A family values campaigner accused of taking pornographic photographs of himself has been dumped as a candidate for Australia’s November election by the Christian-values Family First Party.

Sydney music teacher Andrew Quah, 21, admitted photographs showing his penis and circulating widely on gay websites had embarrassed his party and made his candidacy untenable.

“I might have been drunk off my face, or my political enemies might have drugged me,” Quah said.

Quah was nicknamed “Australia’s Smallest Loser” in a parody of a popular television series after the photos came to light…

Apparently, the photo he’s denying is one depicting his – values – as being somewhat diminutive.

  1. moss says:

    Tee hee.

  2. grog says:

    my dad always made the same stupid joke everytime he carved a roast or turkey or whatever as he took the first bite “oh it’s terrible, you don’t want any”

    every time i hear a bible thumper ranting about family values i think of that joke.

    except that bible thumpers are in their basements screening pr0n — to save us from ourselves.

    all those people are sick perverts, i would never trust them around my children.

  3. jlm says:

    reminds me of republicans, with all the hypocrisy lately I wonder if the churches will endorse another failure just because he claims to hold the same values….oh who am I kidding of course they will.

  4. Mark Derail says:

    This thread is useless without a pic.


  5. tallwookie says:

    #4 – lol thats really bad…. and to think that’s what was music passed for in the 80’s…

  6. Mike says:

    Theres always this (more real) picture, and its pretty SFW.


    [Please use TinyUrl.com for overly long URLs. – ed.]

    These Family First Fuc***s crack me up!
    They’re so out of touch with everyone who isn’t a brainless born again christian they have no frigging idea how stupid they look by 1) letting this guy join their party in the first place 2) thinking that if they kick him out that people will respect their homophobic, racist, sexist claptrap that passes for their political policies!
    Thankfully, unlike in America, we aussies have a healthy disrespect for ANYONE claiming moral superiority over the rest of us, and the Faltering Family First party will probably lose whatever gains they made last time over this ‘little’ incident.

  7. Ike says:

    The candidate was only 21 years old. How lucky he is to have discovered at an early age that politics is for liars (good intentions or bad) and persons seeking validation. Now, he can be truthful and live a healthy honest life. If taking photos of dick turns him on then there is a matching person somewhere else that will enjoy seeing it. He’s an asset to the world today.

  8. K B says:

    “I hope that my behavior will not reflect badly on my colleagues and friends who share the desire to make Australia the best place in the world to raise a family,” he said.

    No, why would it reflect badly on them that you just proved you’re a bunch of hypocrites.

    Quah said the photos were more than two years old and were taken and shared while he was drunk.

    I like the implication that being drunk makes it more acceptable for a family values candidate! 🙂

  9. grog says:

    here’s another one

    i think that the whole conservative movement needs to come to grips with the fact they are gay and let the healing begin.

  10. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #7 – How lucky he is to have discovered at an early age that politics is for liars (good intentions or bad) and persons seeking validation.


    I there is a high percentage of corruption in politics its only because of the high percentage of apathy and cynicism in the electorate.

    I believe in this idea: We get the government we deserve when we vote.

    Because we are a mean, vindictive, and selfish society, we got Bush. Because we care more about Paris Hilton than Iraq, we get incompetence, deception, and corruption.

    If you think politics is for liars, quite bitching and get involved. It is YOUR government after all.

  11. George G. Bush says:

    #10, OhForTheLoveOf said “I believe in this idea: We get the government we deserve when we vote.”


    W H E N W E V O T E.

    Democracy exists for one day out of four years, namely on election day. Democracy is an illusion. For one day democracy exists. After that, let’s see… 365×4=1460… for 1460 days out of 1460 days in our so-called democracy you have a man in office that cannot be taken out of office.

    1 day out of 1461 days you have democracy.
    1460 days out of 1461 days you have TYRANNY.

    Democracy is for the young and fool-hearted.

  12. hhopper says:

    Damn! I’ve been Rick rolled!

  13. Chubby says:

    I’d take a picture of my unit and post it, but I need a longer lens on my camera…

  14. Jim says:

    So, is he Gay or just his Penis ?

  15. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #11 – Well, we actually vote 2 times a year if you count primaries, and I do. We vote on national politics, state and local offices, and states and counties, and some cities, have ballot issues, referendums and such.

    Further, most politics is local. City council and school boards are political bodies and citizens have a right to attend and be heard. Citizens can also petition the government, organize political action groups, work for candidates, or be candidates themselves.

    Your government is your responsibility.

    But hey… its a self fulfilling prophesy. If people want to sit on their couch and yell at the TV (or more typically, ignore the actual news and information) and then head down to the local bar and bitch about the damn liberals or the damn whatevers and act like you are powerless… then you’ll be powerless.

    Decisions are made by those who show up.

    Senators and Representatives have

  16. mark says:

    12. hopper- thats just disturbing man.

  17. Mark Derail says:

    #16 Mark, hhopper is simply taking it out on us all, when I tricked him into clicking my TinyUrl link in #4.

    Plus teasing me to no end because I can’t link into posts images like He can.

    #14 Most females would agree that our real brain is inside our Penis, so, he must be gay.
    Not a single straight woman would be interested in that picture of his, not ever.

  18. Dallas says:

    #13.. I think you meant you need a wider lens. I long lens is a zoom 🙂

  19. mark says:

    17. Well you tricked me too, a real halloween nightmare. Howdy Doody always gave me the creeps as a kid, didnt like that damn clown either.


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