2006년 무슬림권 선교소식 — You have to scroll down the page to get the English version of this webpage. It seems as if London is continuing to slowly turn into a Muslim country,

The mosque will be part of a giant ‘Islamic village’ situated next to the Olympic site. ..The architects Mangera Yvars have written that the centre will take up to 50,000 square metres at Abbey Mills in West Ham. The mosque and the surrounding buildings are expected to have a capacity of 70,000. This is only 10,000 fewer than the Olympic stadium itself, making it the largest place of worship in all of Europe .

There is a lot of complaining.

But what will really happen if the mosque is allowed to go up in West Ham? Tablighi Jamaat, who plan to use the site as their new European headquarters, have a history of taking over towns. If the mosque is built, there is little question that West Ham will be Islamicised.

Tablighi Jamaat’s current European headquarters is in the Savile Town area of Dewsbury, west Yorkshire , where a mosque and school were built in the late 70s and early 80s. Since then, the area has been practically taken over by Muslims. One local expert said that Savile Town has been colonised by Tablighi Jamaat.

  1. Eaze says:

    They will only make the place better. Its not the Muslims causing any problems in the UK.

  2. George Simmons says:

    Arrogant Americans. Even here on Dvorak.org.


    Since when has London been a country??

  3. Eaze says:

    They will only make the place better. They are fair people and work hard. Asians currently take up 2% of the population in the UK yet contribute 10% of the economy in taxes. That means they’re working 5 times harder than us current citizens. Its not the Muslims causing problems in the UK.

  4. Mark Derail says:

    I feel no sympathy whatsoever for either party.

    This all happened ages ago, in every major city, Chinese settlers created ghettos and Chinatowns.

    How is this different? Besides I like the vegetarian cuisine of the middle-east, quite tasty.

  5. Dorksters says:

    How is this different than the spread of Christianity during Pagan times?

    The question is whether a secular government will be “allowed” to continue in this unfolding historical story. That is my only concern.

  6. Scott says:

    We should really ban religion, Its major crippling of humanity , this dependency in fairy stories.

  7. Franky says:

    we should nuke the friggin middle-east and make parking lots out of ’em y’all.

  8. NappyHeadedHo says:

    I’m thinking about becoming a Muslim and opening a Mosque in the country of New Jersey.

  9. echeola says:

    There are 7.5 million people in London. Even if there are twice as many Muslims in London that this mosque will hold that is only 1.8% of the population of the city.

    Whatever. What kink of story is this anyways? I would hope that the people of London would see this as a plus.

  10. JimR says:

    Eaze, normally I would agree and just consider the mosque as another fool’s paradise for a rational-deficient group to celebrate their mass delusion. But there’s more to the story, as reported in the International Herald Tribune that would suggest some possible dangers to the community.

    “…Tablighi Jamaat, a worldwide evangelical Islamic group based in Pakistan with millions of followers that professes to encourage Muslims to be more loyal to their faith.
    American and European law enforcement officials say Tablighi Jamaat’s simple message masks a fertile recruiting ground for terrorists. Two of the suicide bombers who attacked the London transit system in July 2005 had attended Tablighi Jamaat gatherings, British security officials said.”

    “They refer to us as “kafir,” a term of contempt, he added. “That’s not what we need. We don’t want this mosque in East London. It will be disastrous.”

  11. bobbo says:

    9==The kink is that the Muslim religion fairly or not is seen as antithetical to free and democratic principles. How long the notion of freedom is extended to people who would enslave you is a constant balancing issue.

    Like wild African Bees–can you ignore them in small numbers hoping they become civilized over time and interbreeding, or will they retain their savage instincts and they are best exterminated before their numbers grow?

    So, where will the first anti-Muslim riots break first in the world==outside Indian and Pakistan that is. I’m thinking France, but it could be London.

  12. Rich says:

    These are the people who drove off the Nazis. I hope they gather their balls together soon and drive away the Muslims. My tolerance for this religion has bottomed out.

  13. G-Man says:

    “It seems as if London is continuing to slowly turn into a Muslim country”

    If building a mosque turns a country into a Muslim country then John you need to read about so many countries across the world that have huge mosques and are still secular.
    It is people like you who are responsible for all religion related conflicts.

    FYI…London is not a country, it is a city in England..which is a country.. across the Atlantic Ocean…just so you know big seas are called oceans..

  14. robuka kenderle says:

    It spreads like a disease and in 50 years or so, France, Sweden, Britain, Holland, and a few others will be close to having muslims as 50% of their population.

    The same is going to happen in the US with mexicans: the powers of demographics depend only lots of babies and people like making those!!

    Except the case of latino violence is not anything as close to muslim violence to non-believers. Just ask dhimmi people how it is to live under muslim rule where cattle and slaves have more value than your non-believing ass.

    Of course, these wounds are also self imposed. We have had many warnings signs like in Bosnia where the muslim fanatic in charge was being hailed by us as a democrat yet he had not even a decade earlier printed a book “Islamic Declaration” where he openly called for a society where islam would dominate all. Guy openly states that no other religion or social structure can have precedence or even co-exists with islam and we called him a democrat.
    And the list of filth that muslims have gotten away has been truly amazing. People who call for the death of people get knighted. Muslim cleric who comments about the rape of whores is called Mother Theresa by London Mayor. Oh, but we cant say anything bad, that would be racist.

