• Weird stories.
• Microsoft to introduce a refurbished machine license.
• Apple iPhone going into Europe. I predict success.
• Singers sites being hacked.
• Capcom Ace Attorney game discussed.
• Qwest decides kids are nuts and puts a shrink on board for kids.
• Canada rules.
• Sprint bails from WiMAX. WHY? What changed?

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Tech5 Podshow

  1. julieb says:

    That is pretty f’ed up that Sprint bailed. I’d love to know why. I wonder if AT&T is lurking. They would love to kill it. They can’t wait to buy up the 700Mhz frequency so they can kill that too. How else would they be able to keep people paying $49 for 1.5/256 lame ass DSL?

    There is never going to be another last mile solution that sees wide spread use.

    Verizon’s 20/20 fiber deal is great for so few people. That wont happen in Bellsouth/AT&T territory. Bellsouth hasn’t even been laying fiber and now AT&T is going to ream everybody even worse than Bellsouth did.

    The recent ruling about how they don’t have to share the lines with little DSL providers gives them even more power. I used to work for one of Knoxville’s few remaining independent ISPs who offers DSL over AT&T/Bellsouth lines. It’s a tough business.

    I think the FCC is sneaking into the back door of the DEA and doing the drugs. What politician is savvy enough to even understand the problem, much less solve it?

  2. ECA says:

    that most of the problem they Found with Wimax…is security…There ISNT any.

  3. GregA says:

    Um there havent even been a million and a half iphone sales yet and they lowered the price to firesale margins… And it is almost 6 months on. So with the most massive hype campaign in the history of any electronic device anywhere, the iPhone is selling marginally better than the Zune. Can it be called a failure yet?

  4. Peter Rodwell says:

    I expect that many people here in Europe will put off buying the iPhone until Apple drops the price.

  5. Pete says:

    In the UK, you normally pay little or nothing for your phone, as the mobile provider subsidises the handset. I’ve never paid for a phone to date. I was at the iPhone launch on Regents St in London yesterday but I’m going to resist until there’s a)working 3g and b)a better camera i.e. iPhone version 2 and a cheaper price before I consider it…

  6. moss says:

    3. Your stats are as wrong as your “hope”. No other comment needed on that one. Business reality takes priority over sectarian ideology.

    1. Sat in on a big discussion on the Sprint crap, yesterday. Consensus was Sprint still acts like they’re the original AT&T. They haven’t monopoly control over the technology; so, they hope it will go away. OR – they have yet another technology they will introduce as proprietary – the world will beat a path to their doorstep. Sure.

    With Intel making WiMax inbuilt to their 2008 boards/chipsets, I think Sprint is out of their minds. Or do they know something we don’t – about Intel’s plans?

  7. GregA says:


    Bloggers also hyped… to no end… that the euro-iPhone was gonna be 3d.. Guess what? No 3g, still edge. And from reading the news reports, the euro-launch of the iPhone was even more of a let down than the American launch. I mean, they couldn’t even get the gadget geeks out in europe. So it will plod along, but they will have nothing like the 4 million in first year and 8 million in 2008 that they are predicting. They have barely sold more of the things than their opening weekend predictions.

    Judging by the massive selloff (its lost 20% of its value in two days) of apple stocks since its failed release in Europe, I’d say Dvorak was right all along.

  8. doug says:

    #3, #7. “Assuming a $400 iPhone and a $18 monthly contribution from AT&T, Apple would record $832 in revenue over two years per phone. Research firm iSuppli estimated in July that it costs Apple $265 to build an 8-gig iPhone. So Apple’s gross profit looks more like $565 per phone over two years, up 125% from our previous estimate of $250 per phone. At Apple’s current U.S. run rate of about 1.8 million iPhones per quarter, that’s about $1 billion in gross profit per quarter (which will be recorded over two years).”


    even if somewhat exaggerated – it leaves out the R&D costs, forex – that’s one profitable “fire sale”

  9. OmegaMan says:

    Krusty the Clown…bwhahahaa … your son loves you.

  10. GregA says:


    So by your estimates Apple is worth about $90 a share. Oh well you had a good run. Too bad its over.


  11. James Hill says:

    More Apple hate from the children. How special.

    Watch for 3G to be a bigger deal with the iPhone in Europe. It will sell well, but not be a top five phone across the pond.

  12. doug says:

    #10. I have to say that Apple-haters seem to have done a Jobs and created their own reality-distortion field.

  13. Dog training says:

    Very interesting… as always! Cheers from -Switzerland-.


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