Not sure how I missed this video when it came out. It’s kind of frightening and sick.

Meanwhile the number of rapturists seems to be increasing. Here are two videos that reveal some of these notions and how it’s going to pretty much happen tomorrow.

Part Two

Favorite quote from Pat Robertson, “It won’t be nuclear because God didn’t say nuclear.”

  1. Ron Larson says:

    I love the bumper sticker… “When the rapture comes, can I have your car?”

    Also, the rapture isn’t even mentioned in the bible. It is made up, conjectured, recently too!

  2. Jägermeister says:

    Pathetic old con men wanting to squeeze their sheep for some more money before their retirement. If you just become a true Christian and donate your belongings to my church, I’ll bring you to Jesus… Yeah, right… Pastor Hinn needs a new Gulfstream jet, a new Benz and a maintenance of his $2,500,000 home.

  3. RBG says:

    3 Grog. “these knuckleheads are going to be just like founders of the seventh day adventists”

    Don’t give them too much credit now.

    “The Adventist church runs one of the largest Protestant educational systems in the world. It operates 7,000 schools, colleges and universities, with a total enrollment of more than 1,300,000 students and approximately 69,000 teachers

    Adventists run a large number of hospitals and health-related institutions. Their predominant school of medicine and hospital in North America is Loma Linda University and its attached Medical Center. Throughout the world, the church runs a wide network of hospitals, clinics, and sanitariums. These play a role in the church’s health message and worldwide missions outreach.

    For over 50 years the church has been active in humanitarian aid through the work of the Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA). ADRA works as a non-sectarian relief agency in 125 countries and areas of the world. ADRA has been granted General Consultative Status by the United Nations Economic and Social Council. Worldwide ADRA employs over 4,000 people to help both provide relief in crises and development in situations of poverty.”

  4. echeola says:

    That jack van impie has been around for a long time. I heard a record of his from the early 80s promising a nuclear bomb. Then in the 90s the anti-christ was coming to italy. Now it’s this garbage. That guy gets a lot of money from fools that believe his garbage.

  5. OmarTheAlien says:

    They wear thousand dollar suits, it takes a hundred bucks to cut their hair, they live like kings, fly around on corporate jets and keep the faithful stirred up and dumping cash money (and nowadays, checks and credit cards) in the buckets (plates are so last century) so they can buy more fuel for the jets and buy a new suit.
    They quote from a book that’s been translated so many times it’s become as an old, oft washed garment, whose original meaning has slipped away with the centuries and lies buried with the memories of the ancient peoples who are the only people to ever hear Jesus’s words.
    They are so quick to follow a glib quote with the phrase “And folks, this is what Christ really meant”.
    They conveniently forget that the world was going to hell in a washtub just prior to WW2, and there was no Rapture. Just like before WW1, and just like before the unholy alliance between rat and flea that brought on the big European plagues.
    And if there is a God, and He is coming, they believe that somehow He will forsake his Chosen People (The Jews, right?) and spring all the American Bible Bangers from the Tribulations because we are just so damned Holy, and clean, too.
    It’s a tossup whether humanity will triumph through common sense and technology, or perish in nuclear fire or failed habitat, but all who live through the next few centuries will bear witness to our passage through tumultuous times ahead.
    There are no Get Away Free Cards.

  6. Balbas says:

    Pope John Paul II believed George W Bush was the anti-christ — perhaps we should all try to figure out why he did so. 🙂

  7. These guys don’t know shit. As a Viking-age seeress once reported, the end of the world will be thus:

    “43. Garm bays loudly before Gnipa cave,
    breaks his fetters and freely runs.
    The fates I fathom, yet farther I see:
    of the mighty gods the engulfing doom.

    44. Brothers will battle to bloody end,
    and sisters’ sons their sib betray;
    woe’s in the world, much wantonness;
    {axe-age, sword-age- sundered are shields
    wind-age, wolf-age, ere the world crumbles;}
    will the spear of no man spare the other. ”

    (from: 😀 😀 😀

    Serriously though, as far as raptures go, I think the viking-age understanding was much cooler than anything Revelations has to offer with its horsemen and blood from the sky….

  8. Steve says:

    I thought the second video was going to be Benny Hill…

  9. cheese says:

    These are the same fools that maim and kill each other every time a comet comes by.

    I think we should give a Darwin award to each one that drinks the Kool-Aid.

    The truly smart amongst us will sell them the Dixie cups.

  10. HisMostHumblyExhaultedSupremeGlobalWarmingMajesty says:

    Fundies like these idiots have the same amount of credibility as Al Gore. Ugh……

  11. 888 says:

    bwahahahaha 😀
    what an oxymoron, kinda like “communism for democracy” or maybe even stupidier than say “Jews for Hitler!”

