A hoax scientific study pointing to ocean bacteria as the overwhelming cause of global warming fooled some skeptics on Thursday who doubt growing evidence that human activities are to blame.
Laden with scientific jargon and published online in the previously unknown “Journal of Geoclimatic Studies” based in Japan, the report suggested the findings could be “the death of manmade global warming theory.”
Skeptics jumped on the report. A British scientist e-mailed the report to 2,000 colleagues before spotting it was a spoof. Another from the U.S. called it a “blockbuster.”
It was not clear who was behind the report, which said bacteria in the Atlantic and Pacific oceans emitted at least 300 times more carbon dioxide than industrial activity — a finding that, if true, would overturn the widely held view of scientists that burning fossil fuels are the main cause of warming.
I hope no one tells Bill O’Reilly that it’s a hoax. He’ll believe it. He understands as little science as the cretin in the White House.
It’s all those fish farts.
Can you imagine farting in the same water you drink? Must be Republican fish.
That was good to test out these people. They look for any excuse to bail themselves out. If only they could see the big picture of all the humans and animals on this earth suffering because of our actions.
Don’t they want to survive as well? Too bad really.
I wonder if that’s the same institute that does the “science” on the hundreds of whales Japan kills each year in the south Pacific?
So how long before “An inconvenient truth” is revealed as a hoax?
>>So how long before “An inconvenient truth” is revealed as a hoax?
Heh heh. Don’t hold your breath. Or do. Darwinism at work!
This is just likely the regular media that jumps on all sorts of ‘facts’ that suit their talking points. Witness the ‘phony soldiers’ -Rush Limbaugh story. Or just about any of their global warming stories that take as fact the doom and gloom scenarios that just aren’t backed by science(like Gore’s 20 foot sea level rise in his movie.)
It is intuitively obvious to even the most casual observer that Global Warming caused Hitler, because of endangered species smoking and eating factory farmed trans-fats while driving SUVs on long suburban commutes.
what I want to know is how much of global warming is caused by the hot air spouted by the deniers?
MikeN –
It must be really embarrassing to know that the biggest group of people that agree with you also assert that there were dinosaurs on Noah’s Ark.
If the Deniers are wrong, why did the poles on Mars begin melting at the same time as Earth’s?
“If the Deniers are wrong, why did the poles on Mars begin melting at the same time as Earth’s?”
umm, because they didn’t?
Just a few years ago, deniers were denying the existence of global warming, now they accept it as fact, but are now denying that global warming is human caused and that it is just cyclical.
Last time the earth was this warm was 7000 years ago. It took a few hundred years of warming trend to get there. We did it in a mere 150 years. There is no way normal fluctuations can warm that fast without considering human causality.
Then we have my favorite denier argument of all: “Nature has a way of correcting itself” Well, it seems the most likely “correction” will come in the form of billions of humans dying of disease and starvation after “peak oil” decimates our society. Personally, I’d rather avoid natures correcting mechanism if possible TYVM.
too bad you can’t… get over it
We need more doing and less complaining…
#10 “cook”
I think you are spelling your name wrong… it should be “kook’.
Please name one single reputable source that shows scientific evidence of the synchrony between excessive pole surface reduction between Earth and Mars, aside from normal seasonal cycles.
I know.. maybe the Martians are drinking too much polar water?
#12, tell that to the people in Atlanta, that will be out of drinking water within 9 months – faster if downstream states declare emergency.
The hoax article being sent to so many people, shows just how much people don’t want to change their ways / comforts.
After all, who wants to raise their hands and say “I’m responsible” when we all are?
Much easier on the conscience to deny it all.
[edit: see comments guide]
ArianeB, wasn’t the last warming only 1,000 years ago, not 7,000?
Areas in Greenland that were settled by the Vikings and then later frozen over during the little Ice Age have ‘cleared’ again?
btw, was it the Roman chariots that caused the 1000 AD warming? And therefore what caused the little Ice Age?