    Even mainstream muslim groups in the UK have a stated goal of a muslim Great Britain, none hide this fact. It is their goal. They have the high birth rates and the ghettoization necessary for this to work. And the lefties in power who will be always be there to facilitate things.

    In a way, France and England will disappear through the fruits of their own empires. Poetic justice.

  15. bobbo says:

    2-8-13-Do you good folks not understand the English language any better than this, or are you just reading too lazily, or posting too fast??

    You see, it is London TURNING INTO A MUSLIM COUNTRY. Unlikely, but geographically, historically, grammatically, and conceptually possible.

    Now, EVEN IF, you disagree with/are too stupid to be corrected on this point, why don’t you address yourself to the point of the statement rather than how you think it is misphrased???

    2==just stupid
    8==ok, humor noted.
    13==thats why “slowly turning” was used instead of “has become.”


  16. OmarTheAlien says:

    It ain’t there yet, and will be years in the making, if it even happens. Lotsa money needed to prime the construction pumps, plus the truckloads (sorry; lorry loads) of paperwork; building permits, environmental permits, union stuff and design fees. I like the idea of internal tidal energy, and if they do get it off the ground then more power to them. Hey, they get it built, then default on the mortgage, London gets a new sports arena, or something. Thing about it, to get it built they will need a lot of help from non-Muslims, and you never know, that may bridge the gap a bit.

  17. Jennifer says:

    This is silly. If it was another cathedral, there wouldn’t be a story, let alone an outcry.

  18. Jägermeister says:

    John… watch out, the Latinos and Muslims are out to get YOU.

    #4 – Mark Derailed – Chinese settlers created ghettos and Chinatowns.

    Nothing different from when the frogs created their ghettos and the Italians created little Italy’s across the continent.

  19. NappyHeadedHo says:

    15==blow me.

  20. Frogskins says:

    It is a certain fact that not all Muslims are terrorists, but it is equally certain, and exceptionally painful, that almost all terrorists are Muslims. – Abd al-Rahman al-Rashid, September 23, 2004

  21. Mister Mustard says:

    >>This is silly. If it was another cathedral, there wouldn’t be a
    >>story, let alone an outcry.

    There would be here. DU is an equal-opportunity religion-hating forum.

  22. McBrown says:

    How is a story about a giant mosque in London being turned into some horrible thing? What did they do wrong? There’s a lot of muslims in England and they’re getting a place of worship. I’m an atheist, but the only problem I have with this is the racist nature of the editorializing.

  23. Mister Mustard says:

    I’m kind of suprised there haven’t been any complaints about the AdSense “eShakti” thing off to the left. After all, Shakti is the female incarnation of the Hindu ***GOD***

    Woo! Gettin’ soft on the believers, here!

  24. I have no problems with Muslims, and them practising their religion, but what I do have a problem is the extremist Muslims paying for the backing of this mosque.

    BTW this is old news and it won’t happen anyway….

  25. Jägermeister says:

    #24 – William Tildesley

    It’s nothing different from American Christian extremists who are sending money to other countries to promote Christianity. And btw… not too many years ago, American Catholics were sending money and weapons to IRA…

  26. OvenMaster says:

    Read these two books:

    Londonistan, by Melanie Phillips
    While Europe Slept: How Radical Islam Is Destroying The West From Within, by Bruce Bawer

    These two books will scare the crap out of you about radical Islamists and how they’ve already started taking over Europe slowly but surely, and eyeing North America as their next goal, all in the name of a worldwide Islamic caliphate.

  27. tratfor says:

    Well I guess you reap what you sow
    Not too surprising
    But then the surprises are on their way and we are part way there

  28. David says:

    Missing the point. Radical Muslims can be dangerous. They believe they are “magically” right and therefore you can’t argue and find a rational logical “middle ground” because there is no middle to a magical truth. But radical Christians, Jews and Hindu’s are EVERY BIT as bad. They all believe they are MAGICALLY right and are on gods side. Don’t you get that? The terrorists who flew the planes into NY thought THEY were the good guys…the people they murdered were the ‘bad guys’ and the people doing the killing were the ‘good guys’. Religion and ONLY religion give you that out. All religions should be baned. It’s long time we grew up as a race and stopped killing over stupid made up children’s stories. Grow up. There is not a magic invisible head floating in the sky telling us to eat or not eat bacon. Dang.

  29. RBG says:

    …and the sheik shall inherit the Earth.

    If you think technology isn’t going to cause the world to become one big racial melting pot dominated by such unstoppable numbers as China’s 1.3 billion people, think again:

    11 most common surnames in Vancouver, Canada in order of rank:

    Not that there’s anything wrong with that.
    Since we all get only one vote.
    I don’t need no stinking law degree for political power.
    I need another 20 kids.


  30. RBG says:

    28. If I was on a deserted island with a religious believer of “thou shalt not kill,” and also an atheist who believed morals are simply an artificial man-made concept, I’d be terrified of the atheist.



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