Not sure how I missed this video when it came out. It’s kind of frightening and sick.

Meanwhile the number of rapturists seems to be increasing. Here are two videos that reveal some of these notions and how it’s going to pretty much happen tomorrow.

Part Two

Favorite quote from Pat Robertson, “It won’t be nuclear because God didn’t say nuclear.”

  1. billabong says:

    Henny Penny said it all”the sky is falling,the sky is falling”no Henny its just raining.Morons!

  2. Raff says:

    I hope the rapture does hurry up and get here. It’ll be much more peaceful with all the bible thumpers out of here.

  3. grog says:

    these knuckleheads are going to be just like founders of the seventh day adventists

    sitting in a field waiting for an end that never comes

    only to face the reality that god wants you to be a good person and do good works, not waste the life he gave you waiting for him to come back

  4. Undissembled says:

    Bring it on baby!

  5. Angel H. Wong says:

    “I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.”

    Albert Einstein.

  6. stiffler says:

    I hate to disappoint the regulars on here, but the rapture will not happen since it draws primarily from misinterpreted scripture. Seven additional years of bible-thumpers ensue as everyone will be here for the tribulation.

  7. domc says:

    Wish they would all just leave already. Leave the rest of us alone.

    Gosh, I used to believe this stuff too.

  8. OhForTheLoveOf says:


    We should not listen to what these people have to say for the same reason we don’t turn to retarded children for economic advice. They aren’t just wrong. They are idiots.

    I’ll say it again…

    Evangelical Doomsday Fetishist are absofuckinglute morons. They are certifiably insane. Why we can’t simply lock these people into institutions and pump them full of drugs is beyond me. These are dangerous people.

    We know they are imbeciles and we know they are a danger to themselves and others because they believe this shit, yet they are allowed to vote, work in jobs (some of which are near our children), have money, make medical decisions, etc…

    Its interesting that they have yet to figure out that Jews are God’s chosen people because Got hates idiots.

    (Okay… well deserved as it may be, with that, my Xian bashing for the day is over…)

  9. Rich says:

    It looks like he went there specifically to stir up trouble, and I’m glad he got kicked out. I think he and Heagy should marry; I don’t like either of them. I think the Israel toadies are pathetic. WHEN, not if, the whole Middle east goes up in a ball of fire and neutrons, it will be the job of America and the west to stand by and watch it burn. Let them have their own personal little Armegeddon and leave the rest of the world out of it.

  10. mark says:

    When I die, I just want to go wherever these guys dont go. Because being with these assholes for eternity, would be my own personal hell.

  11. Eideard says:

    “God didn’t say ‘nuclear'” – and dipstick in the White House is incapable of saying it.

  12. Gary Marks says:

    Gosh, this brings back memories. Most of these excerpts could have been taken straight out of the sermons I sat through as a child. I also remember that many Evangelicals are scared shitless to do anything that could ever put America in opposition to Israel during the “end times.” For that reason, I consider the battle of Armageddon to likely be a self-fulfilling prophecy fueled by perpetual Christian deference to Israel, going back before most of us were even born. Eventually, the rubber band will break.

  13. Axtell says:

    Bush believes he is responsible for bringing about the end of times, which is the reason why he’s unable to keep his nose out of the middle east.

    Scary that these people exist, let alone that they are in a position of real power in this country.

  14. Greg Allen says:

    I’m from the “Rapture” wing of Christianity and, although I’m less literalistic now, I still hang out with those guys.

    Yes, there are plenty of nutcases among them but I personally don’t find their narrative of the end-of-the-world any more distressing than the secularists who are predicting that the world is doomed because of global warming or whatever.

    At least in their narrative of the end of the world is redemptive with justis — as opposed to the secularists who predict nothing more than endless silent oblivion.

  15. Mark T. says:

    Puh leeze. Guys like this have been around for millenia. Nothing new here as far as I can see. Shysters have been using chicken little scenarios to scare people throughout human history.

    BTW, how is this different from the far left radicals that are saying that an angry “Mother Earth” will kill off all of humanity by the year 2009?

    The use of a good imaginary crisis has been used throughout history to influence the gullible. Manipulative types of all ilk have used impending doom to influence human behavior. Heck, even Christopher Columbus used a total eclipse of the moon to frighten the native inhabitants of Jamaica into giving his stranded crew provisions way back in 1504.

  16. tallwookie says:

    rapture? lol fuck the rapture, I want zombies!

  17. mark says:

    Its a Mad Mad Mad Max World, we’s a headin to.

  18. Greg Allen says:

    Mark T —

    Although I suspect you and I are different religiously, I agree with you.

