caution violent images

  1. Miguel says:

    These guys drive almost as well as Portuguese drivers! You see this kind of stuff every day here 😀

  2. Frank says:

    If it’s sick, why are you posting it? Why contribute to spreading something that you consider to be sick?

    Are you perhaps a little sick for posting it? Or did you mean it’s sick, as in “badass cool” and not, “messed up” or “disgusting”?

    From your title, seems like you mean “disgusting” sick, and because unlike you (perhaps), I have no interest in seeing something that is “messed up” sick.

  3. Dave says:

    I enjoyed it! all but the part when they spilled the racing fuel in the pit stop….

  4. Sinn Fein says:

    If only there weren’t people getting killed or, grievously injured in these wrecks they’d be pretty cool to watch…but, since they are, yeah, “sick” is right…I hope most everybody shown came out okay.

  5. Dave says:

    I think I’ve seen most of these on “thrill” type tv shows, in general, as a rule, they won’t show clips of people getting killed.

  6. jlm says:

    Or did you mean it’s sick, as in “badass cool” and not, “messed up” or “disgusting”?

    did you really have to ask?

  7. Guy Fawkes says:

    Should be required viewing in every drives ed class.

  8. Steve says:

    # 6: Did #2 really have to ask? No.

    Like #2, I did not watch it, because my assumption was automatically that it was sick as in messed up.

    Why was this my automatic assumption? Because of the jerk who posted it is a sick m-f-er. You can see his derangement come across in many of his posts.

  9. Dorksters says:

    Racing seems like such a intellectually stupid use of time, and yet looks like so much fun too! Video reinforces the danger involved, and requirement for adequate space and equipment to perform the activity.

  10. Mr. Fusion says:

    Effen useless Republicans can’t drive worth a shit.

  11. tallwookie says:

    WOOT!!! Thanks for the great post! I love watching car wrecks – especially the rally wrecks – cant decide which was funnier, the flaming pit stop or the borat clip

    lol, again great video

  12. HisMostHumblyExhaultedSupremeGlobalWarmingMajesty says:

    #10 – Quite true. They drive just like Democrats.

  13. Al says:

    There was at least one death in the video. It’s unfortunate that someone chose to include it in a ‘highlight’ reel.


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