Cops aim for the family jewels

Thousands Face Down Pakistani Police — FYI. You can write your own jokes for this one.

Police fired tear gas and clubbed thousands of lawyers protesting President Gen. Pervez Musharraf’s decision to impose emergency rule, as Western allies threatened to review aid to the troubled Muslim nation. Opposition groups put the number of arrests at 3,500, although the government reported half that.

Musharraf, who took power in a 1999 coup and is also head of Pakistan’s army, suspended the constitution on Saturday ahead of a Supreme Court ruling on whether his recent re-election as president was legal. He ousted independent-minded judges, put a stranglehold on independent media and granted sweeping powers to authorities to crush dissent.

Though public anger was mounting in the nation of 160 million people, which has been under military rule for much of its 60-year history, demonstrations so far have been limited largely to activists, rights workers and lawyers. All have been quickly and sometimes brutally stamped out.

  1. mschamberg says:

    … a good start.

  2. bill says:

    Life is good!

  3. mcosmi says:

    nice to know they have nukes too. these muslims are fucking crazy

  4. Awake says:

    Dumbya’s best friend and ally, often cited as an example for democracy in the middle east.
    Dissolved the supreme court because he didn’t like their rulings, and now installed one of his cronies as the new head of teh supreme court.

    And of course, Musharaff is citing terrorism as the reason for his martial law decree, although his actions are not targeted at all at resolving terrorism issues.

    People, we are one terrorist strike away from the same thing happening in the USA.

  5. Calin says:

    “The first thing we do, let’s kill all the lawyers”.
    – Henry VI (part 2) -Act IV, Scene II.

  6. The Answer says:

    The picture would have been funnier if the cop actually got him in the groin.

  7. Jennifer says:

    Or one manufactured one.

  8. Sinn Fein says:

    Quote: “The first thing we do, let’s kill all the lawyers”.
    – Henry VI (part 2) -Act IV, Scene II.

    If we do that, they’ll be sure to sue…wait a minute, you did say “all the lawyers,” right? Then, LET’S GET’EM!

    And, somebody should call HAZMAT for the following toxic sludge clean-up!

  9. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    Now wait a minute. Does that mean me too?

    I heard on the radio on the way to work that Musharraf had cited Abraham Lincloln’s reasoning to impose martial law during the US Civil war as the same as his. Now if Lincoln had taken over his country by military coup instead of being elected I would have had to agree but I think he missed the concept on this.

  10. ryan says:

    I can’t believe that we get two Pakistan stories in one day ! first a 7 billion dollar fiasco about how the money we sent is not spent on fighting terrorists and next a story about how murashef is taking over the country.
    So we will go to war in Pakistan in approx 20 years. Just look at Saddam and Iraq. US arms him to fight the Russians, he becomes a cruel dictator and then we fight two wars to get rid of him. So Pakistan is another example of how screwed up our middle east policy is.
    If Pakistan invades India, then I think world war 3 will start. I don’t have enough trust in governments to think they want to avoid war.

  11. tallwookie says:

    I’m all for dictators authorizing the use of force against lawyers

  12. GigG says:

    #11 There is never a bad reason for beating lawyers.

  13. GetSmart says:

    But they’re not AMERICAN lawyers. Sigh.
    Obligatory lawyer joke: What’s the difference between a Slinky and a lawyer? Neither one is of much use and they’re only fun if you push them down some stairs.

  14. Gary Marks says:

    Dick Cheney is watching the news and taking notes 😉

  15. Steve S says:

    Another obligatory lawyer joke (from the movie “The Rainmaker”):
    What is the difference between a hooker and a lawyer?
    A hooker will stop fu**ing you after you are dead.

  16. Angel H. Wong says:

    The lawyers are bitching about it because if Pervez rewrites the constitution they all have to memorize it again.

  17. bobbo says:

    Well, who would you really support or want to support?

    A military tyrant who will keep power for himself until his death==but give enough help on the war on terror to keep receiving GOUSA money===or the majority of religious leaders in the country who want strong Sharia law imposed on all and who would protect Osama to the max?

    No good choices. What do the Pakistani people want?? Who knows?

  18. Joshua says:

    First…..yipee to the lawyer beatings and gassing.(to anyone who i ever mentioned being a lawyer to….you were drunk and heard it wrong) 🙂

    #17…bobbo…..You have it right. We tend to forget that Musharriff has been dealing with riots, bombings, and kidnappings of his troops and goverment ministers because of his crack down 2 years ago in Wizeristan province. That’s the tribal area of Pakistan that has never been fully under goverment control since Pakistan became a nation and is a hot bed of Taliban and Al Quieda supporters and men. When the Supreme Court defied him earlier this year, the militants stepped up their killings, hoping to topple him and bring in a theocracy.
    He was trying to slowly head towards democracy, hence the deal to bring back Bheutto, but the bombings have gotten worse, and in the last 3 weeks a large number of people running for Parliment who were not taliban backers have been killed in various parts of the country.

