• Google phone now official. I give you a number of reasons why I think it will flop.
• New idea to make an instant-on computer. It boots around Windows? Cripes! Why can’t Microsoft make an instant-on OS?
• Kids at Fresno State busted for hacking the computers.
• Steve Ballmer says “We didn’t make a mistake.” What’s that all about?
• Tom Perkins has new book, he slams Carly Fiorina.

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Tech5 Podshow

  1. doug says:

    but then again, JCD, you thought Apple should abort the iPhone … now they are pulling in serious profit on the handset and $18/month on each.

    if google cranks out a smartphone OS that is easy to use (one of the primo reasons that the iPhone is successful), useful (google maps with GPS alone would be invaluable), give it away like a standard handset, and they will sell LOTS of them. and google makes big cash on location-sensitive ads.

    paired with decent hardware, I see success for android OS.

  2. Eric says:

    One word JCD – Mouse

    What was the prognostication on that again?

  3. Tsavo says:

    I saw this Phoenix guy’s blurb about PC’s taking long to boot.

    Mine gets up in 40ish seconds, always has. Windows XP at that, but I don’t have 3000 things loading on start up, either.

  4. JFetch says:

    The key with a Windows machine is no unnecessary programs at start up, and keep it clean from spyware. Those two things are what takes so long to boot.

  5. meetsy says:

    #2 — there was none. In 1984 I said it was an experimental device. I never made a prognostication. So what is your BS point?

  6. James Hall says:

    Google is also clearly aiming for third world markets here.

    P.S. Where are your tequila ads? I miss them

  7. ECA says:

    do you have an iPhone?? It DONT HAVE GPS..

    #3. and how many USERS, not geeks, CLEAN up the crap..
    I clean about 200 computers a year..

    CORRECT and Norton and McAfee SUCKS…which are the standard progs installed…AND NEVEr updated.

    Vodka, NEXT… forget that, do CAMELS…they have lots of money..

  8. doug says:

    #7. yes. I know it does not have GPS.

    a gphone that is as easy to use as an iPhone, and which is subsidized, but which DOES have GPS would be immensely popular.

  9. Elwood Pleebus says:

    Windows (XP at least) startup isn’t a problem. It’s the shutdown.
    Seems to take noticably longer than startup.

  10. Angel H. Wong says:

    The Google phone will be a flop BECAUSE IT’S GOING TO BE CHEAP.

  11. James Hill says:

    #9 – Just because we own you is no reason to get pissy.

    JCD has the gPhone nailed. Of course, I said all of this in a previous thread on this blog, but we already know JCD uses this place to cull ideas. I don’t blame him.


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