Girl gets detention for hugging – Education – — When you boil it down these rules are precautionary measures to prevent sexual harassment. Another Nanny state issue. These administrators do not care about the kids, they are worried about lawsuits and losing their jobs. With these posts we can never be sure what top banner to use!

Two hugs equals two days of detention for 13-year-old Megan Coulter. The eighth-grader was punished for violating a school policy banning public displays of affection when she hugged two friends Friday.

“I feel it is crazy,” said Megan, who was to serve her second detention Tuesday after classes at Mascoutah Middle School.

“I was just giving them a hug goodbye for the weekend,” she said.

Megan’s mother, Melissa Coulter, said the embraces weren’t even real hugs — just an arm around the shoulder and slight squeeze.

“It’s hilarious to the point of ridicule,” Coulter said. “I’m still dumbfounded that she’s having to do this.”

District Superintendent Sam McGowen said that he thinks the penalty is fair and that administrators in the school east of St. Louis were following policy in the student handbook. It states: “Displays of affection should not occur on the school campus at any time. It is in poor taste, reflects poor judgment, and brings discredit to the school and to the persons involved.”

School or factory?

related story:
This all stems from a rigid interpretation of a court decision. Another girl sent home for hugging.

School home page

found by Aric Mackey

  1. Mr. Fusion says:

    Maybe I should have mentioned. If it was my kid being disciplined, I would have told her NO WAY. She will not serve any detention until after an appeal is heard by an impartial mediator. That will be MY insistence. If the school suspends her, then they get the opportunity to bus her to an adjoining district.

  2. JS says:

    What is the world coming too unbeliveable…

  3. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #29 – the whole concept of checks and balances in the US Constitution is based upon this principle.

    How’s that working for us since 2000?

    Taking back OUR government is what the concept of pitchforks and torches was based on… time is coming…

  4. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #31 – This all comes from the liberal promoted “everything is a hate crime/sexual harassment” school of thought.

    Still bullshit.

    Just repeating the lie over and over won’t make it true.

  5. Uncle Ben says:

    OhForTheLoveOf #25 – Wow… Did you ever miss the joke there Professor…

    **phew**…. I was getting worried there that maybe I was being too abstract…. I thought it was an accessible joke, one that most would get….

  6. natefrog says:

    I, for one, certainly hope this school will start suspending coaches and athletes who still do the “good job!” slap on the ass…

    Oh, “but that’s different,” they say?

    Hmmm, I guess that gives you the answer as to whether that rule should exist or not…

  7. natefrog says:

    #31, GigG;

    Your debating privileges with the big boys have been revoked. Take your small mind and go back to watching Fox News.

  8. Mr. Fusion says:

    #35, OFTLO,

    #31 – This all comes from the liberal promoted “everything is a hate crime/sexual harassment” school of thought.

    Still bullshit.

    Just repeating the lie over and over won’t make it true.

    But it makes him feeeel gooood !!! And that is the important thing.

  9. Thomas says:

    Personally, I would just not go to detention. I encountered similar stupidity when I was HS where they mandated that students could not go to their car during school hours. I happily ignored said rule. When I was confronted by one of the deans and threatened with suspension, I happily told her to make my day. I told her that I would look forward to the entertainment of watching her explain to my dad, who would have to take time from work, how she suspended me for getting books from my car. She did the right thing and ignored it and told me to go on my way.

    Sometimes, you have to tell tight-assed bureaucrats to go shove it. The right answer in this case is to tell the principal that this “affection” rule cannot possibly be enforced fairly and that i would be instructing my daughter to ignore it.

  10. ECA says:

    Isolate, and make us alienate each other.
    Dont give a hug to the paranoid and see what happens..

    I would rather my kid Hugging others then SHOOTING OTHERS.

  11. Brandon Bachman says:

    I am public enemy number one.

    I am an eighteen year old person who is full of happiness.

    I feel that hugging as long as both parties agree to it should be condoned.

    I feel that affection towards others should be more of a priority then learning about math and science, for only good things yield more good things.

    I am good. I am good to other people. And that’s why my school feared me.

    …What a story that would be. El oh (expletive) el…

    Also, while we’re still on the subject, in this case, I would have encouraged (or encouraged one of my friends) to initiate a group hug at the next assembly. And encouraged to those that truly love each other to squeeze tightly.

    If we’re comparing the strength of these hugs to the strength of bombs causing movement of tectonic plates underground, what this girl did was a little tremble caused by a dirty bomb. The 1000+ group hug would be like… the world exploding in a fiery ball of flame after 100 nuclear bombs were dispersed evenly to each portion of the planet they were meant to hit.

