Associated Press – November 8, 2007:

Founded 240 years ago, this sleepy Texas town along the Rio Grande has outlasted the Spanish, then the Mexicans and then the short-lived independent Republic of Texas. But it may not survive the U.S. government’s effort to secure the Mexican border with a steel fence.

A map obtained by The Associated Press shows that the double- or triple-layer fence may be built as much as two miles from the river on the U.S. side of the Rio Grande, leaving parts of Granjeno and other nearby communities in a potential no-man’s-land between the barrier and the water’s edge.

Local residents, many of whom have put “No Border Wall” signs on their cars and in their yards, say they have been assured they will be compensated at fair market value for any property taken by the U.S. government. But that has not given them much comfort.

  1. doug says:

    #1. no problem – Father Stalin will help these peasants find new homes on a collective farm.

    between having to show your internal passport and the construction of border walls, the US is looking more Soviet every day.

  2. jlm says:

    this border fence is worthless, just another false sense of security. what a great way to waste more money

  3. says:

    Tough. What they really should do is blow the whole town up and pave it over. Two miles? There should be a 10 mile no-mans zone filled with anthrax and nuclear waste.

  4. ArianeB says:

    The closer you live to the border, the more you realize how utterly stupid putting up a fence is. Sure it works near populated areas like San Diego and El Paso, but outside those areas it is a complete waste of time and money.

    Here in Arizona the border fence project threatens many endangered species, but Michael Chertoff doesn’t give a damn.

    The vast majority of illegal aliens come to the US on visas, then overstay those visas. Thats how the 9/11 hijackers got here. It is DHS’s responsibility to enforce those visas, not wasting dollars on a useless fence.

  5. MikeN says:

    Yeah it must be totally useless, even though it has worked in some places so far.

  6. tallwookie says:

    #4 – and pungee sticks!!

  7. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    #2 – That’s not true comrade.

  8. Pmitchell says:

    #5 what endangered animals are there in your barren wasteland of Arizona that this fence is disturbing ? name one

    Here in Texas 99% of illegals crossed the border with no papers and illegally entered our country

    The fence does work( every where it has been put it worked ) as a deterrent but putting real teeth in the sanctions against people who employ illegals would be far better

    You need to read your liberal pro illegal talking points better next time

  9. Pmitchell says:

    upon further reading and studying this looks like another piece of pure made up bullshit by the AP
    A map obtained by The Associated Press shows that the double- or triple-layer fence may be built as much as two miles from the river on the U.S. side

    first it says “MAY” be built and second is the map official it simply says obtained , who made the map ? Jose the map maker ?
    Another pro illegal pull at your heartstrings complete Bull shit story by our so called unbiased press and with their own agenda

  10. Mister Mustard says:

    >>Yeah it must be totally useless, even though it has worked
    >>in some places so far.

    And where might those places be?

    I gotta say, of all the harebrained schemes The Chimperor in Chief and his Band of Monkeys have come up with, this has got to top them all. His legacy as an imbecile and a moron is cemented for time immemorial.

    Putting up a 700-mile fence along a border that is almost TWO THOUSAND MILES LONG? Who the fuck thought that up? I guess it might work against the terminally lazy, or those who can’t hitch a ride down to the no-fence zone, but wtf? There’s still almost THIRTEEN HUNDRED MILES of un-fenced border. How many illegal immigrants do you imagine can squeeze through a 1300-mile gap??

  11. Awake says:

    We should deport all the non-citizens because they are taking away the $7 / hour jobs that Americans will be fighting for soon.

    Given the deterioration of the American manufacturing / industrial base, it’s the low tech / low wage jobs that will be the basis for job growth in America.

    America is starting to look more and more like Mexico, not because of the immigrants, but because of the politics. We are starting to have two distinct classes: the ruling class and the peasants.

    Look at our education system, our health system, our tax system. The peasants are kept uneducated, unhealthy and poor. The ruling class talks a lot about American ideals, while doing absolutely nothing to help people move up in life.

    A prime example: The so-called war on terrorism. We have a ruling class that makes lots of noise about keeping us ‘safe’, while making no sacrifice on their own part, and actually using the opportunity to further enrich themselves and consolidate power. And the masses say “Oh thank you benevolent ruler for keeping us safe from the evildoers”, not noticing all along that they are being used and discarded.

    So yes, deport all immigrants, legal or not, because those $7 / hour jobs with no health insurance or job security are starting to be what American citizens will be looking forward to pretty soon.

  12. Jennifer says:

    Interesting that we can afford two thousand miles of wall but George thinks we can’t afford to shore up the levees and dams in flood zones.

  13. Mr. Fusion says:

    #14, Only GW doesn’t want the fence. He wants more illegals so his buddies can further enjoy cheap labor. The middle class Americans want the flow of illegals stopped. If that means we have a fence, then so be it. If it means mining a No-Man-Land and having armed watch towers every 500 feet, then that would be fine too.

  14. bill says:

    So what? and the market value of a town with a fence right thru it is $0.00

  15. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #13 – We are starting to have two distinct classes: the ruling class and the peasants.

    20 years of me saying that and people are FINALLY starting to wake up… I so hate being ahead of my time.

  16. Aerow says:

    Seriously, whats the problem with this? This is a good thing.

