Conyers: top big dummy

TPMmuckraker | Talking Points Memo | D’Oh: House Panel Screw-Up Reveals Whistleblower Email Addresses — This is unbelieveable. Read the whole story and see what a bunch or dumfux we have running things. And someone votes for them!

Although the panel said it would not accept anonymous tips, it assured those who came forward that their identity would be held in the “strictest confidence.”

But in an email sent out today, the committee inadvertently sent the email addresses of all the would-be whistleblowers to everyone who had written in to the tipline. The committee email was sent to tipsters who had used the website form, including presumably whistleblowers themselves, and all of the recipients of the email were accidentally included in the “to:” field — instead of concealing those addresses with a so-called blind carbon copy or “bcc:”.

Only the email addresses were exposed; none of the names or other identifying information of the whistleblowers was revealed. The blunder, however, was noticed by a number of people who had used the website form and received today’s email. One disgruntled recipient replied to the entire list of whistleblowers angrily complaining about the snafu; two others forwarded the committee email to TPMmuckraker with similar complaints.

Compounding the mistake, the committee later sent out a second email attempting to recall the original email; it, too, included all recipients in the “to:” field, according to a recipient of the emails.

found by William Giacona

  1. SN says:

    The problem is that this was no mistake at all. This was done for the sole purpose of scaring the frick out of anyone who did report or who even thought about reporting.

  2. Jim Cotter says:

    Yes. In the same way the Rumsfeld publicly named and thanked the abu ghraib whisteblower.

  3. BubbaRay says:

    #1, SN, I’d really like to believe that. But isn’t it just barely possible that the whole deal is exactly as it appears, considering the talented beings indigenous to that office?

    Your scenario may attribute undue credit for intelligent life actually existing there. Now how scary is that? Aaarrrgghh – it really is Halloween and a full Moon…

  4. Joshua says:

    Ahhhh yes….this has to be a mistake or phony story because we all know the Democrats NEVER screw up, only Bush.
    Silly people. 🙂

    Of course those of us who have an ideology but not a slavish devotion to any party know better.

  5. ECA says:

    i sent this once, the the system BURPED.
    Let me try again.
    1. wasnt there a LAW recently made about whistle blowers?? AND WHOM you could receive information from??
    2. Hmmm,
    have these folks ever used a computer before?
    Has this happened with any in this group BEFORE?
    3. havent you noticed, that IF’ they can blame TECH, they will. Much easier then having SOMEONE steal the information.
    4. find me a LIST of WB that has NEVER been released..
    5. If ya DONT know how to USE the computer, find someone that CAN, and is 1/2-1/10 your age.
    5. WHO hired these folks?

  6. Uncle Dave says:

    Joshua, as Reagan put it, there you go again.

    Of course Democrats screw up. Everyone screws up at times. But the bunch of Republicans in Washington from the top down has made a fine art of it. If there is one thing that Bush and Co. will be remembered for after the analysis of history is done it is the complete inability to understand the consequences of their actions because they only went so far as to plan for the actions themselves. When dogma about a goal and not straying from a set means used overrides thinking about the consequences in the real world not the wished-for world, you end up with everything we’ve seen since Clinton left office from Iraq to Katrina and beyond. And it has infected the Democrats as well.

    Maybe this is an honest accident by a computer illiterate. But if so, the fact that they have a computer illiterate doing something this important is a symptom of all the rest.

  7. SN says:

    3. “But isn’t it just barely possible that the whole deal is exactly as it appears”

    Yes, it is “just barely possible that the whole deal is exactly as it appears”

  8. tallwookie says:

    I bet it was the first time he had used a computer too

  9. BubbaRay says:

    #7, SN, Yes, it is “just barely possible that the whole deal is exactly as it appears”.

    Why yes, it is. Are you implying that monkeys may be flying from Bush’s butt? 🙂

  10. Thomas says:

    The fact that they wanted to use BCC as the means to “conceal” the other names is the real smack in the head. Clearly, no one with a technology IQ over 10 advised them about how to issue the emails properly and securely. BCC is unreliable with respects to securely concealing the names of recipients. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t. The right way is to use an email blasting program which sends individual emails to all the recipients.

  11. MikeN says:

    This is the same group that previously set up a computer file system, a separate one for Democrats and for Republicans, and the security consisted of you clicking on which files you wanted to look at. This led to Democrats complaining that their files were hacked by Republicans.

  12. Li says:

    All hail the dunces of doomsday.

  13. ECA says:

    DONT push that button.

  14. ECA says:

    DONT push that button..
    Stick your finger BACK in your nose..

  15. Steve Savage says:

    Eh, congress has done worse. In a publically availalbe congressional report about the chinese wanting to obtain the top secret plans to the W88 advanced thermonuclear warhead, a picture was in included in the report that detailed its internal structure, much of its componentry and materials used.

  16. Joshua says:

    #7….Uncle Dave….your so right….anyone could make a mistake… your thinking my comment was about *I told you so* about Bush. My comment was about the fact that this mistake was made by a DEMOCRAT and that they are ALL idiots in Washington.

    And where do you get off starting the incompetentcy with AFTER Clinton? I seem to remember reading of a lot of stupidity on his administration as well.

  17. Not Mr. Mustard says:

    It could be a simple error. It could be a hick-up in the mail server. It could be plain ignorance of the proper way to send mass e-mails. Or it could have been sabotage.

    What many people forget is that the Republicans committee members also have access to the “tips”. Committee staffers are not necessarily Democrats, they may be independents or Republicans as well.


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