    I hope that if such an activity were to occur, it would give at least ONE (expletive) teacher a heart attack.

    Some late late late two cents for you all…

  12. Gary Marks says:

    #10 GigG wrote “You can’t blame conservatives, neo or other-wise for this crap. It comes straight out of the liberal agenda.

    I can tell you that you’re way off base, GigG. I was at the last meeting of the Liberal Agenda Committee, and we voted unanimously to continue our longtime policy of encouraging children to have frequent sexual intercourse on school grounds, with multiple partners (not necessarily human) whenever possible.

    Before we adjourned, we all agreed that as successful as we’ve been at tearing apart America’s strong Christian moral fabric, the job won’t be finished until we elect our first Wiccan priestess as President. Then we passed the hat and bought some weed.

    So all I can say is that this rule forbidding affectionate physical contact between students must have come from some other group besides liberals.

  13. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #39 – But it makes him feeeel gooood !!! And that is the important thing.

    Oh, I forgot… we liberals are promoting self esteem over academic performance… 🙂

    #40 – Thomas… You are A-Ok…

    #43 – Thanks for that gary… I missed the last meeting because out was out at the public schools trying to recruit freshman to become homosexuals. But I’ll be at the next one since I’m spearheading our Xmas push to “blame America.”

  14. Gary Marks says:

    #44 OFTLO, I’d offer to send you the minutes of our meeting of the Liberal Agenda Committee, but they’re illegible. Our secretary was shaking badly because it had been almost an hour since her last heroin fix and no one had any extra smack they could spare.

    It’s good to hear you were heading up the homosexual recruitment campaign, because some of our large burly men have been whining that they only had female sex partners, and not enough young boys. Not knowing what you were doing, I had to make excuses for your absence, telling everyone you were at the grand opening festivities of a new Communism Indoctrination Center.

    Keep up the good work, and as always, let us know if you have any new ideas on how to destroy America. I’ve got to say, this liberal agenda never gets old or unrewarding.

  15. Wightout says:

    Isn’t the act of actively touching someone in any form a sign of affection? Be it a positive greeting or aggressive/anger induced punch? Does the ban here involve parents who hug or kiss their kids goodbye? does this also include mentally ill people who decides that the person they just met is included to a hug… cause he should be getting this kinda same kind of treatment. Teachers should be FIRED for the very thought of hugging a student at the end of the year while saying goodbye…

    This makes me want to punch whoever put up this idea. Man This site makes me angry


    thanks, I needed a good wake up call from happiness today =D

  16. Robert says:

    I don’t necessarily blame the superintendent if he had no latitude in enforcing the policy. I blame the idiots that wrote and approved the policy. They should all be replaced with people that have some appreciation and understanding of humanity and tolerance.

  17. Erwin Blonk says:

    Conservatives are running the show, this is what you get.
    You can’t blame liberals because they haven’t been in power since 2001. Or is this conservative school of thought: liberals in power, everything is there fault, liberals not in power, everything is their fault.

  18. Erwin Blonk says:

    Come to think of it, I read some SF stories where everyone was supposed to walk around like a drone. Pretty silly, huh?
    What is the anthem of those schools, Sexcrime by The Eurythmics? ‘I wish was unliving here’ indeed.

    But really, this is creepy and I can’t believe there are people defending this. They need a serious brain scan and without exaggaration I think they are mentally sick. Somehow I like to talk to them personally to either talk some sense into them, or wonder at how they defend it.

  19. missy says:

    Hmm…… I go to high school and me and my friends hug more than 15 times a day, and the only thing we’ve ever been told is to go to class because the bell was about to ring. I dont see why it would be so bad to give a little affection, or “hugs” because personally, there are a couple of kids who go to school with me…… I’ve never seen them get a hug and they really look like the ” hide a bomb and gun under their clothes and come shoot everyone that never even said a simple hello to them” so yea….. GO HUGS!!

  20. D'Ann says:

    One Questions to ALL parents????? When are WE going to unite and take our schools back and fired the idoits like Sam McGowan and STOP the nonsense these idoits are teaching our children. No hugs? No affection for the grieving no affection for another. God is Love. Sam McGowan is a bleeding heart liberal that is attempting to ruin this country. It is time we STAND UP for our children. WE are the BABY BOOMER’S. WE RUN THIS COUNTRY STAND UP NOW!


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