1. Dave Simmons says:

    That was kinda gay.

  2. DavidtheDuke says:

    I believe that was a buttslap. Errr.

  3. SN says:

    I would have titled this: “Why bowling alleys shouldn’t serve beer!”

  4. Ben Waymark says:

    If there were American footballer players should they’d need more padding because they’d be so afraid of hurting themselves….. 😀

  5. Joshua says:

    Don’t get bitchy Ben 🙂

    The padding is so our guys can’t fondle their team mates willies like those **European footballers are fond of doing** 🙂

  6. Ben Waymark says:

    Joshua: You make a very good and valid point. I hadn’t thought of that before.

  7. Les says:

    At least the QB didn’t try to pass.



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