Dell Dude Now Tequila Dude at Tortilla Flats – Grub Street – New York Magazine — Almost every waiter and waitress in NYC is an actor. The “Dude you are getting a Dell” was actually one of the most successful ad campaigns ever done by the company. Once the Dell Dude was caught with weed in Manhattan and arrested the campaign died.

Next time you’re at Tortilla Flats and you find yourself wondering aloud to your dinner companion, “What ever happened to the guy who did the ‘Dude, you’re getting a Dell’ commercials?” don’t be surprised when Ben Curtis, the man himself, approaches your table and explains the tequila list. While guest-starring on Law & Order and acting in films like the upcoming Proud Iva, Curtis has been a waiter and bartender at the Tex-Mex spot for the past year and a half, and though he dressed up as the Dell Dude for the Halloween party, he’s not about to repeat the slogan for you.

found by Aric Mackey

  1. jlm says:

    not quite rock bottom, but getting there

  2. Tanqueray says:

    Hey at least the restuarant is getting a little publicity.

  3. OmegaMan says:

    At least the “Where’s the beef” lady died shortly after that one aired. He will be haunted by his fifteen minutes of fame for the rest of his life.

  4. chuck says:

    Apple should hire him.

    Hi, I’m a Mac.
    Hi, I’m a PC.

    Hi, I’m a Dell, can I take your order?

  5. bill says:

    Caught with weed? That’s a joke right? 1/2 of Texas is growing weed!
    Why do you think they have soooo many fires? (after California that is)

  6. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    I’m not sure what the issue is…

    He’s not unlike any other actor. He’s getting some work, and if he’s good, that work will get better. Between jobs he’s got a steady gig thats easy to walk away from…

    …you know why actors don’t take high paying jobs with responsibility, don’t you? It’s because its hard to just dump a job like that when your opportunity knocks… …that and they are often aren’t qualified for much else 🙂

    …what is tragic about this guy is that his career was stalled because Dell was too much of a pussy to say to that marijuana charges are bullshit charges and anyone who would boycott a product because one actor in a commercial smoked a joint is not a customer we want.

    I don’t know if companies don’t stand on principle because no other companies will and its hard to survive alone… or do they not stand on principle because they actually enjoy being free of ethics and acting like feckless thugs and whores…

    But I’m betting on the latter…

  7. Joey says:

    After his arrest he was on Howard Stern talking about the ordeal. He said he was days away from signing a new contract with Dell for the next round of commercials and was set for a huge pay day (high six figures). Must have been good weed.

  8. Les says:

    Dude! You got a burrito!

  9. The Answer says:

    This is news? A tv commercial actor is working at a restaurant in NYC?

  10. Les says:

    Where’s silent Bob?

  11. Angel H. Wong says:

    The funny thing is that if all this happened in Europe nobody would give a damn if the Dell guy smokes pot.

  12. jdm says:

    #10 – Silent Bob (Kevin Smith) is running a comic book store in New Jersey. No joke!

    The real question is, “Where’s Jay?”

  13. James Hill says:

    #12 – As part of his multi-million dollar empire. Get your facts straight, hack.

    As for the Dell Dude, at least he isn’t flashing his vagina getting out of a limo. As for you pussies…


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