Disgustingly thin

Miss England Told to Fatten Up

A British beauty queen says she was told to pack on pounds for the upcoming Miss World competition โ€” an unexpected request, considering she’s not rail-thin.

“I was a little bit shocked,” Miss England Georgia Horsley said Friday in an interview on NBC’s “Today” show.

“I don’t think I’m too thin. I’m happy with the way I am,” said the 20-year-old, who is a size 4. She added: “I probably would have been more hurt if they told me to lose weight, I think.”

Horsley said pageant organizers want “their girls to be more voluptuous and womanly and curvy, you know, rather than the stick-thin, size-0 models that you see around.”

“I’ve just got quite more of an athletic, boyish-type figure rather than the hourglass figure that some women have,” said the 5-foot-8 Horsley. “And they’re just seeing if, you know, I could maybe put a bit of weight on and it might give me those curves.”


  1. HornDog says:

    I’d do her! chubby little Britney too! ;-)~

  2. RTaylor says:

    The problem about putting on pounds is getting it to go to the right places.

  3. Ben Waymark says:

    Its about bloody time women started looking like women again, and not like 12 year old boys. Can’t we fire all the current fashion designers, or maybe just get them jobs designing clothes for the 12 year old boys they seem to like so much, then get people who actually like women to design their clothes?

  4. qsabe says:

    I like a little flesh on the squeeze, she looks fine to me.

  5. Mark Derail says:

    My wife is a size 5-6 at 5’2″

    No way a size 4 on a 5’7″ is just right – she’s definitely got 20 lbs to gain, ALL over the place.

    The “tush” area is one of the better places that it usually goes to, and quite nicely.

  6. Ben Waymark says:

    Apparently in Brazil “butt enlargement” is the most common form of plastic surgery…. having been to the country (and what a fabulous country it is) I can understand why…. all the advertisement and everything pays no heed to cleavage…. its all nice African-style butts!

  7. GregA says:

    Clothes looks better on hangers.

  8. hhopper says:

    She looks just right to me.

  9. Rich says:

    A little extra weight is wonderful!

  10. Rich says:

    “African-Style Butts” would be an excellent name for a rock band.

  11. Angel H. Wong says:


    Do you think that’s why Condolezza Rice got her job?

  12. hhopper says:

    #11 – ROFLMAO!!!

  13. seems as though the pro-cellulite crowd always appears on the weekend.

    Miss World 2008

  14. 888 says:

    #14 ROTFL

    (you sum it up, johnnie ๐Ÿ˜‰ )

  15. gmknobl says:

    I’ve gotta laugh. Yeah, there are many, many models that are too thin, but looking at the image you guys have on this article, she is not one of them. She looks normal and healthy to me. I’m not exactly a thin guy myself, nor do I want my women (well, woman) to be overly thin or overweight, but as a nation, we are way overweight, even when adjusting for bone structure or the build of every person. I think this whole thing is push-back from fat people who want to believe it is all right to be fat. Sorry, it isn’t and never has been except in some weird Polynesian cultures and it wasn’t good for them either. And I don’t mean 10 or 15 lbs overweight. That’s not good but it isn’t that bad either. I’m talking the wobbling gross you see if you visit Disney World. Being fat is bad for you and, if you do it knowingly and you have a family to provide for, it is selfish too. Odds are you will die early and really leave a mess behind in unpaid for expenses and people sad that you are no longer around. Exercise and keep at it. Eat less and the right things. It’s simple, really. Only a very, very small number of people with rare genetic abnormalities have any excuse.

  16. tallwookie says:

    #14 – I was going to comment on that too… nice pic lol ๐Ÿ˜‰

  17. Angel H. Wong says:


    John, that’s Miss Lesbian New Hampshire.

  18. 888 says:

    #18 I think youre right ๐Ÿ™‚
    From the first look I thought it is a land whale
    (aka typical US-bred female homo sapiens subspecies)

  19. Steve Savage says:

    The ideal female body in my mind is one comparable to that of fitness models (no not the ones that look like a arnold schwarzenegger’s upper thigh). A toned body is amazing to look at.

  20. Tom says:

    The woman is only 20. Her BMI is supposedly 19.5 or something like that, -which is on the low side of normal, but normal none the less.

    #1 Not all skeletons have the same proportions!

    My wife at 5′ 4″, has had two kids, is in her 40’s, has a larger upper body than most women and is a size 5. She sees a nutritionist regularly and is at a healthy weight.

    At 5′ 7″, a size 4 seems small, but at age 20 and with a smaller body type, it may not be at all unhealthy. She’s not curvy, but she looks good.

  21. iWex says:

    The issue isn’t too fat or too thin, but the fanatical push for the “ideal” woman. I love women who know themselves and are healthy. There is no ideal dress size. The push down AND up the scale is damaging.

    As the father of a young daughter, this whole discussion line makes me worry about her out there…


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