Doctors have long argued over the health effects of coffee, but its reputation looks set to receive a boost thanks to a new flavoured condom that aims to encourage safer sex in Ethiopia.

Around 300,000 of the coffee condoms were sold in one week when they were launched in September, according to the US charity DKT International.

“Everybody likes the flavour of coffee,” says a DKT spokeswoman.

Um, yeah. Not quite a non sequitur.

  1. bobbo says:

    Years ago I had 3 hours to kill in Addis Abbaba (sp?) Int’l Airport. Nice cafeteria. Waitress was a dead ringer for Imam==the supermodel not known at the time. First time I ever tried a cappachino–a leftover from the Italian invasion of WW2. Five cents a cup. I had about 10 of them. Stomach ache later, but I’ve been drinking cappachino ever since.

    I’m not sure, but from the HBO specials I’ve seen, I’m pretty sure most oral sex by professionals involves the use of a condom? I’m surprised they don’t come in many flavors!

  2. billabong says:

    O.K. someone has to say it “Would you like cream with your coffee?”.

  3. BlogKast says:

    I drink coffee every day. Love it!

  4. natefrog says:

    You missed a good quote opportunity:

    “I hate coffee-flavored condoms,” said Tadesse Teferi, a 37-year-old mechanic. “But I use ordinary condoms when I have sex with ladies other than my wife.”


  5. DaveW says:

    #1 “I’m pretty sure most oral sex by professionals involves the use of a condom? I”

    Uh, I don’t think so. What’s the point????

  6. bobbo says:

    5–Dave, if not clear by the words used, the point is what you make it. Psychologists know that in many cases of ambiguity, the listener will project his own experiences into the subject to avoid ambiguity.

  7. Billy Bob says:

    Morning Wood Joe

  8. Angel H. Wong says:

    “Um, yeah. Not quite a non sequitur.”

    Not unless you are the one giving the blowjobs.

  9. Angel H. Wong says:

    Oh and here’s a funny condom art clip.

  10. ECA says:

    Just testing….
    Ummm, Umm GOOD… Is that Turkish??


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