    This may be the last hope to keep Pakistan out of the hands of their own Taliban. And today he announced that he felt elections can still be held in January. Sometimes in these countries that have a very long history of competeing groups literally fighting to the death(mostly Muslim countries) it may take a full blown martial law to stop the violence. These people already have the **bomb**, not one but a bunch, I would rather see some lawyers get sore heads and militants imprisioned or maybe killed than a taliban goverment with nukes.

  19. Greg Allen says:

    To make a parallel to our own modern American experience.

    It is no accident that the neo-cons have made a prolonged and deliberate attack on the courts, supposedly “activist” judges and lawyers.

    It’s because they intended to take over that branch of government, too. They got the Whitehouse and congress but knew it would be harder (or at least slower) to take over the one last check and balance on their visions of unitary, one party rule.

    As for me — I think liberal judges and lawyer are a last bastion to save traditional American values (which are traditionally liberal.) That’s why the conservatives hate them so much and intend to bring them down.

  20. Steve S says:

    Greg Allen wrote:
    “…I think liberal judges and lawyers are a last bastion to save traditional American values…”

    If judges and lawyers are our last bastion then we are all doomed!

  21. Awake says:

    And the truth shall be spoken, and the truth shall set us free,

    What a REAL patriot thinks about Bush and his presidency:

    (Windows media file)

  22. Steve says:

    #21 Awake – We had a good thing going with beating lawyers and you mess it up with a link to yet another whining liberal blog site.

    Oh well, it was fun while it lasted.

  23. Mr. Fusion says:

    So let me get this straight. After all the lawyers have been beaten and jailed and the police turn on you, are you going to call your mommy to get you out of jail?

    A nation of laws can only be as strong as the defense of those laws. If a wrong can only be corrected by a civilized action by having it mediated in a court, then maybe I want a lawyer to represent me against that multi billion dollar company.

  24. 888 says:

    #23, some countries (i.e. USA) have too many laws and way too many lawyers, who – like any other bureaucrats – do create more and more murkier laws just to make more money from it (aka have more work) .

    If the whoring, umm I meant lawyering, wouldn’t be so profitable, we wouldn’t have so many lawyers, isn’t it obvious?

    And to answer your hypothetical question (“After all the lawyers have been beaten and jailed and the police turn on you, are you going to call your mommy to get you out of jail?”) even if all the lawyers wouldn’t have been beaten, most of the people simple cannot afford their “services”, so the answer would be “yes, mommy is the only affordable choice”.

    Friend of mine was getting through divorce recently. He and his wife both agreed to split everything equally and go each own way. Do you think its that simple? No. They were forced to get lawyers, because law required them to (for their child’s sake supposedly). Whom do you think made laws requiring them to have a lawyers if not the fucking LAWYERS themselves?

  25. Mr. Fusion says:

    #24, 888,

    Too many lawyers does not equate to wholesale beatings and jailing. Nor does too many laws. Unless, you can point to one law, just ONE fucking law that someone did not ask for.

    Your friend going for the divorce? I can’t answer the specifics since I obviously do not know the details. I am unaware of any jurisdiction that requires the parties to have lawyers. Most require that whomever represents you be a lawyer, but that does not mean you may not represent yourself. So maybe your “friend” didn’t tell you the whole story.

  26. 888 says:

    #25 I dont know details either, and certainly I dont the whole story, but I do know that it were state child protection services (or some agency like that) that required a separate lawyer for their infant “to protect child’s interests” IIRC. Somehow one lead to another and they ended up with 3 different lawyers, whole thing stretched for almost a year in the court, and ended up exactly where they started to begin with: splitting everything equally as they wanted, just with the difference of equivalent of his few months salary that had to be transferred to the fucking lawyers accounts for their “valuable services”… I guess its all fine, since its The Law, right?

  27. NappyHeadedHo says:

    We should set aside a day here in the U.S. that would allow us to beat lawyers.

  28. 888 says:

    #27 no use 🙁
    They would all go to Hawaii or Cuba for that weekend – and their customers (us) would have to pay for the trip anyway…

    The only real solution is the Shakespearian solution posted in bold above

  29. Judas Priest says:

    too bad it werent american lawyers who got gassed and clubbed 🙁

  30. Glenn E says:

    In that country, the lawyers are probably the only educated people. And the doctors are too few, or too busy to protest (or too scared). Just remember that Ghandi was once a lawyer too. And it’s not going to be too long before we see similar protests in the US, over these costly wars we are waging. We’ve gone too many years without a peacetime break to recoperate. They can’t keep funneling our nation’s GNP into Halliburton, forever.


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