My guess is it’s only people who were never teenagers or have completely forgotten what it was like that thought these programs would actually work. Biologically imperative raging hormones vs ‘just say no’ sex? Get real, dude!

Abstinence Programs Don’t Work

Programs that focus exclusively on abstinence have not been shown to affect teenager sexual behavior, although they are eligible for tens of millions of dollars in federal grants, according to a study released by a nonpartisan group that seeks to reduce teen pregnancies.

“At present there does not exist any strong evidence that any abstinence program delays the initiation of sex, hastens the return to abstinence or reduces the number of sexual partners” among teenagers, the study concluded.

The report, which was based on a review of research into teenager sexual behavior, was being released Wednesday by the nonpartisan National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy.
“Two-thirds of the 48 comprehensive programs that supported both abstinence and the use of condoms and contraceptives for sexually active teens had positive behavior effect,” said the report.

The study, conducted by Douglas Kirby, a senior research scientist at ETR Associates, also sought to debunk what the report called “myths propagated by abstinence-only advocates” including: that comprehensive sex education promotes promiscuity, hastens the initiative of sex or increases its frequency, and sends a confusing message to adolescents.

None of these was found to be accurate, Kirby wrote.

The true result of abstinence programs

  1. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #28 – You have made a most important choice.

    Well… it’s a choice. I’m pretty sure it isn’t all that important, but then I tend to look at life on a bigger scale.

    Sex is something that is to be for you and your wife the first time.

    For that guy… okay… I’m not gonna tell other people what they need to do in their lives, but what makes anyone think that their idea of right and wrong should apply to anyone else?

    It’s fine to teach that abstinence, or at least abstaining from penetration, is the only certain way to prevent pregnancy (because oral sex does not lead to pregnancy). It’s not okay when you teach the sex is reserved for a man and woman after they are married. That judgmental bullshit needs to be left at the door.

    It’s ironic to me, however, that a moralistic flock of uptight Bible Thumpers maintain that abstinence is the only path to remain free of unwanted pregnancy, while still believing in the Virgin Birth.

  2. 26. Thinker I’d only slept with one girl before I married my wife. I wish I hadn’t, as sometimes in the night she’s there in my mind.

    It goes back to the ‘everyone being different’ thing. Some people (and some people’s wives) have no problem with fantasies. As one of my friend’s wives delicately put it: “It doesn’t matter where you get your appetite, as long as you eat at home.”

    If this other girl is there in your mind, well, go with it. Accept that you are what you are (and you aint what you aint) and that at the end of the day, even if you hadn’t had sex with someone else, you’d still have the occasionally attraction to someone else. If monogamy came easily, we’d wouldn’t have the institution of marriage.

    It would be wrong to tell teenagers they should have sex, but then it is also wrong to tell kids they should not. If you want children that grow up into adults, they need to learn to make their own decisions (and make their own mistakes). Teaching kids to abstain will work for some, but not for others, and that is why it is dangerous to teach it as a policy for everyone or tell kids they are wrong if they choose to have sex (it also wrong to make them feel bad if they choose to wait). Some people are just more horny than others, and those people should be taught how to use birth control, that ‘no means no’, how to protect themselves from STDs and the rest of it.

  3. jlm says:

    Its far too naive to think that teenagers will not fool around. Promoting abstinence is good, but they better teach the backup plan too….safe sex. Its going to happen, no amount of teaching or bible throwing will change that.

    To the parents thinking your kids are angels: they arent, wake up and remember how it was when you were a teenager….and how good you were are misleading your parents.

  4. Uncle Ben says:

    Damn…. I forgot to close an italic …. only the first paragraph is suppose to be italicized….

    [Fixed. -ed.]

  5. Uncle Ben says:

    31. OhForTheLoveOf because oral sex does not lead to pregnancy

    Well, depends on who you have oral sex with afterwards and whether or not you still have sperm in your mouth…. apparently sperm can live a surprisingly long time in someone’s mouth… (interesting news story that also talks about this:

    It may sound like splitting hairs, but I’ve had a few friends who’ve told me what goes on at these ‘born again’ family summer camps, and would surprise me in the slightest if a few babies were made this way….

    … in a pinch it could also explain immaculate conception 😛

  6. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #26 – Who wants to see other ladies in their head when you’re making love with your wife?

    Not in my head, no… I prefer to see the other lady next to my wife… Maybe watch them enjoy each other… later have them both service my masculinity… and not just one, I like lots of women, and if they have boyfriends or husbands… they are welcome too. I love seeing the joy on my wife’s face when she’s taking 8 inches of total stranger from behind… Sex should be an adventure…

    You vanilla guys scare me.

    And where is Angel? I am a total novice compared to him…

  7. ECA says:

    IF you understand Nature, and raising, and so forth…
    THIS is the best time to bring Families together, and makes GROUPS that interact.
    It hasnt been LONG(less then 50 years) when a 12 year old COULD MARRY..

  8. traaxx says:

    No program is going to work with teacher raping the students, with Hollywood promoting as cool a loose lifestyle, and with all the liberals trying to get a dumbed down population that can be manipulated and with the rich only concerned about a population that can be exploited – ie, a Demoncrat or one of the New Age Repulicrapts (Neo-Comm). These are Globalist pure and simple not Nationalist.

    It’s time to concern ourselves with our own backyard and country and leave a world that doesn’t want us involved to itself, before we have a Mexican Style Country with lots of poor ignorant mexicans and dollist on our hands with nothing on their collective minds but where the next hand is and T&A.

  9. Steve Savage says:

    All that religion does to a kid is turn them into serial killers, rapists, or child molesters. Suppressing sexual curiosity messes with their minds, and telling them that if they touch themselves, jesus will cry is just insane.

  10. Mr. Fusion says:

    #11, 4wheeldrive

    When kids engage in sex, most of the blame is to be laid at the parents feet.

    As it should. Sheet, if my parents didn’t have me then I couldn’t have sex. So I guess their grand daughter is their fault.

    Parents are that, parents. They are not buddies, friends, or doorstops. They are to be parents.

    I guess you don’t how to parent. The tone of your response suggests you believe in a “spare the rod = spoil the child” mentality.

    My eight yr old daughter IS my friend. We do goof around and play. We do play jokes on each other and laugh at the other’s expense. We practice soccer, basketball, and softball together. We prepare dinner together and clean up after. And we watch then discuss both her juvenile movies as well as mine (such as Lord of the Rings and At the Gates). We work on homework together and discuss things like evolution and Darwin. We watch the Canada Geese fly overhead and talk about where they are going.

    Our little girl knows she may come to me or her mother with any problem or issue she has. And you know what? I have total faith that she is smart enough that when SHE decides to have a sexual relationship, she will do so intelligently. Yes, I’m her father. More importantly, I am a guide to her adulthood. I’m her friend, but my wife is her buddy.


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