    The whole thing looks very much like talmudic infiltration of christianity.
    ANd what is the “jewish race”?! I thought its a religion originating among *arabic* race, but then I know, Im a moron, I dont know shit 😉

  12. 888 says:

    #40 youre wrong, these aren’t the same fools.
    Theyre worse – they want you and me to die (altogether with them) for their beliefs. Much more dangerous idiots than say Koresh etc… and they have support of those who run your country (if youre an “american”).

  13. JimR says:

    RBG, cripes, I’m sorry you were brainwashed throughout your childhood, with no hope of ever escaping the bullshit force fed to you. I was lucky to escape, mostly because I was unrelentingly inquisitive about things that didn’t make sense and by the time I was 7, the nuns finally wanted me out of their brainwashing sessions. My parents complied and let me investigate the truth without interference. No more Sunday school for the inquisitive brat.

    Your post #33 illustrates the insidious and corrupt methods of the Adventists, of most religions and in fact of most positions of power.
    YOU CAN BUY VOTES. The MAIN reason for religious charity, the objective of the organization, is to buy votes… votes being followers.

    Followers often have honest compassion, but the cogs that turn the wheel USE that compassion to expand. From The Adventist Church web site, a 2004 internal news report…

    “The Adventist Mission committee voted to put one-fifth of monies received from the world church between 2005 to 2010 toward church planting in urban areas.

    “We have not yet seen a tangible difference in presence,” says Mark Finley, world church vice president for evangelism. “But there is a tangible difference in attitudes. Hope for the Big Cities has heightened profiles of cities so the church’s world regions can develop strategic plans for those cities.”

    Already there is promising growth. In a report on mission at the church’s October business meetings, church leaders pointed to Lima, Peru where 1,800 new churches have been formed in that city this year. Finley points to Jakarta, Indonesia where more than 1,600 people joined the church in July after a series of small group meetings.

    20% of their donations! Add the cost of the many churches, Adventist hospitals and relief centres that are strategically placed in third world countries where the grateful recipients are reminded of where their help came from (through ADRA). Ask yourself how they would get that kind of cash if they weren’t relying on the natural, non-secular evolutionary trait of compassion. Almost 100% of the population growth of the world is happening in the third world countries. Concentrate on those areas and for every adult you capture, you also get free brainwashing of their children for generations to come.

    The religion aspect is not necessary aid to these countries. Which brings us to why does it matter? It matters because of what churches become when they mature, as illustrated by the videos of this article. It matters because a heavy price is paid by those who take a desperately needed handout. They unwittingly pay with their ability to rationalize their very existence, inherit a distorted value of superiority by association, and pass that ignorance down through future generations.

    Very effective, disgustingly treacherous.

  14. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #23 – Sounds to me like what’s wrong with these people are BIGOTS like “” who refuse to even try and understand what faith is all about.

    It is arrogant to think that because we don’t share your “faith” that we don’t understand how faith works and what faith is. In fact, because we don’t restrict our understanding of the world to a collection of superstitious texts written be people who feared solar eclipses, there is a good chance we understand far more than these apocalypse fetishists do.

    It’s also absurd to call us bigots when what we are really doing is reacting to people who tell us that because we don’t believe as they do that we are immoral and going to burn in eternal damnation.

    And there are many more people of faith who do not engage in this annoying (at best) and dangerous (at worst) behavior and they are not who we are taking about.

    These bible thumping bigots (and that is exactly what they are) have openly waged war on our collective culture and try to legislate their skewed and narrow-minded notion of morality on the rest of us… I am not being bigoted when I stand up and say, “No… you may not make moral decisions for me and you may not teach bullshit creationism to my kids and you may not censor the books and films and music we create/consume and you shall not be the final arbiter of what culture is.”

    This is about who controls the culture. Will it be the collective civilization, or a narrow minded band of idiots who gather together and extol the virtue of mankind’s utter destruction?

    This battle is being fought in the public sphere, and it will take generations because it depends on winning the hearts and minds of children away from the superstitious, childish, and ultimately destructive beliefs of their misguided parents.

    Hopefully, this conflict will not escalate to violence, but given the rhetoric I hear from “the faithful” it would not surprise me at all if all us “bigots” won’t someday be put into a position of having to defend ourselves from an emerging brigade of Holy Loonbat Warriors hellbent of destruction in the name of peace and their lord and saviour, the mythological Jesus Christ.

    I didn’t start this fight, but I am committed to being (as long as I live) on the side that finishes it. By whatever means necessary…

  15. natefrog says:

    #28, Greg;

    The moment you realize you can also replace “science” or “technology” in your questions with “religion,” we can then make progress.

  16. HisMostHumblyExhaultedSupremeGlobalWarmingMajesty says:

    #45 – Amen! 😉

    If these fine folks kept to themselves there wouldn’t be a problem. When they try to force their standards on everyone else, they create a big problem. (Kind of like a few other issues….)

  17. 888 says:

    the rapture is nigh!

