What are the odds? Couple nearly killed by falling cow | KOMO-TV – Seattle, Washington | Local & Regional –You’ve heard of the concept of a bullet with your name on it? This is a cow.
A Chelan County fire chief says a couple were lucky they weren’t killed by a cow that fell off a cliff and smashed their minivan.
District 5 Chief Arnold Baker says they missed being killed by a matter of inches Sunday as they drove on Highway 150 near Manson.
found by Aric Mackey
Holy Cow ! (Sorry, couldn’t help myself!)
So did the cow make it over the moon or not?
Here in Colorado, its not unusual to get a little jittery whilst driving underneath overhanging cliffs, scares the beejeezus out of me, especially on the hog.
I wonder if they forgot to STEER!!!!!
Fell 200 feet, then had to be euthanized? Tough cow.
I see no way to work bovine into a sentence for this thread 🙁
I bet they were cowed by the experience. Did they at least get to keep the hamburger?
Right out of a bad movie,
I “Dairy” her to try that again!
#5 – It wasn’t tough, just beefy.
So what happened? James Hill’s wife fell over a cliff?
The couple were heard to exclaim, “Tasted just like chiken”.
Sounds like a bunch of bull to me..
Its amazing they walked away with only an injured calf..
That’s it! No more milk for me.
The guy was heard repeating….**I don’t believe this**…..wait until he files his claim with his insurence company….he won’t believe THAT either.
Do you suppose the cow was insured? 🙂
I guess in the future they will have to STEER clear of that area. I wonder if the highway department will have to erect one of those signs tht says beware of falling cows.
I bet this was one of those genetically engineered cows that produce some sort of hormone in their milk
SUPER COW!!! UP, UP, AND AWAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Gee. “The guy was heard repeating….**I don’t believe this**…..wait until he files his claim with his insurence company….he won’t believe THAT either.” Good one lol
Sad and funny…