Toshiba HD-A2 HD DVD player: $100, this Friday, Wal-Mart – engadget: Still waiting to jump into the high def disc game? Or just wanted another weaker, cheaper player for the last-gen TV you phased out to your rumpus room? Well, whatever your reasons, some (not all!) Wal-Mart locations will be selling Toshiba HD-A2s for $100 — down from $200 — this Friday. Ridiculous, we know. Blu-ray gonna fight back? We hope so, we’d really like to get our hands on one for under $300, and not just by using our hookup that sells gear out of his trunk, you know?

Check out the Wal-Mart page here.

  1. RTaylor says:

    I picked up one of these players a few months ago, and it performs fine. Win the installed base, and you’ll win the format war. The HD-DVD backers must be subsidizing this low ball pricing strategy.

  2. C-lo says:

    That’s one way to win the platform war. Make em nice and cheap

  3. C-lo says:

    [Duplicate comment. – Deleted. – ed.]

  4. GigG says:

    No #2 was right. The vast majority doesn’t no the difference. Example, the metric–buttload of crappy throw away DVD players Wal-Mart and other have sold.

  5. Don says:

    The HD DVD is getting desperate. They are practically giving the players away now.

    At least it will pressure Blueray to lower prices to keep up.

    I personally will not buy one until the war is settled, although I do have a 1080p 57″ DLP set with HDMI inputs. I just don’t watch enough movies to make early adoption reasonable for me. I wish I had saved the extra $1000 bux it cost me to buy this tv and just gone with a 720p set.

    At least I am future proofed for the next 10 years or so.



  6. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #5 – I probably will buy a 720 set when I do buy… though right now I’m happy not to have a TV.

    HD and Blu-Ray are still, to me, solutions in search of a problem. And we are years away from a catalog that will satisfy me. When I can buy Blu-Ray or HD discs, on clearance for $7.50 or $4.99 each, and play them in my $50 HDBlu Hybrid player that still plays my extensive library of DVDs.

    Movies are about writers, directors, performances, and stories… none of which are ever improved by resolution.

    It isn’t that I don’t appreciate the eye-candy. It’s nice, and when it is affordable, I’ll have it.

  7. BdgBill says:

    No thanks. I’m not interested in either format after five years of bullshit.

    I’m sure in a year or two Blu-Ray vs HD-DVD will be about as important as DVD+ vs DVD- is now. Thats when I will buy.

  8. Hal says:

    #5 & #6
    My good fellows, It’s only $98 bucks! Why even comment if you don’t own a TV or you are too dignified to watch what’s out there. They will still make a profit on this player anyway. Even if you only watch SD DVD’s, this player is one of the best upconverting players out there.

  9. J says:

    #6 OhForTheLoveOf

    What size T.V. do you own?

  10. Eric says:

    Does this player have SD outputs? I don’t have an HD set, but will next year. But if this thing can down convert to SD and give either S-ZVideo or component NTSC I would get it, then buy the discs knowing they will look much better next year when I get the better set.

  11. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #9 – I don’t own a TV… When I do buy, I’ll probably buy no smaller than 50 inches, but for now I watch DVDs on my PC and I have a 21inch widescreen.

    Its okay because I live alone… I’ll need something “shareable” eventually.

    I don’t think the new tech is BS… I do think its too expensive for most people. Its a luxury I can do without. DVD looks pretty good and even if HD or Blu Ray is 1000 times better, The Fast and The Furious is still a shitty movie. Know what I mean?

  12. hhopper says:

    This machine originally sold in some locations for $999.00 and can be bought for as little as $179.00.

  13. James Hill says:

    Meanwhile, all of these ripped BluRay and HD-DVD discs look great on my HTPC. No need for a player when a week long Torrent download will do.

    #11 – Thanks for confirming the stereotype you perpetuate.

  14. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #13 – Sorry James… I forget that you are the President of the Paul Walker fan club. I mean, he is pretty dreamy.

  15. J says:

    #11 OhForTheLoveOf

    “I do think its too expensive for most people. Its a luxury I can do without.”

    I couldn’t agree more. It is way too expensive and your right it is a luxury.

    “The Fast and The Furious is still a shitty movie. Know what I mean?”

    Absolutely. Higher resolution can’t fix a shit story. But when the story is good and it is a well crafted film it can really make the experience even more enjoyable.

  16. doug says:

    I bought an A2 a few months ago. It is a nice unit, although disk loading times are a bit slow. That damn DRM imposes a lot of overhead.

    #10 It has component out.

  17. Mark T. says:

    I went to Walmart this afternoon looking to pick one up. They apparently sold out in minutes early this morning. What a rip. Is this some sort of gimmick to get people’s email address or what?

  18. Pete says:

    OK so the price of the players isn’t a problem – the price of the screen is however. For a usable 1080 screen you’ve got to shell out, what, at least $1500? A well-mastered DVD is a great viewing experience IMHO, the screen technology needs to mature and drop massively in price before I consider this – and I’m not even going to think about it until the format war is over and the media is a reasonable price… I’m still not convinced that this won’t go the way of DVD-A and SACD (remember them??)

  19. testmonkey says:

    NOT in Wisconsin !!!!!!
    I wonder WHY ??
    Maybe a column John

  20. Jim says:

    Too bad, the link just goes to Wal-Mart’s Christmas “Balls” now !


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