A Los Angeles man on Friday admitted infecting 250,000 computers and stealing the identities of thousands of people by wiretapping their communications and accessing their bank accounts.

Schiefer worked by day as an information security consultant but was a well-known “Botmaster” among the underground network of hackers skilled in so-called “botnet attacks.”

Schiefer also admitted defrauding the Dutch Internet advertising company Simpel Internet – who signed him up as a consultant – of more than $19,000. He installed his spyware program on approximately 150,000 of the Dutch company’s computers.

There still is no patch for stupidity.

  1. Jeanne says:

    OK, I am going to be the first to say it —> The people that got duped are naieve as to the ways of the internet, but not necessarily stupid. It is up to us, the techies, to teach them. Heaven knows, nobody else, including the old-time media, will.

  2. Mr. Fusion says:

    #1, Jeanne,

    Good though unworkable idea.

    How many scammers try to exploit the naiveness of those who are not tech savvy? I just fixed a computer where the owner had d/l a program that would check for spam and spyware. Ya, right. She was conned because someone told her they had an answer to a problem.

    In my opinion, dirt bags like this guy should be given healthy jail time.

  3. Patriot says:

    Jail time? No, we don’t want to pay for that plus absorb the losses of profit he caused. Put a Chinese tattoo on his forehead that says “FREE TIBET” – then airdrop him into Beijing. Problem solved.


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