I wonder how many found pics or vids of their parents? With sites like PornTube and others, it’s bound to have happened.

H.S. Students Use School-Issued Laptops to Create, Send Porn

Look, if the OLPC can be used to surf for porn, why would this surprise anyone? These are MacBooks, after all … built-in webcam … and as Apple likes to say, great for multimedia! :-)

In Snow Hill, North Carolina, students used school-issued laptops at Greene Central High School were used to create and distribute porn. It’s become a big deal, with the N.C. State Bureau of Investigation (SBI) involved.

In one case, a 16-year-old student reportedly sent video of himself with his 15-year-old girlfriend to a teacher by mistake.

For a minimal insurance fee, students in sixth through 12th grades in Greene County get a MacBook to take home. The school system leases the laptops with a combination of tax money and grants. As I said, each of this year’s models has a webcam.

  1. So much for those Abstinence Programs 😀


  2. tallwookie says:


  3. OmegaMan says:

    I told the teacher:

    The dog ate my video of my girlfriend and I.

  4. gquaglia says:

    Why does this surprise you.

  5. Uncle Dave says:

    #4: So you’re saying the duh in the headline was too subtle a clue that it didn’t? In the future, I’ll be sure to be more obvious for you.

  6. http://tinysig.com/GlobalWarmer says:

    Easy access to porn is the #1 good thing about the Internet.

  7. billabong says:

    I’m shocked that something like this could happen in the U.Teenagers having sex I never heard of such a thing.Youth is wasted on the young.

  8. bill says:

    This is something you would expect of South Carolina not North Carolina! These kids are going to be sooo messed up when they are adults!!!

    Maybe that explains why so many adults are so messed up!

  9. Jeff says:

    The real question is why does anyone care?

  10. Angel H. Wong says:

    Teenagers + internet = bruised genitals

  11. tallwookie says:

    LOL #11

  12. OmarTheAlien says:

    No internet, no computers, none of that stuff when I was in school.

  13. ECA says:

    AND what, you dont THINk we passed our fathers ADULT books around when I was a kid??

  14. Steve Savage says:

    No different than when a teenaged boy used to sneak a peek at his Dad’s hidden stack of playboys he kept in the backseat of the derelict car in his garage.

    I guess the religious fundies want teens to learn from sex the old fashioned way…..on the mean streets.

  15. William says:

    Yeah, now try that with one of your lousy Windows machines ! No wonder Apple’s stock is rising.

  16. Uncle Dave says:

    #17: I think he’s been viewing too much porn.

  17. tallwookie says:

    #18 lols


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