ABC News: Former SD Legislator Convicted of Rape And it looks as if this idiot is also one of the family values evangelicals too.

A former state lawmaker was convicted of raping two former foster daughters during physical examinations that he claimed would help them sell their reproductive eggs. The jury on Tuesday found Ted Klaudt guilty of all four counts of second-degree rape after deliberating for three hours. Klaudt, 49, could get as many as 25 years in prison for each count when he is sentenced in January.

Wannabee gynecologist

Related links:
The Republican Scandal rundown list…yikes!
Another laundry list here

found by Homer Simpson

  1. Elwood Pleebus says:

    This guy is going to end up LIVING IN A VAN DOWN BY THE RIVER!

  2. Greg Allen says:

    I heard one of the authors of the book “The Brotherhood of the Disappearing Pants: A Field Guide to Conservative Sex Scandals ” interviewed on the radio and he was a scream.

    I have to wonder why so many of these are coming out now? I expect the Right is going to claim some liberal prosecutorial conspiracy.

    That seems really unlikely but I really don’t have a good theory about the timing of all these scandals.

  3. billabong says:

    Why don’t we just slam this guys pecker in a door.

  4. Greg Allen says:

    A: Why do conservative Republicans cry after sex?

    B: Pepper spray!

  5. GetSmart says:

    It’s Peter, from “The Family Guy”!!!

  6. Ooopps! says:

    #1 LOL! R.I.P. Chris Farley…

    #3 Good luck finding that….

  7. Juan Cardona says:

    Sharing a cell? If this guy gets into a cell there is no room for a cellmate. If you think finding his pecker is difficult, I bet finding his arse is no easier, so I don’t think nobody’s raping this slug, at least until he loses a few pounds after a few months of prison food.

  8. natefrog says:

    Holy tub of lard, Batman!

    Jeebus, at first I thought it was a wide-angle lens distorting the proportions of the photo…

    …Then I realized it was a wide-angle lens just to get him in the photo…

  9. natefrog says:

    Obligatory quote:

    “Come here! I’m bigger than you, I’m higher in the food chain! Get in my belly!”

  10. Mister Mustard says:

    >>And it looks as if this idiot is also one of the family values
    >>evangelicals too.

    It does? Why does it look like that? There’s nothing in the linked story to suggest that he is one.

    Oh, I forgot. He’s a perv, he’s fat, ugly, and a hypocrite. Must be one a them thar “fucking Xians”. Yee haw.

  11. natefrog says:

    #11, Mustard:

    While in office, he co-sponsored several bills that took aim at sex offenders, including “community safety zones” where sex offenders are not allowed to reside or enter zones within 500 feet of schools, public parks and swimming pools. He also co-sponsored the bill that required South Dakota to be included in the National Sex Offender Registry, a bill that requires the Department of Social Services to inform parents about abuse or neglect involving their child who is under the state’s care, and a (defeated) bill that would have prohibited the distribution of contraceptives to high school students. –Wikipedia

    Sure sounds like some hallmark traits of an Evangelical to me, especially the “no contraceptives” stance.

  12. DBR says:

    I notice in the photos that the vertical striped shirts
    he favors do have a remarkable slimming effect.

  13. Don Marsh says:

    While in office, he co-sponsored several bills that took aim at sex offenders, including “community safety zones” where sex offenders are not allowed to reside or enter zones within 500 feet of schools, public parks and swimming pools. He also co-sponsored the bill that required South Dakota to be included in the National Sex Offender Registry, a bill that requires the Department of Social Services to inform parents about abuse or neglect involving their child who is under the state’s care, and a (defeated) bill that would have prohibited the distribution of contraceptives to high school students.
    Yep. Them evangelicals are the only people who are against those things.

  14. Dallas says:

    #1 LOL. My thoughts exactly!

    He does model exactly what a republican would look like described to a blind person.

  15. FRAGaLOT says:

    fat cat extreme!

  16. NappyHeadedHo says:

    I wonder when was the last year he was able to see his penis?

  17. Matt Garrett says:

    You just had to go there with the slam against Christians, didn’t you? This guy deserves jail time plain and simple. But to yet again play the bigoted “fundy card” also shows the ugly side of “”

  18. Steve says:

    #13 DBR- Unfortunately he has to wear 47 of them to actually get the effect…

  19. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    One glance at this quasi-human POS brings to mind the phrase ‘pathologically self-indulgent’; one glance at the charges against him and the legislation he backed evokes the term ‘sociopathic hypocrite’; the two of which, in turn, combined, scream ‘Republican’.

  20. tallwookie says:

    that guy is fat

  21. natefrog says:

    #14, Don;

    Congratulations on ignoring my “especially the ‘no contraceptives'” remark.

  22. Gary Marks says:

    I used to be much more sympathetic towards manatees, but now I’m not so sure…

  23. mark says:

    Somebody recommend a tailor for this guy, I cant see his hands.

  24. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #3 – Why don’t we just slam this guys pecker in a door.

    Because it won’t reach the door?

    #4 – Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha 🙂

  25. Mister Mustard says:

    >>Sure sounds like some hallmark traits of an Evangelical to
    >>me, especially the “no contraceptives” stance.

    Well, Mr. Froggie, none of that legislative history was in the linked article. I guess I’m not keeping up with the political scene in Fargo.

    And the guy doesn’t sound like an “evangelical” to me, so much as a standard-issue right-wing neocon pervert who rails in public against exactly what he’s doing in the closet. I know plenty of evangelical Christians, and none of them have the weird love/ hate relationship with sexuality that the “meth and man-ass” kooks regularly gracing the anti-religion section of dvorak dot org slash blog do. I guess I move in different evangelical circles than the folks here. If anything, his anti-sex “stance” souds more like a Catholic.

  26. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #27 – I know plenty of evangelical Christians, and none of them have the weird love/ hate relationship with sexuality that the “meth and man-ass” kooks regularly gracing the anti-religion section of dvorak dot org slash blog do.

    Man… are you gonna be surprised when they are finally caught… 🙂

  27. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    Frankly… I’m shocked that this guy is into anything perverted…

    He looks less like a Golden Showers man and more like a Golden Coral man…

  28. RBG says:

    Sorry, I missed the related Democratic Scandal Lists. Maybe as a public service you could include them instead of the pretense they don’t exist.


  29. dwright says:

    Isn’t sponsoring bills against sex offenders the equivalent of carbon offsets for liberals who damage the environment?

  30. Gary Marks says:

    #30 dwright — very clever comparison 😉


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