• FTC is listening to demands for a “do not track me” list. Google to be most affected.
• Google also doing both an Open Social network and showing up on a $199 computer.
• The Whois servers may all go away because of complaints over privacy. It seems as if this would worsen corruption. We do not need more anonymity.
• Western Digital 320 GB for laptops.
• NASA wants to go to the moon again and I have a curious conspiracy theory you’ll love.
• Plus a comment on Cisco’s crackpot scheme.

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Tech5 Podshow

  1. Angel H. Wong says:

    They’re not going there to plant fake evidence on the Moon, that’s why they have their alien buddies to the dirty job for them.

  2. Balbas says:

    We went to Iraq to plant WMD’s so that we could claim that Iran made them so we could invade that country, so why not go back to the moon for a similar reason?

  3. I ran says:

    Compared to building a nuclear bomb a trip to the Moon would seem like a piece of cake yet other nations around the world looking to be on the same power platform of the United States have never even come close. Yes, other nations have satellites in orbit and have built nuclear arsenals but the holy grail of technological superiority has only been achieved by NASA. Even Japan with its formidable technological advances cannot achieve what television screens around the world purported to have shown achieved in 69.

  4. glenn says:

    Why not have a link to that hardtoremmebertequila.podshow.com in the tech5 box?

  5. Greg Allen says:

    I googled the $199 “GOS” computer and was kind of surprised by the negativity about it, including John.

    What’s the deal with that?

    I think its a tremendous idea — a $200 computer is fantastic and almost puts it in the appliance category.

  6. Esteban says:

    If I had a scheme to make a billion dollars, I sue as hell wouldn’t hand it over to Cisco (or any other company for that matter.)

  7. John Paradox says:

    Send your billion dollar idea to


  8. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    The most important story here is the possibility of shutting down “whois”

    That would be are terrible move… and dare I say it… dangerous.

    (which is why we need a democratically controlled government and more liberal judges on the bench)

  9. Johnny Walker says:

    Since the demo for Dvorak.org must be in the 7-14 age range, those Tequila ads are in really good taste, like so much else on this site.

  10. David says:

    Most registrars now allow you to select a ‘Private Registraion’ option where your info is hidden anyway. So there’s always that option if you’re so worried about it.

  11. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #9 – So tell me Johnny Walker… are you coming over to our house this weekend to play Pokemon again?

  12. Allister says:

    Why is the whole tech media getting the Google social network story so wrong? Where do they say they are starting their own network? Nowhere! They are simply defining a standard.

    This is worse than the reporting on the EMI DRM-free announcement as a deal with Apple.

    And all the new media folk complain that old media is misleading trash!


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