BMI Special Report — Fire and Ice — FYI.
It was five years before the turn of the century and major media were warning of disastrous climate change. Page six of The New York Times was headlined with the serious concerns of “geologists.” Only the president at the time wasn’t Bill Clinton; it was Grover Cleveland. And the Times wasn’t warning about global warming – it was telling readers the looming dangers of a new ice age.
The year was 1895, and it was just one of four different time periods in the last 100 years when major print media predicted an impending climate crisis. Each prediction carried its own elements of doom, saying Canada could be “wiped out” or lower crop yields would mean “billions will die.”
Just as the weather has changed over time, so has the reporting – blowing hot or cold with short-term changes in temperature.
Following the ice age threats from the late 1800s, fears of an imminent and icy catastrophe were compounded in the 1920s by Arctic explorer Donald MacMillan and an obsession with the news of his polar expedition. As the Times put it on Feb. 24, 1895, “Geologists Think the World May Be Frozen Up Again.”
#33 Tom – Hold on a minute. I lived through those horrible times of the millennium bug. There were people everywhere on the streets, food lines all over and cats and dogs were living together.
Boy will I be glad when global warming turns the planet back into a tropical paradise everywhere (except Florida which will be under water). Then every one of the whackos can bitch about the next ice age.
32 – Milo, the science community is not stirring things up.
The news reporters have a slow day so they hunt up some quack. The gullible panic, and a power hungry politician notices the sheep begging to be sheared.
And that’s anthropomorphic global warming.
#1 – You nailed it, and the rest of the post in this thread missed it.
It is different this time.
The left is out of power, and needs an issue to hang it’s hat on.
That’s the only difference.
#29…FrankIBC….most of north Africa was a rather steamy tropical jungle for many millenia. Climate change brought the desert in slowly over a very long period of time. Man was a gnat when it was last green and full of veggies.
When I was younger, I used to think that north Africa was the original garden of Eden…..but since humans came later, I guess it was probably the fertile cresent area. Of course there was an Eden…..all of the biblical stories are based in some form of truth.
Ask Paul Newman (the actor) what he as doing in 1979. Starring in some lame ass scifi movie about how the world froze up solid. And only a handful of humans survived by gambling on who to kill next, to conserve on the food supply. And get this telling little detail. The movie’s title and boardgame was based on the location of the final refuge of mankind. Which just happen to be Pentagon City. So naturally everything was five-sided. That just smacked of military/bureaucratic propaganda, to me. Why should the Pentagon be the last place humans would survive? Because they got a kick-ass commissary? Secret underground vaults filled with food and Twinkies? It’s just an overpriced office building. And nobody’s going to want to be stuck living there the rest of their lives, should the end come. Would you want to be stuck your place of work, until you die?
If anything, there would be some secret resort somewhere. Like the Greenbrier hotel use to be. But by now there are probably alternatives sites, scattered about the globe, for the rich and powerful to go and live comfortably at. While the rest of us slowly die. There’s probably one in Greenland. In case it gets too toasty everywhere else. And one down in Panama, in case it gets too frigit everywhere else. Or just any place to avoid the nuclear missiles, plagues, or killer tomatoes.
#33 – I would say the intent is proven. Every time you turn around we’re told the only way to save the planet is to live in a smaller home, drive a smaller car, live closer to work, etc. etc.
#38, Joshua,
North Africa was fertile during the last ice age. Then, the cold northern weather pushed the temperate regions further south. The weather we normally see in Northern Europe today would have been normal for the Sahara region. The same was seen in the desert areas of what is now Arizona, California, New Mexico, and Texas. You are correct in that this took several years to turn from temperate to desert.
If warmer weather pushes the Temperate Zone further north, expect the desertification of the Sahara to push even more into Southern Europe and Middle America.
The whole global warming has become moot thanks to free trade. Now China is the biggest emitter of greenhouse gases and growing. There is no way you’ll et them to cut back, so any laws passed are just vanity affairs that are a sign of personal virtue but not a meaningful way of dealing with the problem.
There’s still the entire debate about whether Crust Displacement was the real reason behind the last major climate shift. It is interesting that the magnetic poles are acting strangely…
That is a very interesting theory and one I hadn’t heard before. Leaves us with a couple of scenarios:
Catastrophe A:
Mankind warms the planet until the icecaps melt, the oceans rise, flood the cities killing millions, leaving a billion displaced starving folks wandering around looking for someone to eat.
Catastrophe B:
Mankind gives up civilization allowing the planet to cool to “normal”. The ice caps build up, unbalance the planet causing a crustal shift that kills billions leaving a few million starving survivors wandering around looking for someone to eat.
The sane response? Continue to live as you do today and don’t worry about it.
Youtube – Freemasonry today!
Steve232 – Excellent video!
Jim424 – Greetings from South Knoxville Lodge #769 in Knoxville, TN. This video was great, and helped give a better understanding to some work mates of mine!!! GREAT JOB!!!
Jeves909 – This was a video i was shown here on youtube when i was first inquireing about masonry, It answered alot of questions and is one of the reasons i am a Master Mason now, Va Hunters 156
Sim202 – Outstanding. Should arouse the interest of some of the “younger generation”. Well Done.
Charlie Snyder, PM, Mariner #2, Charleston, SC
Siv788 – may i petition for membership
Stim897 – Yes you may Siv788, just ask a mason or go to the nearest your home or work and tell them you want to join.
Teves987 – For all those seeking the greatness of Masonry, do a search on google for your state’s Masonic Grand Lodge and you will find information about how to join and how to get a petition.
Tives209 – Very good video. I’m going to share this with my friends that ask me about Freemasonry. Thank you for posting this.
Sivet131 – Beautiful!!! I want to join this Brotherhood. My step-father is an elks member, but I would rather be a Freemason! Please, may I recieve a petition? I feel I would better myself in many ways. Thank you very much!
Stive789 – This is indeed a great video.
Vim123 – Very good video. I’m going to share this with my friends that ask me about Freemasonry. Thank you for posting this.
Time666 – To all brothers out there,i say wherever you are and whatever you need there is a brother there to help you.