Be sure to watch to the end. This really cracked me up.

Thanks to Jim Davis.

  1. The Answer says:

    Careful you don’t lose that ball buddy.

    [That’s a hacky sack. – ed.]

  2. blog trucos says:

    … poor paper…

  3. Higghawker says:

    Was that Dvorak?

  4. Improbus says:

    Thanks … I needed that.

  5. John S says:

    Yes, our economy is still creating 100,000 plus jobs a month. But as this proves. Do we really need those jobs? Frankly, I would rather have more work to do. Then play hacky sack all day long. Is this what college pays for?

  6. E F says:

    Dude! Pick up your friggin’ phone! 😛

  7. ECA says:

    Customer Service in the USA.

  8. Popeye says:

    dude, that guy needs to get on DU right away.

  9. BingBong says:

    Did he also invent shadowless materia? 😛

  10. Jägermeister says:

    #9 – BingBong

    Not only that… the way the paper ball bouncing off the water tank is a little bit suspicious.

  11. Mike says:

    Much as I hate it when people yell “FAKE”, the ball obviously fits into this category.
    Still funny though.

    [See editor’s comment in #1. – ed.]

  12. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #5 – Yes, our economy is still creating 100,000 plus jobs a month. But as this proves. Do we really need those jobs? Frankly, I would rather have more work to do. Then play hacky sack all day long. Is this what college pays for?

    Are you really that dumb…?

    No… I mean it. Are you really so dumb as to think that this video is a guy at his real job who just happened to be caught on camera? Don’t worry, none of America’s precious productivity was lost… We don’t need to start advocating putting even more people out of work than already are.

    Now if you are offended by my tone, I’m sorry. Next time, don’t be an idiot and I won’t have to call you on it.

    (unless you were joking, in which case, good job… You got me 🙂 )

  13. hhopper says:

    If this is fake, it’s a damn good job of faking it.

  14. old waterman says:

    I have a night job that requires I be available to answer the phone. I work by myself for six or more hours at a stretch. On slow nights you do what you have to do to stay awake. That was what I thought was going on at first. I call fake on this one.

  15. jaded says:

    I also suspect CG… the ball movement seems wrong.
    Still, nice clip, quite entertaining. 🙂

    also lol #3, there really needs to be a JCD version of this clip

  16. sinisterdesign says:

    people are “suspecting” CG? c’mon, when have you known paper to bounce? or not cast a shadow for that matter?

    i mean, it’s a well done little piece, but i don’t think the author _really_ expected people to think he was hackying a piece of paper around the office that was somehow captured on a hidden cam.

  17. Except for the bad end, so to speak, the only thing surprising about this hacky sack demonstration in the office, is that the geek in question appears a little too well dressed and too recently bathed to meet my expectations and experiences with that type of geek.

    The ending is pretty nasty though. The ball also seems to be moving a tad slowly when bouncing off the water cooler. That bit looked less realistic than the rest. It makes me think that in the part from the water cooler through to the copy machine, the hacky sack was likely digitally added.

  18. Oh, and the shadow, look at how frail the shadow is for the person. There is lighting from multiple directions. It does not surprise me not to notice the faint shadows the hacky sack would cast.

    Except for the water cooler onward, I’ve seen people do that with hacky sacks live and in person. And yes, they were programmers with real jobs that accomplished real work. One person I know who can do most of that with a hacky sack is among the most productive programmers I know.

    So, water cooler on, questionable. Prior to that, easier to find someone that can do it than to fake it.

  19. Thrash Cardiom says:

    This video isn’t the full video. The original is actually an advert and is a bit longer. It ends with a shot of the photocopy that the makes. Can’t recall the product though.


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