anonymous stupidity is one of the greatest features of the Internet.

  17. Angel H. Wong says:

    “Horny Bastard plugin for Angel?”

    Actually, there’s already one, just filter out any link to any flesh coloured image.

  18. Uncle Patso says:

    You know, I think they’ve been beta-testing this for a while — I haven’t seen “loose” used for “lose” in several weeks!

  19. Glenn E says:

    The term “stupid” will be defined on a blog by blog basis. GOP-centric blogs (and similar such Rush Limbaugh like sites) will define and tailor the filter to stop any “stupid” liberal viewpoints from poluting their precious pro-Bush praise-a-thons. And the Democratic-centric blogs will define and tailor the filter to do the same thing, only to stop most of the pro-Bush, pro-NRA, pro-Iraq War, noise on their sites. By trying to filter out common stupidity, it will merely mutate into some other unfiltered form. Trying to eliminate a form of stupidity is like trying to eliminate entropy. It’s a basic part of the universe, that can’t be stopped.

  20. Reader says:

    Easy start: scan for misspelling and grammatic errors. Second pass: excess exclamation point and other punctuation misuse. Third pass: typical name-calling and worn-out epithets. This will purge approximately 80% of the dim witted and careless rants. I don’t recall who wrote it, but Frank Zappa quoted it: there are two things found everywhere in the universe – hydrogen and stupidity.

  21. FRAGaLOT says:

    This must be a joke, if you think about it, you’re letting scripts censor people. Are we getting so fucking lazy, that we can’t just skip a message or a blog post we think is stupid?

    Though a filter like this would defiantly curtail network congestion, and improve lag.

  22. cheese says:

    Relax #22. If such a utility were to exist it would probably run like Norton Anti-PerformanceVirus with Kitchen Sink. Installing it would be a lateral move.

  23. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    nanner nanner boo boo.

  24. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    #8 – ha ha ha. That’s great.


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