
Based on the third paragraph, it appears an interesting tactic was used in combating this heinous act.

Man Calls 911 And Demands Beer

It may have seemed like an emergency at the time, but a Connecticut man is now regretting his call to 911.

35-year-old Brian Poulin of Hebron was arrested Sunday after police said he called 911 several times and asked them to bring him beer.

Hebron was charged with disorderly conduct.

Police said he called 911 numerous times and told the dispatcher he was out of beer and asked them to pick up more for him.

Poulin was transported to Windham Community Memorial Hospital after officers arrested him at his home.

Police did not say what he was treated for.

He is scheduled to appear in Superior Court in Rockville on Nov. 20.

  1. old waterman says:

    I hope an ass whop pin. He obviously did not get enough of those when they might have done some good.

  2. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    It’s pretty obvious that that was the longest phone number he could think of at the time… ‘0’ kept hanging up on him.
    Goes to show that Texas & Jawja have not yet cornered the market on morans…

  3. tallwookie says:

    What kind of beer was it? domestic? imported?

  4. Mister Twister says:

    Just to give everyone a little perspective. In Connecticut, alcohol sales are prohibited by law on Sundays. Besides Connecticut is so full of stupidity we export it.

  5. jccalhoun hates the stupid spam filter says:

    My friend is a cop in a small town and he tells me that people call 911 all the time for stupid stuff like this. He told me the have someone that calls all the time wanting a ride to the store. morans…

  6. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Being out of beer is an emergency.

  7. Gary Marks says:

    I suppose that calling 911 and asking them to send over some hookers is probably out of the question too.

    I just can’t deal with all these rules.

  8. Improbus says:

    Delivering beer would be a great PR move. Don’t drink and drive … we will deliver your booze and cigarettes to keep you off the roads.

  9. says:

    #6 – Exactickly.

  10. Kucing says:

    He could of meant to dial 411 and ask for directions to the nearest pub, but too stupid to remember.

  11. Bishop Fusion says:

    If he had of ordered double cheese pizza with the beer, he could have claimed religious persecution.

  12. CCRider says:

    Only a moron would read an article, deem themselves superior in intelligence to the subject of said article and then proclaim said subject a “moran”.

    Remember: Only a moron would let a moron spell moron as “moran”

    As the bumper sticker once said, “Beam me up, there’s no sign of intelligent life down here….”

    (and there’s TWO of them….jeez)


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