ABC News: Former SD Legislator Convicted of Rape And it looks as if this idiot is also one of the family values evangelicals too.
A former state lawmaker was convicted of raping two former foster daughters during physical examinations that he claimed would help them sell their reproductive eggs. The jury on Tuesday found Ted Klaudt guilty of all four counts of second-degree rape after deliberating for three hours. Klaudt, 49, could get as many as 25 years in prison for each count when he is sentenced in January.
Wannabee gynecologist
Related links:
The Republican Scandal rundown list…yikes!
Another laundry list here
found by Homer Simpson
>>Sorry, I missed the related Democratic Scandal Lists.
Since you seem to think one exists, why don’t YOU provide it. If you can.
And we can skip over bullshit like “Clinton’s execution squad murdered Vince Foster”, and other similarly debunked myths. And yes, we know that Bill got a blow job from Monica.
And so. The scandals are…….??
“Sorry, I missed the related Democratic Scandal Lists.”
Just search in wikipedia with the keyword “Kennedy.”
#32 – And so. The scandals are…….??
There was the guy with the money in his freezer this past summer… He didn’t have sex with a kid, but that was still kinda bad.
Angel already mentioned Kennedy. That’s really digging in the barrel of history.
Clinton got a blow job… But she had a nice rack and wide lips, so I forgive him. (oh, and that booming economy was nice too)
You know, aside from the sexual predation of children, I could forgive a lot of Republican scandals if they could at least govern at least half as well as Clinton did.
I recall something about Dan Rostenkowski, but I’ll be damned if I can remember what it was.
Jesse Jackson, who never even served in an elected office, had an affair. (with an adult)
Jefferson fathered a kid or two with one of his slaves.
Oh, and there was that thing about Reagan having Alzheimer’s for at least 5 years of his Presidency that we know of… but what… that’s right… he was a Republican…
Sin for sin, the left is still pretty clean.
>>Sorry, I missed the related Democratic Scandal Lists. Maybe as a public service you could include them instead of the pretense they don’t exist.
Oh, they are out there, for the Googling.
But many of the scandals go back literally decades. The one they love is Chappaquiddick which is coming up on it’s fortieth anniversary and you’d think it happened last week.
If you look at the list of Republican scandals, they are from when the GOP started posturing itself as the savior of America from us immoral liberals!
#34, You forgot Senator Gary Hart, who had a little dalliance with someone not his wife. Right around the same time Newt Gingrich and Rudy Guiliani were (ahem) having their own dalliances with staffers while married.
Some other juicy sex scandles
Ken Calvert, Congressman (R-Ca), champion of the Christian Coalition and its “family values.” Sued as an alimony deadbeat by his ex-wife. Said “We can’t forgive what occurred between the President and Lewinsky.” In 1993 he was caught by police receiving oral sex from a prostitute and attempted to flee the scene.
Dan Crane, Republican Congressman, married, father of six. Received a 100% “Morality Rating” from Christian Voice. Had sex with a minor working as a congressional page. article On July 20, the House voted for censure Crane, the first time that censure had been imposed for sexual misconduct.
Richard A. Delgaudio, Republican fundraiser and Bush pioneer, was found guilty of child porn charges.
Jeff Gannon Partisan Republican blogger with no journalism credentials and a fake name who got invited to Bush’s Press conferences. Is also a pimp and a gay prostitute.
Newt Gingrich, married three times. Gingrich campaign worker Anne Manning admitted that she gave Newt oral sex while he was still married to his first wife. Informed one wife he was filing for divorce while she was in the hospital recovering from cancer treatments.
Rudy Giuliani, had several adulterous affairs. Pocketed $80,000 for speaking at a charity benefit for tsunami aid which raised only $60,000 for the victims themselves
Jon Grunseth, Republican businessman and candidate for Minnesota governor, withdrew his candidacy after allegations surfaced that he went swimming in the nude with four underage girls, including his daughter, and tried to grope one. “I’ve made some mistakes” he said.
Dr. W. David Hager Bush appointee, member of Focus on the Family’s Physician Resource Council, player in movement to ban the morning-after-pill. Had an adulterous affair, before divorcing his wife he sexually abused her, including sodomizing her in her sleep.
Mike Hintz, a First Assembly of God youth pastor, introduced by Bush on the campaign trail, and promoted his policies. Says he supports Bush’s values. Two months later, this married father of four turned himself into police, charged with the sexual exploitation of a child. Also signed an ad (that called for criminally prosecuting business that sell porn), along with another pastor who was repeatedly busted for public masturbation.
Bernard Kerik, had two simultaneous adulterous affairs. Also just busted for corruption. Was Guilianni’s Police Commisioner.
I. Lewis Libby, former Assistant to the President and Chief of Staff to Vice President Dick Cheney. In 1996 published a novel containing bizaree sexual content, including beastiality and pedophillia.
Jeff Miller, (R-Cleveland), Senate Republican Caucus Chairman in Tennessee and the sponsor of Tennessee’s Marriage Protection act, getting divorced (as of April 2005) because of an affair he was having with an office aid. Miller described the Tennessee Marriage Protection Act as a means of preserving the sanctity of marriage. He opposed an amendment, however, which stated that “Adultery is deemed to be a threat to the institution of marriage and contrary to public policy in Tennessee.”
And the list goes on and on and on …
Fusion, goddamnit, there’s only one ‘a’ in ‘bestiality’. Otherwise, well done…
#38, Lauren
Well, what can I say. It was such a beast of a job getting the list together, …
But I do thank you for pointing that out.