    Keeping illegal immigrants out is a good thing. That’s not to say that immigration is bad, just illegal immigration is bad. Illegal immigrants steal my tax dollars. My tax dollars are already wastefully spent on rediculous social programs, I don’t need them stolen by people from other countries as well.

  17. Pmitchell says:

    San Diego is one place it has worked excellently also see links

    Now what is your next prepackaged comeback and as for the 2000 miles of border and only 700 miles of fence look at map it isn’t near as easy as you think to simply drive down the border. Why don’t you pull off the highway and try to drive 150 miles in a straight line and see how far you get

  18. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #19 – You can’t see the problem…?

    Christ people… what is wrong with you people?

  19. The Answer says:

    Question is will it keep the zombies at bay

  20. Awake says:

    19 – Aerow

    Few people will argue that illegal immigration is not a problem, because it is, from a purely ‘legal’ standpoint.

    But it is one of the minor problems that our country is experiencing. The illegal immigration issue has become a tool by special interest groups to distract the masses from the real problems that the USA is experiencing.

    If you look at the expenditures that are made to support illegal immigrants in this country, they are a minuscule part of the overall budget of the USA, not reaching even 1% of expenditures. While we are distracted about that, billions are spent weekly ‘rebuilding’ other countries. Billions are lost to offshoring. Billions are lost due to our crummy health care policies for American citizens. Tens of Billions are lost to imports due to a lack of a national energy policy. And foremost an illegal drug policy that refuses to make this country look at itself in the mirror (we are the consumers)

    The illegal immigrant issue is a distraction tool, kept on the forefront by forces that don’t want you to think about the bigger issues, such as crumbling infrastructure, crappy education for the masses, complete loss of industrial competitiveness, etc.

    Aside from all that, studies prove over and over that illegal immigrants, if you just consider their contributions in the agricultural sector, contribute far more than they cost in terms of real dollars. How much do you think lettuce and strawberries would cost were it not for the low cost labor that these people provide? Multiply that by virtually every crop and see what you come up with.

    One last thing… do you really think that a crummy fence will keep a determined terrorist out, when 100’s of thousands of ignorant peasants bypass the existing fences yearly. The fence is a useless ‘symbol’, just like taking away your nail clippers at the airport is (was?) a useless symbol used to reassure the ignorant.

  21. DaveW says:

    Texas. Whatta ya expect?

    But while we’re at it, I will again express my unpopular view on immigration. Simply put, if you are not Native American, you have absolutely no right to throw or keep anyone out of the country.

    Yes, the United States of America was stolen, fair and square by disease spreading, slave owning, albeit very smart, crackers.

    Remember the Alamo!

  22. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #23 – Thanks Awake… That was very well said.

  23. Pmitchell says:

    #23 very elequent but also all WRONG go ask California what it is costing them to keep the Illegals healthy and housed on our tax dollars
    Name 1 only 1, study that shows low paid illegals ( who send the majority of there money home to Mexico) actually contribute more in taxes than they take out ( another pulled it out of your ass fact from nowhere )
    And as for the fence I want to keep illegals out first, then we can worry about the terrorists.

  24. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #26 – And as for the fence I want to keep illegals out first, then we can worry about the terrorists.

    Every knowledgeable person already knows your wrong, so I don’t care to debate you and your immovable position, but…

    I’m already painting placards that say PMitchell is weak on terrorism!

  25. mark says:

    27. “I’m already painting placards that say PMitchell is weak on terrorism!”

    hahahahhahahahahahahah, nice twist o’ the knife!

  26. MikeN says:

    Here’s an idea. Take Texas’ southernmost point, then build the fence straight across from there.

  27. mark says:

    27. I have to add, grudgingly that I do agree with Congressman Wannabe on this one. I will go kill myself now. Banzai!

  28. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #30 – I’m painting placards that say Mark supports suicide!


  29. Awake says:

    #6 pMitchell –
    Again you are uninformed, repeating figures that are made up by people like you with an agenda, namely making nationalism and racism a the primary issue in voter’s minds.

    Arizona is one of the states most affected by Illegal immigration.
    A 2004 study of Arizona on this topic can be summarized to:

    Based on this study, the total state tax revenue attributable to immigrant workers was an estimated $2.356 billion ($862.1 million for naturalized citizens plus $1.49 billion for non-citizens). Balanced against estimated fiscal costs of $1.414 billion (for education, health care and law enforcement), the net 2004 fiscal impact of immigrants in Arizona was positive by $942 million.


    If that statement is hard to read, it basically said that about $1 billion more was collected than spent by immigrants.

    That does not include the $200 billion that Social Security is holding in funds that have been collected against illegal immigrants but that are not due back for payment.

    Neither does it include the indirect benefits in lowered costs to US citizens in the costs of consumer goods (specially agricultural) or increased exports due to lowered costs.

    So there is ONE study, like you requested, that proves you wrong.

    It is actually people like you, searching to scapegoat their problems on others, that seem to constantly pull figures out of their ass.

    In Germany, the malcontent blamed the Jews for all their problems.
    In America, the malcontent blame the immigrants for all their problems.
    In both cases, it is just plain a case of being a racist and disguising yourself as a patriot.

  30. Uncle Ben says:

    Right, I think its time for y’all, as a nation to decide: do you want to be xenophobic and go back to the days of isolationism where you didn’t bother about anywhere outside of the US, or do you want to take over the world. Because you can’t have it both ways….



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