1. BingBong says:

    I’m like, dubbleu-tee-eff mate?
    Haha. Good stuff, for a high night.

  2. Bad acid trip??!!?

  3. Bigby says:

    Serious confusion in the headspace man.

    It’s like Monty Python Flying Circus and Lovecraft on acid rolled into one.

  4. Mike says:

    Props to whoever found this!!

  5. GetSmart says:

    Really weird in a good way.

  6. HisMostHumblyExhaultedSupremeGlobalWarmingMajesty says:

    Strange. I had that exact same dream last night.

  7. ECA says:

    Shades of Monty..

  8. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    Surreal For Real

  9. Balbas says:

    Unfortunately, some joker at YouTube has pulled this masterpiece down.


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