• Microsoft fires CIO. Why is this getting publicity?
• Symantec buys Vontu. What is data leak protection anyway?
• Canada gets its own version of YouTube for some unknown reason.
• Android is Linux.
• Piracy is rampant… guess where?
• 80% of Americans go online. 179 million spend 11 hours a week on the web.
• I discuss the Levi-Prodi blog licensing law.

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Tech5 Podshow

  1. Mike says:

    What happened to the Tequila commercial?

  2. 888 says:

    tequila is out.
    sobriety is in.

  3. Jägermeister says:

    The MS CIO was fired because he was using Firefox and owned an iPod.

    11 hours… 3 hours on YouTube, 4 hours on Facebook, 2 hours searching for porn and the remaining 2 hours on some meaningless stuff, like dvorak.org. And in other news… While Americans spend 11 hours on the net, China’s economy generates billionaires by the dozen

  4. Richard says:

    The CIO didn’t kill his quota of puppies that month.

  5. John Buffam says:

    You Tube Canada is just plain stupid and Im in Canada. Youtube.com is just fine for us.

  6. Mike Voice says:

    Its a publicly-traded company… aren’t they required to give investors, and potential investors, notice when officers of the company leave or are fired?

    Is it just our privacy laws, and threats of litigation for defamation, which keep companies from explaining why a person is fired?

    In what little I’ve seen of corporate life, people are just “walked”… and the rumor-mill gets to weave all kinds of fanciful reasons for the “disappearance” of our co-workers.

    Case in point, at my own company.

    1. Co-worker is injured on the job. 2-weeks later he gets walked… Why? Rumors abound that he was fired just because he got a serious injury while on-the-job.

    Morale takes a hit because we don’t understand why someone is fired so soon after being injured.

    Then, rumors start circulating that he was given a blood-test at the clinic treating his injury… and they found either drugs or alcohol in his blood-sample.

    Company explains to him privately why they are firing him, but nobody else knows why … other than he “violated company policy”

    2. A guy working at the company for years is walked… rumor claims its for “performance” issues.

    For how long? Has he been counseled on this, or has he been under “double, secret probation” ala Animal House ???


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