Fascist In Training Or Patriot?
Yes, very interesting that some immigrants are ‘good’ while others are ‘evil’.
Italians Urge Expulsion of Immigrants – newsday.com: Opposition leader Silvio Berlusconi urged Italy to close its borders to Romanian workers and a conservative ally called Sunday for the expulsion of tens of thousands of immigrants amid public outrage over a wave of violent crimes blamed on foreigners.
Pope Benedict XVI added his voice to the debate over the balance between citizen safety and treatment of foreigners, reminding authorities that immigrants have both obligations and rights.
I might be splitting hairs, but since the Pope is German, why is he giving his opinion into Italian matters?
The pope weighed in as lawmakers prepared to debate the government’s response to recent crime, including fast-track expulsions of Romanians and other EU citizens deemed dangerous and bulldozing shantytowns housing immigrants.
“In Rome alone, 20,000 expulsions should be carried out right away,” right-wing leader Gianfranco Fini, a key Berlusconi ally, said on a TV talk show Sunday.
Sounds good to me. Lets get that started here!
“I might be splitting hairs, but since the Pope is German, why is he giving his opinion into Italian matters?”
The Pope is the “Bishop of Rome” and is also Head of State of the independent sovereign state of the Vatican City. The Roman Catholic Church and Italy have always been close together and Most Pope were Italian.
They may find out that no one wants them back. This is probably noisy Italian politics, much like all politics.
#3, right, but nobody really wants them to go. Eastern immigrants are the new face of Italy, much as Latinos are in the US. The national fertility rate in Italy is so low that many remote regions are now not inhabited. Try hiring a builder in Rome, nobody wants to do manual work, they’re a nation of mobile phone salesmen.
Right on. I am moving to Italy. Oh, wait a minute……
its pretty simple
mexicans & muslims = bad
italians = good
It’d make the tourists a bit safer
The news here are not quite right on reporting the facts.
Berlusconi said that that he wants to close the border to those aspirant immigrants that don’t have any work prospect in italy or/and they don’t have any place to stay.
The expulsion was referred to those that had serious problems with the italian law.
The situation over there is getting pretty bad. Bidonville are emerging outside any major city, full of unemployed not italian speaking immigrants.
For once Berlusconi and company got it right.
They should do like The Netherlands, make the applicants watch a video with a 60+ straight couple walking naked on the beach and then make a middleaged gay couple kiss; then ask the applicants if they like it; if they don’t they fail the admission test, if they say they do like it, then they should pay $400 just to fill out a questionaire.
Well I guess the powers that be in Europe will now label Berlusconi’s Party as fascist, neo-nazi, etc and demand that they be thrown out before Italy can be part of the EU.
#9….MikeN…Italy is a founding member of the EU….and it’s Premier was just President(I think, EU titles are made up everyday) of the EU before being elected Premier.
But your right about the labeling…..
I’ve been to Italy, and it smells funny. This was a long time ago, and it might have been those nasty cigarettes they smoked when they couldn’t buy American smokes. I don’t believe I’d emigrate.
perhaps if some of you liberal american would think for the good of your own country, you wouldn’t bash those italians thinking straight.
After all they raised empire, had it shine and fall long before forefathers of your forefathers were even a monkeys on a british islands 🙂
Learn from them!
Kick out illegal workers and open your country for educated immigrants (if there are any left in the world who’d still want to move to the US of A, that is), because your country is a magnet for all the third world trash if you haven’t notice yet.
And BTW – US cities smell worse than Italian used to, but I gues as they say – its hard to take a whiff of your own stink, right? 😉
By default being a patriot means you place well-being of your own country ABOVE other countries.
Fascism is just another political movement, no different from i.e. communism.
So, “Fascist In Training Or Patriot?” is incorrect by default, since one doesn’t exclude the other, same as Hitler was a fascist and a german patriot.
#14 ever heard of Nietsche?
He proved and then disproved something far more complicated than this simple play of words 😉
Bully can be patriot too, one doesn’t exclude the other – does this answer your naive question?
#15, 888,
Jesus H. Christ on a pogo stick. I have no idea what your argument about Nietsche is about. You neither quoted him nor linked to any article. That is about relevant as what my asshole just said. Wait. My asshole is more relevant concerning your post. BTW, ever heard of my asshole? Geeze, gotta air out the room.
who is Jesus H. Christ? :O
Yes Italy is part of the EU, but they’ll threaten to throw them out.
#15, Why so sensitive? Your answer lacks any type of reasoning behind it. I heard of Nietzsche too, so what about him? Talking out of your ass saying inane things won’t justify your argument.
I think youll find that the Pope was DEFENDING the immigrants (which as “Teh Pope” he should do), and not advocating Silvio’s position.
Berlusconi and his team are th biggest assholes I ahve ever seen; one day, they will pay the price for their act; one day, he will not be el cavaliere anymore and I will cavaliere his ass ahahahahahahahahah