• Boffin and punter defined.
• Yahoo being raked over the coals because of China incident while AT&T gives the US government all its Internet info. Hushmail turning over info too.
• Ballmer says Google Android is just a press release.
• Microsoft partners with Ford with SYNC. Voice recognition in the car.
• IBM says advertising as we know it is over.

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Tech5 Podshow

  1. GigG says:

    There is a big difference between China, that has been known to shoot dissidents and charge their family for the bullet and the US.

  2. GW says:

    So waterboarding by the US government is acceptable.

  3. paddler says:

    As long as we don’t charge them for the water

  4. jlm says:

    This Yahoo crap is just more of our U.S. hypocrisy

  5. Dave says:

    Isn’t it funny how these crusaders in congress don’t have a problem with pumping billions of our (now worthless) dollars into the chinese economy, giving away american jobs and technology to the commies, dare to get indignant with Yahoo when Yahoo (the employees in China) would have been looking down the barrel of a gun if they had not complied?

  6. GigG says:

    See there’s the difference. Many of the statments above, if made by a ChiCom citizen would result in their arrest.

  7. gregallen says:

    It isn’t just Yahoo.

    In an well-known Arab country I met a guy who told me he was working at a well-known software company that I won’t name but will simply call “Mikrosopht.”

    He told he was installing the voice recognition software for the state-run phone company. Software that is surely used to monitor and suppress democratic movements and religious freedom.

    When he told me this, I got absolutely no signal that he felt any sort of ethical conflict about it.

    Reminds me of those IBM punch card machines which made tracking Jews possible in Nazi Germany.

  8. Angel H. Wong says:

    Silly John, everyone knows the US politician will favour China over anything else, heck, they can even rape the blonde twins from Prussian Blue right there in the Forbidden City and all the President in charge can/will say is “Do you have it on Blu-Ray too?”

  9. Ronan says:

    Good God Dvorak! The Chinese government puts away a reporter for ten years because he mentions Tiananmen Square Massacre. And you give it the moral equivalence of the US Government asking the phone companies to cooperate in the days after 911 to find possibly more terrorist threats.

    Your liberal bias and hatred of America is has destroyed both your intellectual and moral capabilities.

  10. Karl says:

    ” … the US Government asking the phone companies to cooperate in the days after 911 to find possibly more terrorist threats.”

    You are aware of the fact that the NSA moved into room 641A in FEBRUARY of 2001, several months prior to 9/11, no? And that they’re privy to ALL network traffic within the United States, not merely observing select persons of interest who are corresponding with Al-Queda operatives overseas?

    The you’ve got nothing to worry about if you haven’t done anything wrong argument no longer holds any water.


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