    My main point is that this apocalyptical world view isn’t only among the religious types. The scientific community is very apocalyptical these days, too. Maybe more so than the religious folk.

    Of course the scientists predict the doom of the world because they think they have reality on their side. But the religious people think this, too.

  19. >>“It won’t be nuclear because God didn’t say nuclear.”

    What did he say, “nook-yular”? Uh-oh!

  20. Gary Marks says:

    MM… “What did he say, “nook-yular”? Uh-oh!”

    And indeed, he said it through the burning Bush! 😉

  21. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #14 – At least in their narrative of the end of the world is redemptive with justis — as opposed to the secularists who predict nothing more than endless silent oblivion.

    Okay… I was just fishing in my previous post. I got a shotgun and DU is a big ass barrel…

    But on what you said there, I say… BS.

    I have found the Rapture narrative (which is a great word for it) to have no redemptive quality at all. The only people getting in are the ones in the club. It isn’t God passing judgement on sinners in the Xian myths… Its the storyteller through the the God device, the greatest Deus Ex Machina of all time.

    And secularists do not such thing and any objective prognosticator worth their weight in peanut butter will not predict a silent oblivion at all. Why would one. If mankind is eradicated (is will happen without a proper space program at at least 25 times current funding), then life goes on… just not with man. Only a cataclysmic event truly kills us all, but there are trillions of stars, so life is definitely going on somewhere.

    Frankly, I am confident that technology and science will ultimately usher in a better era, eventually wipe away the hooky spooky mythologies 90% of us worship, and lead to a prosperous age…

    That’s this secularist’s idealistic view…

  22. mark says:

    The Rapture. saw the movie, yeah, Mimi Rogers is *hot*.

  23. Matt says:

    “Freaks …” “What’s wrong with these people?” ….

    Sounds to me like what’s wrong with these people are BIGOTS like “” who refuse to even try and understand what faith is all about.

  24. steelcobra says:

    Heh, the “rapture ready” types make for some great quotes on (Fundies Say the Darndest Things)

  25. Jesus Christ II says:

    I’m back on Earth. Wake me up when the Rapture is here.

  26. Sam says:

    Well I think their thinking is wrong and bad for my people.

    But I will not call them nut cases because they simply believe what they read in the bible. They “believe in god” and read a bible with some very nasty and scary things inside.

    What my people need is a simple moral code to live by something like the boy scouts code of conduct or the tenants of tae kwon do.

    Old testament is a racial supremacist religion, the new testament is a religion to control the gentiles.

    The talmud teaches thou shalt not lie to jews or kill or steal from a fellow jew. But you can do all these things to a gentile!

    Book of isiah says Thou shalt also suck the breasts of the gentiles and control and posses all the wealth of the gentiles.

    Don’t call me names! What I just wrote is either true or false I read it myself is all i’m saying.

  27. John Paradox says:

    RE: The “Rapture”

    Let’s all sing:

    Everybody wants to go to Heaven,
    but nobody wants to die.


  28. Greg Allen says:


    ,i> Frankly, I am confident that technology and science will ultimately usher in a better era, eventually wipe away the hooky spooky mythologies 90% of us worship, and lead to a prosperous age…

    Serious non-argumentative question here: what possible mechanism or motivation is there in technology and science to usher in a better era?

    Is there any value system within technology and/or science for good rather than evil?

    If so, it has yet to reveal itself. Technology has been used to make us live longer but it’s also been used to more efficiently kill people, too.

  29. ArianeB says:

    This kind of stuff is precisely why fundamentalist xians are in fact harmful to society. They want to immanentize the eschaton in anticipation of an event which will never happen. The Bible cannot be taken literally, and even if it can, the phrase “end of the world” is a mistranslation. (It should be “end of the age” which in astronomical terms means the spring equinox stops taking place in the constellation pisces, and starts taking place in the constellation aquarius).

    Hagee and his followers display their ignorance by their unquestionable support of the state of Israel, currently being run by a bunch of zionist neo-cons who have made huge mistakes in their relationships with their neighbors.

    Israel would be wise to stay the hell away from the “Christian Zionists” if they know whats good for them. According to the literalists interpretation, Christ will come in glory on the verge of Israel’s annihilation. In other words they WANT Israel to be nearly annihilated to bring to pass the coming of their god, who isnt going to show up if he does not exist.

  30. RBG says:

    So which is it? Are all Christians like the loonbats above (uh, way above… in the video) or are they all like the people of the Christian Worldvision that has an annual budget of $2.7 billion to help impoverished children, especially Africa? I take it there is no middle ground.



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