• New podcast coming out — “No Agenda” with Dvorak and Curry.
• Leopard is out. Now a yawner although people love it.
• Neanderthals were pale redheads.
• USA Number One as world’s spammer.
• Run a scanner!
• Microsoft all over the news. The stand out story is that Microsoft wants to do the OS for the $188 laptop. Ha! Meanwhile Microsoft has doubled the X-box sale because of Halo 3.
• Acer is now at 11-12 percent market share. I predict it will slide because of the company is already making excuses.

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Tech5 Podshow

  1. gquaglia says:

    M$ wants to be the OS for the OLPC project. Of course they do. They want to keep the monopoly going and like a virus, feels the need to spread its crappy OS to all parts of the world. Windows will be the death of the world, you watch.

  2. Marge Tylor says:

    I know you’re right about warning people to scan their computers but that does assume they are running Windows which is a virus-magnet and a trojan-sucker. You could recommend they try Linux which doesn’t even need anti-virus and anti-spyware. How many Linux boxes are zombie PCs spewing out spam? Zero.

    All these stupid people who don’t protect their Windows computers need to do is buy a Dell with Ubuntu pre-installed, just like they bought their Windows box pre-installed.

  3. Nobody U Know says:

    Maybe JCD should rename the podcast to tech 2 1/2 since the first two 1/2 minutes are commercial.

  4. gquaglia says:

    #3 Pedro, no I don’t believe any computer OS should be the de facto standard. Monocultures are bad as we are now all learning with Windows. How many critical systems around the world are running Windows. If people used 3 or 4 different OSs in numbers, then everyone wouldn’t be vulnerable like they are now. Its harder to hit 3 or 4 smaller targets then one big one.


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