By John Coleman – Founder of The Weather Channel:
it is the greatest scam in history. I am amazed, appalled and highly offended by it. Global Warming; It is a SCAM.
Some dastardly scientists with environmental and political motives manipulated long term scientific data back in the late 1990’s to create an allusion of rapid global warming. Other scientists of the same environmental wacko type jumped into the circle to support and broaden the “research” to further enhance the totally slanted, bogus global warming claims. Their friends in government steered huge research grants their way to keep the movement going. Soon they claimed to be a consensus.
Environmental extremist, notable politicians among them then teamed up with movie, media and other liberal, environmentalist journalists to create this wild “scientific” scenario of the civilization threatening environmental consequences from Global Warming unless we adhere to their radical agenda.
Now their ridicules manipulated science has been accepted as fact and become a cornerstone issue for CNN, CBS, NBC, the Democratic Political Party, the Governor of California, school teachers and, in many cases, well informed but very gullible environmental conscientious citizens. Only one reporter at ABC has been allowed to counter the Global Warming frenzy with one 15 minutes documentary segment.
I do not oppose environmentalism. I do not oppose the political positions of either party.
However, Global Warming, i.e. Climate Change, is not about environmentalism or politics. It is not a religion. It is not something you “believe in.” It is science; the science of meteorology. This is my field of life-long expertise. And I am telling you Global Warming is a nonevent, a manufactured crisis and a total scam. I say this knowing you probably won’t believe me, a mere TV weatherman, challenging a Nobel Prize, Academy Award and Emmy Award winning former Vice President of United States. So be it.
I suspect you might like to say to me, “John, look the research that supports the case for global warming was done by research scientists; people with PH D’s in Meteorology. They are employed by major universities and important research institutions. Their work has been reviewed by other scientists with PH D’s. They have to know a lot more about it than you do. Come on, John, get with it. The experts say our pollution has created an strong and increasing greenhouse effect and a rapid, out of control global warming is underway that will sky rocket temperatures, destroy agriculture, melt the ice caps, flood the coastlines and end life as we know it. How can you dissent from this crisis? You must be a bit nutty.
Allow me, please, to explain how I think this all came about. Our universities have become somewhat isolated from the rest of us. There is a culture and attitudes and values and pressures on campus that are very different. I know this group well. My father and my older brother were both PHD-University types. I was raised in the university culture. Any person who spends a decade at a university obtaining a PHD in Meteorology and become a research scientist, more likely than not, becomes a part of that single minded culture. They all look askance at the rest of us, certain of their superiority. They respect government and disrespect business, particularly big business. They are environmentalists above all else.
And, there is something else. These scientists know that if they do research and results are in no way alarming, their research will gather dust on the shelf and their research careers will languish. But if they do research that sounds alarms, they will become well known and respected and receive scholarly awards and, very importantly, more research dollars will come flooding their way.
So when these researchers did climate change studies in the late 90’s they were eager to produce findings that would be important and be widely noticed and trigger more research funding. It was easy for them to manipulate the data to come up with the results they wanted to make headlines and at the same time drive their environmental agendas. Then their like minded PHD colleagues reviewed their work and hastened to endorse it without question.
There were a few who didn’t fit the mold. They did ask questions and raised objections. They did research with contradictory results. The environmental elitists berated them brushed their studies aside.
I have learned since the Ice Age is coming scare in the 1970’s to always be a skeptic about research. In the case of global warming, I didn’t accept media accounts. Instead I read dozens of the scientific papers. I have talked with numerous scientists. I have studied. I have thought about it. I know I am correct when I assure you there is no run away climate change. The impact of humans on climate is not catastrophic. Our planet is not in peril. It is all a scam, the result of bad science.
I am not alone in this assessment. There are hundreds of other meteorologists, many of them PH D’s, who are as certain as I am that this global warming frenzy is based on bad science and is not valid.