  18. The Answer says:

    My Answer is this, They wanna fight for Israel, They wanna wave flags for a nation that has done nothing but bully people around for centuries? Give em a rifle and a plane ticket. They can fight. Good riddance. A world at peace is a world without religious nutjobs. ( I almost said religion, but I know that religion by itself is alright. but when humans get involved publicly it always becomes a mess)

  19. C-Lo says:

    I had to listen to The Clash album 2-3 times to clean my head from all that nonsense.

  20. jolt says:

    “#23 – Sounds to me like what’s wrong with these people are BIGOTS like “” who refuse to even try and understand what faith is all about.”

    It is no more bigotry than saying that people who believe there are invisible pink unicorns in their sock drawer spying for the government are insane.

    The rapturists and creationists go beyond any remotely comprehensible religosity to outright, batshit insanity. Believing in things that are blatantly, factually, obviously untrue is insane, no matter how much you want it to be otherwise.

  21. 888 says:

    #52 their beliefs are no different than those of any other religion’s, be it christian, buddhist, muslim or whatever.
    As last as it stays within the walls of their own homes and churches/mosques/etc and doesnt affect *others* (the non-believers) its all fine…

  22. HisMostHumblyExhaultedSupremeGlobalWarmingMajesty says:

    I changed my mind: Here’s proof that Armageddon really is coming:,2933,308478,00.html

  23. RBG says:

    44 JimR. You’re unintentionally one hilarious guy.

    In your world, somehow religious institutions should not be spending any of their own monies towards the spreading of their message they believe is as true as you might believe in biology. In your example you are outraged that they spend *only* 4/5ths of their money on humanitarian activities. It should be obvious that none of that 4/5ths would even be available if not for the first fifth.

    You talk as though you have somehow escaped brainwashing through your inquisitive nature and observation. A thought process so unrelentless, intensive and thorough as to effect a radical transformation of your beliefs and mental attitudes. That’s almost word-for-word the definition of brainwashing. From your words, it certainly appears that the nuns have given you a thorough mental beating that has never been forgotten and that has colored your perception of all things religious. You are open-minded and inquisitive? Try writing from the perspective of a true broad-minded, unprejudiced hardcore atheist. As a purely off-hand example: me.

    What the hell ever happened to I don’t like what you’re saying but I’ll defend your right to say it to the death? Else, let’s go that one step further and sterilize all the folks we disagree with before it is too late.

    Next time you’re thinking about being inquisitive, try walking into Loma Linda University Hospital with a gunshot wound and actually see how much proselytizing you get. Next you’re going to be complaining about all the slick advertising messages on “free” TV and DU.


  24. GetSmart says:

    As a member of the Church of the Subgenius, I’m waiting for X Day and The Rupture. Meanwhile, I’ll have lunch. Oh yeah, Praise Bob! Pass the Slack.

  25. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #54 – From your link…

    “Basically they ripped them off of their drugs, and they took exception to that,”

    Something of an understatement, I’d say… That’s some funny stuff.

  26. Wrapped Your says:

    Please, like people have said, let Rapture arrive now and take away these nutjobs. Ok, for the critical thinkers, we know that there is no Rapture, just money for the guy at the top of the pyramid scheme. Seeing as these people are so stupid perhaps we can get their Christian leaders to look at the heavens and join a comet tail or something.

    The leaders have to take the first step, though… holding back like that Osama coward. Set a good example, Lieberman, Graham, Roberts et al.

    Please fast track this as our Earth will be much better off without any religion of any kind.
    Religion is not needed to live a quiet, reflective, non-violent and caring life. Actually, the absence of religion will help facilitate that type of existence.

    The TUSA, Theocratic United States of America, will hopefully dissipate into nothingness and only then can your country get back on its feet.
    There are a lot of nice, sensible Americans and I hope they can overturn what’s happening to the country.

  27. 888 says:

    actually our Earth will be better off without any people whatsoever… at least other species certainly must ‘think’ or ‘feel’ that way…

  28. John Buffam says:

    I believe in God, not church or religion

  29. Matthew says:

    Someone that believes in the Rapture is not a Religious Death Freak. The Rapture is Christ coming down to the Earth and taking away his faithful followers, before the unbelievable pain suffering that is in the book of Revelation is unleashed upon the world. We will not die we will be reborn in new bodies everlasting.

    Unfortunately, it also says in the bible that many will go before God thinking they are a Christian and they will be turned away, because of any number of reasons. The sad part is they dont know. The only way to truly know that you are saved is to have accepted Jesus as your saviour and study the word of God to show yourself approved.

    For those of you who are thinking fine let us go, please remember when the end times do come it is not too late. Read the Bible with an open heart and think and pray on what you read.

  30. Judas Priest says:

    61 – Doesn’t your god loves you all, is forgiving and caring about human children of his?
    If people would do such selection you’d call it racism or discrimination and fight it off, but when your god make billions of children and selects only few to go to heaven its all fine… strange are some religions…


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