Next stop, the White House!

Pat Robertson endorses Giuliani’s presidential bid – Los Angeles Times — My thinking? Robertson wants to have nothing to do with Mormons.

Televangelist Pat Robertson today endorsed Republican presidential candidate Rudolph W. Giuliani, saying the former New York mayor’s promises to appoint conservative judges and protect Americans “from the blood lust of Islamic terrorists” should trump conservatives’ concerns about Giuliani’s support of abortion rights.

Robertson’s endorsement came one day after another prominent social conservative, Paul Weyrich, endorsed Giuliani rival Mitt Romney, the former Massachusetts governor. Kansas Sen. Sam Brownback, a social conservative who ended his own GOP presidential bid earlier this fall, today endorsed Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.).

  1. Rob says:

    Damn, this is going to suck. “Heil Bush!” is so much easier to yell than ‘Heil Giuliani!” He really needs to simplify his name before becoming dictator.

  2. ArianeB says:

    Is it me, or are the Republicans purposely taking a dive in 2008 knowing how bad the economy will collapse soon?

    If Giuliani was smart, he would decline Pat Robertson’s nomination.

  3. Gentoo says:

    Liberal hate the troops, they hate America, and they are hoping for an Al Qaeda victory!

    However, I will enjoy watching Queen Hillary take the blame for the collapsed dollar. She will lose her re-election bid worse than Jimmy Carter.

  4. MikeN says:

    Well he wants to be a power broker of sorts.

  5. MikeN says:

    If it was just about hating the Mormon, he should have supported McCain or Thompson or Huckabee.

  6. hhopper says:

    That’s the kiss of death for Giuliani.

  7. doug says:

    look, they know it isnt about what Rudy himself actually believes – to keep the support of the trailer-park set and their televangelist overlords, if Rudy is elected, he will do their bidding to keep their support. they knew Bush 1 was not one of them, but they supported him anyway for the same reason.

    if Rudy is elected, his subservience will primarily entail replacing John Paul Stevens with a Thomas/Scalia/Roberts/Alito -type reactionary when the time comes.

  8. Les says:

    Doesn’t he look constipated?

  9. OMG says:

    Shit, we are fucked.

    America is going to hell.

  10. Greg Allen says:

    This really chaps my hiney.

    As a liberal Democrat but also an Evangelical Christian, I was seriously beat-on by the other Evangelicals for supporting Bill Clinton.

    Who could I support a someone who was personally immoral, they lectured me again and again. No, I didn’t support extramarital blow jobs, I explained, but in other ways he represents my values as a Christian. These conservatives would have nothing to do with that logic. That was then.

    Now that’s EXACTLY what they are doing when they support Giuliani who, best I can tell, has worse personal ethics than Clinton.

  11. Bryan Price says:

    #3, you’re counting on the dollar lasting that long. Bush is going to be eating that problem. I’ll be surprised if it lasts to election day, but certain before the inauguration.

    The real problem(s) are the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq (and Iran if we really get unlucky!). Just because of handling them, the next president is a one termer. It won’t matter if the path doesn’t change or we start pulling out right after the inauguration. It’s a no win situation all around.

  12. James Armstrong says:

    What, you couldn’t photoshop that finger?
    You’re not even trying. 🙁

  13. jlm says:

    seems like they would have learned their lesson from last time

  14. Gary Marks says:

    Robertson’s primary and overriding concern is fighting the rise of Islamic fundamentalism abroad, but his support for Giuliani seems to undermine Robertson’s own position that old fashioned Christian values at home are what makes America strongest. No one said that intellectual and moral consistency is a requirement to be a politically active religious leader.

    I’m sure Robertson prayed long and hard about this, and God told him that Giuliani is the best candidate. Be sure to cast your ballots accordingly so God doesn’t have to tinker with the results again.

  15. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #14 – Robertson’s primary and overriding concern is fighting the rise of Islamic fundamentalism abroad,

    Because in Robertson’s world, there is only room for one kind of fundamentalist extremism.

  16. Gary Marks says:

    #15 Yep, the same brand of “crazy” that allowed Robertson to draw a straight line between Ariel Sharon’s stroke and his policy of “dividing God’s land” by withdrawing settlements from Gaza and parts of the West Bank. Apparently, Sharon was God’s property manager and wasn’t doing a very good job in Robertson’s eyes 😉

  17. Mr. Fusion says:

    #16, Gary,

    I have to admit, that was cute. It got a good chuckle out of me.

  18. Gary Marks says:

    Thanks Mr. Fusion — I thought I’d be ashamed, making fun of mental illness, but it felt pretty good!


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