“I think I taste pretty good!”
Energy drinks jolt blood pressure, study finds
The increasingly popular high-caffeine beverages called energy drinks may do more than give people a jolt of energy — they may also boost heart rates and blood pressure levels, researchers said on Tuesday.
The results of a small study prompted the researchers to advise people who have high blood pressure or heart disease to avoid energy drinks because they could impact their blood pressure or change the effectiveness of their medications.
The drinks generally have high levels of caffeine and taurine, an amino acid found in protein-rich foods like meat and fish that can affect heart function and blood pressure, the researchers said.
I think this is stating the obvious. Did anybody actually think Red Bull does anything good for your system ?
Hell, my doctor doesn’t want me to drink regular coffee.
The real meaning of life is moderation.
Wow, so people with high blood pressure shouldn’t drink high caffeine drinks. Who’d a thunk it.
News Flash! In a completely unexpected discovery, it has been found that a stimulant may raise blood pressure. Scientists are stunned.
[Please use TinySig.com for extra long sigs. – ed.]
dunno… I drink at least one if not 2 of the bigass 24oz cans of rockstar every day – i havent had any problems… mebbe it only affects fat people?
Where are the No-Shit police?
Shit tastes like friggin cough syrup.
[How would you know what shit tastes like? – ed.]
This is an infinitesimal problem compared to sodium intake.
Huge amounts of salt are not good for blood pressure but huge amounts of salt are added to almost everything we eat in North America.
Considering the average intelligence of people who would drink these things in the first place, I’d say that an increase in blood pressure is the least we could hope for.
Instant death would be much more beneficial to society.
#11 – Don’t be too quick to cut your salt intake. If too much salt causes high BP, then no salt – no BP and that’s not good either.
# 13 http://tinysig.com/GlobalWarmer
“If too much salt causes high BP, then no salt – no BP and that’s not good either.”
That’s a very good point but I’ve found it doesn’t matter how much I try to avoid salt, I get more than I’m ‘allowed’ every day. The only way I can figure out to avoid all salt is to avoid all food and I’ve decided I don’t want to be quite that healthy.
You know who really started the craze of RedBull? Dave Letterman. Someone in his audience was asked and he supplied some to the host.
Bingo! Instant craze.
Re: #14
Oops! If you click on that Sig you’ll end up at one of those advertisement domain name holder web pages with ads and questionable searches.
You’ve been warned!
Who knew there was really a TinySig.com? The Internet is one strange place… I wonder if there is a TinyPenis.com.
Nah, I don’t wanna know.
Yes the stuff is nasty, unhealthy, and more importantly, still nasty.
#16-17 – Cool!
I didn’t know there was a site – I just typed it in because an Editor ordered me to. 🙂
#18 – Salt is nasty? I used to occasionally suck on a piece of rock salt like Lifesaver as a kid. Mmmmmm. You ever just suck on a bullion cube raw?
#16: You can only access the site if you have an unusually long sig. Wannabes will go to the place holder site. Just saying you have one doesn’t work. Sorry.
10. Heh, I was a kid once 🙂