A hoax scientific study pointing to ocean bacteria as the overwhelming cause of global warming fooled some skeptics on Thursday who doubt growing evidence that human activities are to blame.

Laden with scientific jargon and published online in the previously unknown “Journal of Geoclimatic Studies” based in Japan, the report suggested the findings could be “the death of manmade global warming theory.”

Skeptics jumped on the report. A British scientist e-mailed the report to 2,000 colleagues before spotting it was a spoof. Another from the U.S. called it a “blockbuster.”

It was not clear who was behind the report, which said bacteria in the Atlantic and Pacific oceans emitted at least 300 times more carbon dioxide than industrial activity — a finding that, if true, would overturn the widely held view of scientists that burning fossil fuels are the main cause of warming.

I hope no one tells Bill O’Reilly that it’s a hoax. He’ll believe it. He understands as little science as the cretin in the White House.

  1. unspeakable says:

    There were two causes of the little ice age, increased volcanic activity and decreased solar activity. Particularly the eruption of the volcano Tambora in Indonesia is credited with causing the cooling trend. Both of these causes were necessary for a cool down. If for example solar activity had increased all the crap put in the air by the volcanoes would have acted as a blanket, heating the earth rather then cooling it.
    In regards to human caused global warming, yes we are contributing to the warming trend even if we are not the sole cause . The suns activity has increased in recent years, however we are making the blanket that will warm the earth. Humans are contributing to the over all warming, just like a volcano can under the right conditions.
    However this should be irrelevant. We should not wait until the filth we produce causes us problems. We should strive to make less filth and clean up what we made! I don’t understand you people who think polluting is OK unless it totally and obviously destroys the environment. Do you wallow in shit at home hoping it won’t make you sick? Do you drink your own urine just because it’s sterile? I do you suck just a little car exhaust because just a little won’t kill you? I sure hope not! If there are better, cleaner ways to run things let use them and discard the old dirty ways.

  2. Mark Derail says:

    #27 GlobalWarmer my Fav poster !!!
    Your prayer has been heard & answered.

    How about getting more MPG than my Prius with your Suburban?
    Be able to use ANY fuel?
    Double your torque ! Double the HP !

    Jonathan Goodwin is the answer.

    Large trucks / SUV’s are the ideal platform for Diesel-Electric & 4 wheel drives. My Prius is too small to house an efficient diesel engine paired to a generator and powerful electric motors.

    Neil Young & Arnold are having the sweet cars converted to pure awesomeness.

  3. Mark Derail says:

    Quote :

    This is more than a mere American Chopper–style makeover. Goodwin’s experiments point to a radically cleaner and cheaper future for the American car. The numbers are simple: With a $5,000 bolt-on kit he co-engineered–the poor man’s version of a Goodwin conversion–he can immediately transform any diesel vehicle to burn 50% less fuel and produce 80% fewer emissions. On a full-size gas-guzzler, he figures the kit earns its money back in about a year–or, on a regular car, two–while hitting an emissions target from the outset that’s more stringent than any regulation we’re likely to see in our lifetime. “Johnathan’s in a league of his own,” says Martin Tobias, CEO of Imperium Renewables, the nation’s largest producer of biodiesel. “Nobody out there is doing experiments like he is.”

  4. Mark Derail says:

    Converting my Prius to full-electric at low speed – 35mph today costs over 8K$ for EV-20.

    A Prius costs more than 30k$, about the same as most SUV’s.

    So a Suburban Converted by Jon Goodwin, is cheaper than my Prius upgraded to PHEV w/EV-20.

    Like #27 likes to say, I can’t haul a fridge with 10×24 cases of brew at the same time. Not that I ever need to to that.

  5. Smith says:

    Only idiots would accept computer modeling of choatic systems as “proof” that man causes global warming. Hell, it gets even more absurd when you realize that the “consensus” is based upon averaging the results from — according to a report I read last week — 19 computer models.

    Now that’s great science! We have moved from a consensus of scientists to a consensus of computer models.

    The Scientific Method is dying from cancer of the brain.

  6. tHE Answer says:

    HA HA!!! dumbasses.

  7. http://tinysig.com/GlobalWarmer says:

    #32 – “Do you drink your own urine just because it’s sterile?”
    No, I drink it because I like the taste.

  8. http://tinysig.com/GlobalWarmer says:

    #33 -35 Sound’s great. The WRONG way to solve a problem is to cut back and go smaller. The RIGHT way to find a better power source, keep the size and not increase the cost. Excellent.

    You’re confusing things in 35 though. A Prius is a great go cart for urban only use, but it is not only a truly useful vehicle. The true comparison is the converted Surburban vs a regular Surburban.

    The drive I mentioned in #27? You may not need to do that, but I do.

    As far as a 10 cases of beer, I don’t need to drive with them but I do need to haul that many home at one time. 😉

  9. Mark Derail says:

    #39 what I mean in #35 is that the TCO for an upgraded Prius is more expensive than a converted Suburban with Fridge Capacity.

    Also if you buy a brand new Suburban, you can actually get a credit / resell the lousy motor + transmission, for probably half the $$$ of the 5K$ diesel-electric upgrade. For going from 8MPG to 60MPG, upgrade pays for itself quickly.

    Neil Young is converting an 1960 Plymouth, that will probably beat Civics in drag races, now that is awesome.

    Meanwhile, GlobalWarmer, get some of these stickers, Hydrocarbon powered Eco-Vehicle that you can stick on your pollution belching behemoths.
    Two per pack. Only 6.95$ !!!


    Drive the eco-nuts bonkers 🙂 and get support of 95% of your local population that don’t know that Hydrocarbon == Gas.

    Glenn Beck has some nice stories from Hydrocarbon fans on his site, funny reads.

  10. MikeN says:

    Grog, my point is that if you believe oil is going to run out, then there is no need to be calling for restrictions on oil.

  11. Mr. Fusion says:

    #31, iHotAir(YOP)

    Only Coleman isn’t a meteorologist. He’s a businessman.

  12. ChrisMac says:

    #29 James Hill.. Could you please stop plagerizing my ideas

  13. http://tinysig.com/GlobalWarmer says:

    #40 Dude – I LOVE it!. Great link. Thanks.


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