This is funny because of the reaction of the news folks.
Idiot Police Officer Steals Marijuana. Tries it. Calls 911
By John C Dvorak Wednesday October 31, 2007
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think this one has been posted up on DU before?
I missed it then. And I cannot find it searching for marijuana. Can you tell me where it is?
What’s not funny is that the officer faced no charges for stealing evidence and getting high in such a public way. One standard for you, and. . . .
Over dose on marijuana? Never happen. Cops are such fools.
That is really, really funny. A bit sad that a police officer would be that clueless as the effects of a pot though….
a little weed is all you need.
Why do all YouTube videos on now respond: “We’re sorry this video is no longer available”?
[This is a YouTube problem. It’s shown up on other sites also. – ed.]
This story may have been link’d to in one of the many stupid cop threads here.. hmm maybe it got lost during a db crash.. but i do remember hearing about it here
Then he shared the brownies with the newsfolks?
#8 — you have other issues..this vid works fine…
This story was on DU on 5/11/2007 under the title
“Cop Eats Pot Brownies, Gets High and Thinks He’s Dead”
There with no newscaster video accompannying this story on that occasion though.
The video makes it more entertaining, yes.
Old news can still be entertaining sometimes 🙂
Why in gawds name are we seeing all these OLD videos? This is the 3rd one this week that’s being featured that’s at least 2-3 years old.
Some on DeVorak, you’re better than that!
#13, Diesel,
If you don’t enjoy the video or recognize it, then don’t comment. Complaining about it doesn’t serve any purpose other than demonstrating your idiocy.
especially the “really really really really slow” part LOL
#4 – Over dose on marijuana? Never happen. Cops are such fools.
So he stole evidence. I will always being that being right is more important than being legal. Authority is there to be resisted. I wouldn’t press any charges at all because a) taking marijuana from evidence might help whatever poor guy the evidence is against, and b) marijuana should be legal and unrestricted.
On the other hand, if they want to press charges for gross incompetence and sheer ignorance, I’ll support that.
Good pot brownies are yummy… especially if they are made diabetic friendly (sugar free).
Original post:
And here I thought that the really really really slow time was a typical side effect of a really good high.
What? No thoughts on the illegality of Marijuana use? Ya know, I’m not a proponent of its use. But drinking too much alcohol has caused more problems and deaths. And after Prohibition failed, there hasn’t been any serious talk about restricting its sales or use. And yet… the legal system still goes nuts about anyone smoking a plant, other than tobacco (which actually is addictive, and leads to cancer). My feeling is this. Keeping MJ illegal, is mainly a “make work” project for the local law. The growers and dealers are mostly non-violent, unlike other drug trafficers. It’s an easier offense to police. Like prostitution. While still pleasing to the public, that the law is being enforced. And it’s probably pleasing to the tobacco industry that nothing else is allowed to legally compete with their product. But the problem shouldn’t be addressed mainly thru law enforcement. That’s an unncessary drain on those resources. It should be addressed via educational programs, in schools. It would work if it was done seriously. But I think those in charge of public education are under a lot of pressure to keep hands off this subject. Because it might have an undesireable crossover effect of tobacco and alcohol consumption. And those industries can’t afford a generation of kids growing up thinking booze and smokes aren’t worth the problems they cause to try them. So…. they’ll keep it strictly a law enforcement matter, as long as possible. Welcome to life on Planet Stupid.
Yes Some Police Are Really Stupid. Here,s Onea Cop In Eugene,ore Once Asked The Stupid Question Where Do You Live I Replied Here He Then Said Wheres Here.. There,salso A Former Eugene Cop Named Officer Blow Job His Last Name Is Magana.Yes There Are Dumb Police Here Too..# 02/03/08
It’s terrible to think what the world has come too…”now now class, today we begin learning how to be conformists please turn to chapter 6 section 2″ society delcared.
Now you all get what I mean, The phrobition of alchohol did’nt work, and this won;t work, how about we just say fuck it, andnlegalize everything, let the one’s who are gonna get spun-out on coke do, and after they have all died, we can live a cleaner life, it;d work…look at Amsterdam.
Now after thinking really hard, and lighting up a joint, tell me you love me, and that you’ll fight for peace!
I’ll get high with a little help from my friends.
A friend with weed is a friend indeed.