I am incensed by the incredible media glamour, the politically correct silliness and rude dismal of counter arguments by the high priest of Global Warming.
In time, a decade or two, the outrageous scam will be obvious. As the temperature rises, polar ice cap melting, coastal flooding and super storm pattern all fail to occur as predicted everyone will come to realize we have been duped.
The sky is not falling. And, natural cycles and drifts in climate are as much if not more responsible for any climate changes underway.
I strongly believe that the next twenty years are equally as likely to see a cooling trend as they are to see a warming trend.
By John Coleman – Founder of The Weather Channel:
He started a television network, so he’s an expert? Maybe the Washington Nationals should hire Bill Rasmussen (founder of ESPN) to coach them into a winning season next year.
What percentage of his PhD staff agree with him? (Better keep a low profile if not.)
TV executives are a lot more concerned about keeping advertisers happy than ANYTHING else. Accuracy and truth have always been pretty low on their list of priorities.
Ariane, why are so many ‘global warming is going to kill us’ people also advocates of ‘peak oil’? If oil is running out, then the changes that will ‘stop global warming’ will happen by themselves.
Evolution, bitches!
#17, ICECAP organization is a PAID / FINANCED by certain “companies” that want USA to continue it’s main substance abuse.
Many great minds at PriusChat.com took apart ICECAP
When you take away meth from an addict, does he/she play nice, or, becomes violent?
let’s assume global warming is a hoax and just tell industry to quit their pollution controls altogether!
who needs clean water or air? let’s poison everything! who cares?!?!
all i care about is driving a big fat suv! hell yeah!!
more pollution, today! yaaaay! let’s all live in an open-air garbage pit!!!
now that’s what conservatives want! let’s give it to ’em!
#20 MikeN you’re right, let’s wait until the oil runs out to look for an alternative!!
you’re a genius!
#4 chuck
you’re right no human behavior has any effect on the global climate, so we should stop all attempts to clean up the environment!
perfect! now go move your house into a sewer since you think pollution is good.
#19, iHotAir(YOP)
There is no such thing as a meterologist. If you meant some one who studies measurement, it is spelled metrologist. If you meant someone who studies the weather, it is spelled meteorologist . If you can’t spell it, then you ain’t it.
Second, which ever science you follow, you would know not to use YouTube as a reference. Only stupid people would put their faith in something like that.
Yeah, I forgot to add the disclaimer that Algore is God and every single skeptic is paid off by Big Oil. (I need to figure out how to get on one of these payouts.)
Did you ever think that maybe some of these scientists throw in with some of these groups because they feel this is important and it’s the only way to get the word out? It’s not as is the AGW proponents aren’t being paid off via research grants.
BTW: Who cares what Prius owner think? There isn’t a prius that’s usable outside the city yet. When you show me a Surburban sized Prius that can go 1000mi in one day with only 2-3 10 min. stops that doesn’t cost more than a current Surburban, I’ll pay attention
#26 – I can spell just fine. Typing however is problematic some days.
YouTube is not necessarily a reference but is an excellent distribution mechanism that gets around the gatekeepers in traditional media.
Another shit topic.
About time for Dvorak to stop pumping this dog on the podcasts.
When you make such profound comments and claim some type of scientific background, you should have some degree of knowledge. That would include the ability to correctly spell your own profession and be able to list some publications to back up your point. Because you apparently can’t do either I call bullshit. You are just another fish fart enthusiast.
Maybe, just maybe, if you had made a few more spelling errors that might have washed.
#30 – Have you watched the presentation? I’m sure it was just staged by actors just to put something on YouTube.
As far a spelling/typo production goes, you’ll see at least one a day from me. The “Doh, I should slow down and proofread more” goes on all the time.
Also, I looked back at #19 and to clarify: I didn’t mean that I’m a meteorologist (or metrologist). What I meant is that I would put more weight on the opinion of a meteorologist (or even a metrologist) over a career politician.