• Fake vid targets Macintosh. Finally! This is just the beginning.
• Consumers clueless about online tracking. Continuing the “do not track me” list story.
• Fake porn is also porn. A stick figure could be porn.
• PS2 outselling PS3. A $99 version coming soon.
EEE PC now out.
• Gates promoting Unified Communications Initiative.
• I recall the Sanyo V-Cord.
• Google could be vulnerable? By who?
NBC says that too much money is spent of policing against normal crimes such as robbery and fraud. Piracy should be the focus of law enforcement.

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Tech5 Podshow

  1. Fratm says:

    Hey John,

    What’s that sound in the back ground? A fish tank?


  2. andrewwi says:

    It is funny how mac users think that their machines are indestructible. the reason that they do not get viruses is that the number of apple computers is not enough to be profitable. I also have to say that I think the ratio of computer-dumb asses to computer savvy people is much lower on macs than on windows computers.

  3. BlogKast says:

    I like the idea of doing a daily 5 minute podcast, I could handle 5 minutes a day on a regular basis. Thanks for the idea. Gonna do me a podcast. 5 minutes a day!

  4. Bill says:

    Yeah, I listen to the podcast everyday and that background noise is really odd. Is it a fish tank or what?

    Also, Asus isn’t just some small motherboard manufacturer! Asus is a pretty large OEM (they even make some Macbooks) and they have their own line of Asus-branded laptops — in addition to manufacturing motherboards.

    Regarding the Eee PC, two things: (1) is it pronounced “E-E-E” PC, or is it pronounced “Eeeee” PC, and (2) I think it sounds really neat. If I can see/use one in person and it’s half as good as the reviews for it, then I’m inclined to buy one and leave my bulky (5.5 lb +) laptop at home and use the Eee PC for the road.

    The keyboarding concerns are the only thing, but apparently they could have fit an 11″ widescreen in case, so will it really be worse than other ultraportables?

    Other than that, it weighs only 2.03 lbs and has a tiny cellphone-charger-sized AC adapter, so I’m sold!

  5. Gasbag says:

    Malware on the Mac. Maybe this will shut up some of the Mac fanboys now.

  6. James Hill says:

    #2, #6 – Just because you can’t afford a Mac is no reason to get pissy.

    (Note: I have no clue if you can or can’t, but its fun to mock people that can’t make any original anti-Mac posts.)

    #1, #5 – JCD covered the “fish tank” noise in a previous podcast.

  7. BubbaRay says:

    Oh yeah, that new Leopard Mac OS is such a great deal — not.

    Looks like Jobs is starting to think like Gates (or Apple doesn’t care about computers anymore, they’ve got the iPhone, iPod, iSore etc.)



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